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Happy Camper

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Happy Camper

  1. Happy Camper

    How long before the "honeymoon" is over?

    Hi all, I am 5 years post op. I stopped paying attention after I got thin at about 10 months. So the "Honeymoon". Seems to fall off about then. ,your pyloric valve has relaxed and you are feeling good/looking good! You have to keep going, do not think it will keep falling off (losing your hair as well). Keep exercising, keep drinking your Water and ALWAYS eat your Protein first. I can eat a whole lot more now, I get hungry, made excuses and have gained 50 lbs back in about 3 years. I am back on this forum looking for inspiration to get back using my tool, and pray I can somehow regain more restriction. I never have gone back to drinking while I eat, I have never missed my Vitamins. I did end up having 2 grand mal seizures, not certain but I am on medication which was when my weight gain began. I don't want any more excuses - I want my weight loss back. If anyone would like to ask,any real life questions about the journey, feel free To ask just about anything :-) I am happy to share what I know.
  2. Just reading and reflecting on how things have gone over the 2 plus years since having my surgery and the people who really influenced, encouraged and offered their story when I was seeking information about the sleeve surgery. I posted, tell me "the good, the bad and the ugly", I read and read. I prayed, I got to really understand that things can go wrong and do with people and this surgery. I never thought it would happen to me, because I follow the directions to the letter, and now maybe that was a fault. I ended up with an abscess that was caused by my JP Drain being left in for 10 days. Now, my doctor gives antibiotics before surgery and only leaves the drain in for a day (last time I saw him). So, folks even though I am posting in the Vets forum, for now I know others are reading this section. Just curious if we have heard from Irene...LittleMissDiva (aka Diva, and will always be the Diva to me), Tiffikins (first one to help me), Libby aka, Me...Me...Me, (who bravely shared her leak story) or Lissa (aka Melissa, who was featured in the spot light), I know Cheri has been on the boards (hope you and your family are doing well), what about Sleeve of Steel; I know Kim is now a host Feed Your Eye (so cool), PDXman (also featured and always brilliant), Coops (showing dedication can get you there and I have seen her around recently ), umm BlackBerry (remember she had a body building picture)' remember when it was just Avitars on the site, no pictures...(digressed sorry), Sleeve For Me (new name, but always, i mean always recognizing others), Peg in the Woods (made a list of those with complications so you could read about it) and others during the 2011/2012 early time frame? I hope these folks know they forged the way and helped many of us, and even the NEW vets. Folks just know, all your contributions are/were appreciated. For me, I have been on and off this forum. I find when I am active, listening/reading and in some cases helping others, I feel successful, I tend to do better for myself and I sometimes feel I have contributed in a small way. Make way for the new wave of big contributors, Laura Van (hostess with the mostess), Susan (you have been such a solid staple for the board, certainly a real person), ButtertheBean (host with clear and direct suggestions and advice, you pull no punches)...and more. Seems we have more hosts than before and thank you for your time. I know I have missed many and as soon as I post this, I will think of more, but for now, I am just "remembering", if you have or were offering advice.... Just know you are appreciated! Thanks for reading this from a professional woman, mom and wife; who, thanks to her sleeve and incredible stories, direction, advice and input from folks like you all on this forum, has changed her outlook in life and the way She can now see herself growing old with her husband and enjoying life. Make the most of everyday, eat healthy, exercise and make sure the people in your life know how much they mean to you. Take care. I will always be ONE HAPPY CAMPER :-)
  3. Happy Camper

