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Posts posted by fly4kidsrt

  1. P,

    There have been weeks even months that I have not lost-I am not the most faithful with following my plan and I have had alot of family issues going on. The one thing that has worked consistantly is to INCREASE my Protein intake to a minimum of 60 grams per day for a week, it was recommended by my doctor and it really boosts your metabolism back up. You certainly do not feel hungry. She has even had me go to 80 grams in a day!!! Add a Protein Shake at night for a snacktime treat and see how it goes. Best of luck!! Celeste

  2. I too can join those who would like the weight to come off faster. My throid is very poorly functioning even with medication. The doctor is very happy with my weight loss of one pound per week, although I would like it to be quicker, I know that I did not gain it overnight. I had my second fill on Wed. and can really tell a difference now. I just keep on telling myself that my clothes are looser, I am moving faster and I feel better. Best of luck to everyone and keep up the good work-no matter how slow it is coming off-it is coming off.

  3. Hi everyone!!! I know that it has been awhile, the scale at the doctors shows that I lost 5 pounds this last month. They are really happy with how things are going. I had my second fill yesterday and have had several episodes of feeling blocked with several episodes of pucking (which I absolutely hate to do). Wondering if they filled too much, should I wait it out or call and having some of the Fluid removed. This did not happen with the first fill and not sure if you wait or stick it out. Yogurt and shakes going ok-just not mushies or really well chewed foods.

    On a fun note-the new bathing suit that I ordered came in-ordered a 16 and not really sure if it will last the summer-fits well now, and the scale is going down!!!! People are starting to notice that I am losing and it really feels good. Even the DH of a friend (who might wear a size 2-but very supportive) said tonight at soccer-looking good there Mrs. C. really made me feel good.

    Marcy-I hope that kitty has found its way home.

    Mitten Kitten-the scale is only one measurement-do you feel better? are your clothes getting looser? I too have only been to the gym 2 times each week for the last several weeks, the weather here has been kind of crummy and draining all the energy from me.

  4. During surgery they monitor your oxygen through your finger tips, so your pedicure wouldn\t be upset. As for the pureed foods-think of things that you like to eat-you do hae to do a stage of mushy foods, so have things you like.

    I thought to port site is slighly above the belly button and my jeans would come right around that area -not below. I just assumed that I would have to wear loose pants until it healed??

    Thanks for the suggestions-some stuff I never thought about!! Not too sure about pureed chicken though :o

    If I get a pedicure wouldn't they take off the polish for surgery?

  5. First let's address the notion that you cannot shower for ten days, I was able to shower in the hospital prior to discharge after my surgery. I did get my hair cut and highlighted the week of my surgery. A girl has to look good. Also did the pedicure and manicure.

    I have an emulsion blender that I used for Soups and Protein drinks. 100% fruit juice that you dilute 1:1 are great to have also. sugar free popsicles, pudding and Jello are must haves. (you will also need to have the same type of items on hand after a fill). I also pureed a nice roast chicken with some chicken broth for the mushy stage, you want to have something onhand that tastes good so you are not tempted to grab whatever when you decide to take the plunge from liquids to mushy.

    Make sure that the shoes that you have to wear home are comfortable, you will gain weight in the OR from fluids that they give you and it pools in your feet. Slippers and a robe if you have one are also good things to have with you. I took a puzzle book to pass some of the time when you are waiting to be discharged or you cannot sleep in the middle of the night.

    Best of luck!!

  6. Just checking in with everyone. I was having a good day until I had some running around to do and got overhungry. And then of course the DH has to throw a wrench into dinner, giving the boys a hard time about not getting up to have dinner with us (third night in a row) Zach starts crying-he wants to see his dad and all daddy wants to do is sleep. Do not get me wrong-I have the greatest of sympathy for those working the night shift (did it myself for 22 years) but somehow moms can cope on minimal sleep, do laundry and tend to the kids where as daddy just wants to sleep 10-12 hours a day after work. He did get up but then we headed off to pizza Hut, and in sure aggrevation overate all the stuff that I should not have. I really wish that I could make myself throw up now, but never have been able to do that. I have absolutely no restriction and ate like there was no tomarrow. I am so disgusted with myself. Have been doing so well, and then to fall off the band wagon. Sorry that I am venting on all of you. Not sure if I want to cry or what at this point. Have a great evening everyone.

  7. Claudia,

    I have been on a variety of antidepresants for several years, and regardless of the sideeffects of possible weight gain-you need to acknowledge the benefits. I may have gained some weight over the several years but I really think the benefits of the medication definately outweigh the few pounds. Best of luck on your journey, remember you and your health are the most important.

  8. Welcome to the forums. Both the Vitamin Shoppe and Vitamin World have a good selection of different types of Protein. You can check both of them out online. Are you able to have soy, coconut or almond milk? I mix my shakes and make my protein icecream with them rather than skim or lowfat milk, they seem to make it creamier. Also check out the website "the world according to eggface" she has a great selection of recipes and many of them are vegetarian. Hope this information helps and best of luck on your journey!!!

  9. I have had great luck at the local Goodwill-even finding brand new items with the tags on, and high end dress pants, not stetchy pants . It is soooo much fun starting to look at new clothes and then the bonus of them being a smaller size!!! Enjoy the therapy!!!

  10. awinner-what wonderful news!!! Keep up the good work.

    Elizabeth-have you gone and done your shopping yet for your new clothes for when you see Mickey??

    Marcy=boy do I know how you feel, took my 86 year old dad shopping to the "Broadway Market" (it is a big thing here in WNY) and he fell, has already had 2 hip replacements, and is legally bling. The DH and the kids were all off this week for Easter break-totally disrupting my routine, the basement flooded with all of the rain that we have had this week aaaughhh

    And of course the Easter rabbit had to wake me up at 2am when hiding the baskets (in some ways it will be easier when the boys no longer believe) that Zachary's basket fell over when being hidden and fell behind the dryer, with the large chocolate bunny going down the hole in the floor where the exhaust goes out. Too bad it was really me doing the hiding and I couldn't find a flashlight, or figure out where the hole in the floor comes out in the basement, so had to wake the DH for help. Well needless to say broken bunny in the basket, piece of coffeecake eaten (and boy do I feel like garbage right now) looking like it is going to be a wonderful Easter.

    On a good note, even though the scale has not budged much since surg. I tried on a pair of embroidered capri's in a size 16W and they fit!!!!!!

    For those celebrating Easter today have a wonderful day, and for those just enjoying another day in bandland give yourself a hug and a pat on the back for taking care of YOU!!!!

  11. I have a large tub of vanilla, you can vary the flavor by adding SF Jello (2-3 tsp of powder) or SF pudding powder. Also check out this same site under "Food and Nutrition" there is a posting of over 200 different ways of sprucing up your Protein Shakes. I also love the site "the world according to eggface", she also has alot of shake recipes and ICE CREAM recipes, the ice cream is allowed on the liquid phase of the diet too!!!! It is a real savior for me. Best of luck on your journey!!

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