    Seizure after Sleeve

    Well friends, I was back on the boards trying to get reconnected to lose the last 30 lbs and then.... WHAM. Came home after hard day in the office last night, hubby had dinner prepared: brisket with rub slow cooked on BBQ for 5 hrs, like smoking. Beautiful green salad with avocado, cucumbers, green onion and 1/2 glass Merlot breathing for me. It was soooo nice. So, I grabbed the wine (had not had anything to drink in about 6 months), drank it in about 15-20 mins, then ate BTW, never drank a lot before surgery and even less now. We finished dinner and I had about 1/4 c frozen Greek yogurt. Stared falling asleep watching TV about 9pm. Got up went to kitchen to get bottle of Water, asked my son to get it from the bottom drawer as I did not want to put my head down, thinking I was a little woozy from the wine still. Felt worse tried to get to kitchen chair to sit down, and the next thing I remember I am on the floor with my hubby in my face and son the phone with 911. Apparently,I had a grand maul seizure and my son caught me from hitting my face on the wooden kitchen tale. I ended up with a broken toe and was low on potassium and dehydrated (ER tests!). Last year, Nov 7 just about same time at night I had leg cramps got up from bed to try to push my toes down because they cramped so bad, that I ended up passing out, stopped breathing. Ended up in ER at that time and guess what....low potassium and dehydrated (i think I posted last time too). So now, definitely last night was seizure, I had urine incontinence, eyes rolled back, tonic/clonic - I am thankful my hubby and son were there. Today, exhaustion and now I am not ale to drive until cleared by neurologist. My daughter did a google and asked me if others had seizures post weight loss surgery. So I began to look and there have been folks who had them after RNY. Hypoglycemic seizures, so not sure but I got a blood test kit and before eating I was at 119, after eating I was 109. Now going to gather stats until I go to neurologist. Need to find out why. Why seizure, why low potassium when I take it daily for almost 2 years in liquid form, why dehydrated when I drink minimum of 96 oz of water (crystal light tea flavoring). Anyone else had issues like this or know of anyone? Thank you for reading, I had a complication after surgery some of you may recall, I had abscess needed second surgery and treatments for several months. Then last November the "passing out", which could have been a seizure but we did not recognize it. Now this grand maul confirmed seizure. I have to find out why.
  4. Happy Camper

    2014 - Where have all the "ole-timers" gone?

    Irene I just read another post where you are changing to LMD2. Good for you, and keep up the good work! I changed my name once I hit onederland. Now, I have gained back and need to lose 10 lbs to get there. I joined the Valentine's challenge, my first one really in 2 years and 3 1/2 months. My stomach has bloated out and I am pissed. I get frustrated, get back on here then get on it for a few days, get hungry and it starts all over again. I have worked the 5:2 but, my hubby is living away from me (my bestest friend) due to a promotion, so when he comes home, he BBQ's. he is the main chef, and I want to eat with him and my son who will be leaving soon, to the Air Force. I try to eat small portions, generally skinless chicken breast or tri-tip. Never drink with my meals, BUT lately have been sneaking in, banana with peanut butter or Greek yogurt with granola and dried cranberries. Falling back into some crap eating, recognize it change for a while then here I go again. I swore I was not going to diet after the sleeve but, now I have no choice. I am now thinking liquid diet like before I was sleeved. When the boys eat, I will just go into my room. That is my food issues, I have been hospitalized twice in the past 14 months, most recently with a grand mal seizure. I am taking a medication for my Low potassium, and for seizures for the rest of my life, my driver license was revoked, which has been hard. I am deep into menopause with hot flashes and heart palpating issues regularly, but all in...I am doing fine. Our friend Cheri has had some tough times, and I would like to put energies into good vibes for her - I pray but, if that is not what other folks do, please think positive thoughts for her she has been supportive and given straight forward advise for a long while in this forum. So, all in while I am not the popular kid on the block, I have found in this circle - strange as it may seem, sharing success, failure, encouragement and stories with complete strangers - helps. Maybe small steps but, we all have one common thread - we have lost portions of our stomachs, most likely have suffered co-morbidities and more than likely have in some fashion had to face our habits. I wish you well LilMissDiva2. See you around the board. Sandy
  5. Happy Camper

    Valentine's Challenge

    Me too just got home from seeing the best concert with my hubby ever....took us 20 years to make it to see George Straight and Martina McBride. So awesome! So were the , um.......chicken strips and French fries . I tried for protein but was hungry. 207 so, I gained but, it was for my anniversary and 20 years. I will get going. Thanks Bea.
  6. Happy Camper

    Valentine's Challenge

    Bea you are amazing, I have NO IDEA how you can keep this all straight! Happy Friday, today I am 205.... Thank you!
  7. Happy Camper

    Dear Veterans, has your hunger returned?

    Irene, ABSOLUTELY! I am now 2 years 2 months out. I get growling stomach, and I can eat so much more. I am 5'10" and have read here and there my sleeve is longer thereby it does not fill up as much. I still do not drink with food or after until my 30 minutes are up. Thus, I have gained from my lowest weight 20 lbs. I think it was more but got discouraged and stopped getting on the scale. Then one day, I said..."self, knock it off you must get back". Well, I have lost a whopping like 3 lbs from when I started weighing again. I have been trying the 5:2, but man 500-550 cals is not much anymore. I am hungry. I think for me next step is make some vege Soup, I think Kim said something about this in another post, and keep that around for when I start growling, so I do not say oh the heck with it. I have not gotten to goal, for that I am sad. I just wanted to reach that one time in my life. I am not trying to be rail thin, just 170 lbs. I am 37 lbs away. I remember you talking about your jeans and getting into like a size 2 or 0.. And you drank a LOT of Water.. It was amazing, but honestly I think something happens to our bodies for some of us....I wish I was not hungry thanks for coming back
  8. Happy Camper

    weight gain

    Kimster Sorry for the loss of your brother; that must have been devastating. You have had quite the time. But, how encouraging to hear you are looking for inspiration. Well dear, look in the mirror! You are moving forward, taking charge and not rolling into a ball on the couch. How brave of you. I am fortunate no cancer (knock on wood) in my family however my bosses wife,went through a mastectomy and chemo/radiation. I know it was tough on them, and hopefully you have reduced or eliminated your chance of that nasty disease. So, as you have noted, you are taking care of yourself with each step you take, each and everyday. You have lost...Stay on the path, rock that sleeve, measure, weigh, eat clean. Make sure the food you put into your mouth will make a positive difference in your health and lord knows you must get that Water in! This surgery for better health you have gone through is amazing - you have come through that, you are worth continuing to get to your end goal! Take care.
  9. Happy Camper

    Vet pals, I need new snack ideas!

    Jenny, Not sure how far along you are but, these are some of my favorites: Jerkey (turkey and beef) 1/2 premiere Protein Bar Slice of deli meat with a piece of cheese in middle Plain,raw almonds Fruit -apple/banana with 1 tbs Peanut Butter (prefer skippy but, PB2 really is better because of fat/calories Note: my nurse for bariatric told me ALWAYS have some protein with fruit to help avoid glucose spike sugar free fudge bar ice cream I know you did not like yogurt but, Fage Greek yogurt 0 fat, add some granola and a handful of blueberries with a squirt or two of Torani sugar free syrup. coffee with sugar free creamer, stevia and hazelnut sugar free syrup Graham cracker, when I need something sweet Sun flower seeds (in shell) Hard boiled egg Trail mix (got to watch this one) Good luck
  10. Happy Camper

    Valentine's Challenge

    Whoa, fantastic!
  11. Happy Camper

    Valentine's Challenge

    Great Job! Before you know it...onederland
  12. Happy Camper

    2014 - Where have all the "ole-timers" gone?

    God bless! I loved your post. I'm just getting back here and reading thru as much as I can. I really started to miss this place. How could I not, I've spent an enormous amount of time and energy here. I DEFINITELY miss Sleeve4Me.. omg wtheck is she??? Irene,Hey you Diva you.....thanks for reading and all of your incredible support. My screen name has changed, once I was sandyd, but when I hit 100 down, I was a happy camper. So, God bless you for always giving to us, your reputation and your legacy. So many still refer to your "boot camp", and you were always there to give great advice and emotional support both here on the forum and with your support group...near Sacramento if I remember. Anyway, my appreciation for your endless hours of support is real and I am confident you have helped many with your courage and knowledge. When the day is done, and you look back on your life, you will have made a difference. God will be smiling!Hugs
  13. Happy Camper

    Valentine's Challenge

    I think my scale needs a new lithium battery..... 207.2 That is a gain of .8. I have started exercising min of 3 days week on elliptical, 550 or less 2 days and around 1100 the other days of good protein. Hum, well here is to next Friday.
  14. Happy Camper

    2014 - Where have all the "ole-timers" gone?

    IE Gal, With each of your kind words you are more than adequately expressing your appreciation. There was one vet I really missed, and I am sad to say, I neglected to thank ALEX!!! I know when I got my first email from him, I actually questioned it asking him if he was a real person (can you believe, that is sad on my part), and he kindly responded to me. So this is my shout out to Alex for his sincere dedication to this venture, his true story sharing, his successes in his journey to good health. Honestly, without this site allowing the information sharing, I would never had gotten the surgery. M2G, yeah! Man o man, she is the end all cheerleader, so much a part of the "key group" in my opinion. Thank you for the constant smile too!! Hugs back to you all.
  15. Happy Camper

    How Did You Choose Your Screen Name?

    I thought with all our new friends, it would be fun to refresh this thread. Anyone want to share ? I did change my name to Happy Camper once I hit 100 lbs down, although I have gained, I am still one Happy Camper!
  16. Happy Camper

    2014 - Where have all the "ole-timers" gone?

    OD, you might just be our most "experienced" vet. I have to say, my regain has impacted me in many ways. Mentally, I started down a dark road of "oh well", the clothes difference is what REALLY got me. I went from size 10 to 14, felt like overnight. But...I am back. I must be accountable, and just because I take new medicine for my new condition (seizures) I will fight it. I WILL hit goal. It is so wonderful to hear from you all, each of you adds so much and you are appreciated. It may be a bit here or there, maybe a life situation that we all have in common, or simply a moment in time. Oregon Daisy, you have shown that even with a gain, you can lose, reach goal and maintain. How freakin awesome is that! You are here now to inspire those "vets" "ole-timers", or however we are referenced, who had a gain, and want to get back and lose. Thank you all again for reaching out and sharing.
  17. Happy Camper

    Valentine's Challenge

    Good Morning, January 10 - current weight is 206.7. (are we rounding?) Using 5:2 method Sleeved 11/1/11 Lowest weight 187
  18. Happy Camper

    Valentine's Challenge

    Bea, You are awesome! For me, I am good with NO reminder. That really is a lot of work, and like I said in the beginning, we can each put a reminder on our calendars , that is what I did. Take care and hopefully the scale works for us all tomorrow!
  19. Happy Camper


    Me now, I did not feel like it was "after" so I was not going to post but, then figured what the heck once I hit goal, I will post a final pic. Take care
  20. Happy Camper


    From the album: Happy Camper

  21. Happy Camper


    From the album: Happy Camper

  22. Happy Camper

    2014 - Where have all the "ole-timers" gone?

    It is so funny, finally today I uploaded in my profile pictures (I use iPad and had a hard time) and when I finally found the old information, I saw my "friends", and of course you were there . I did really well when I stayed active on this board, there came a point when just like others have said it was the same thing over and over but, I get it new folks come on they desperately are looking for success (first I hope) and failures so they know what to expect. I know I did and many of you, had the patience with me. I did not remember your AA, but appreciate your knowledge and steps. I remember your overall strength in your responses. Also another very articulate and thoughtful person is Cheri. She really sticks out in my mind, along with Swizzly (sorry I knew I would forget some, and had hoped you all would jump in and share) . Granny has come such a long way and ALWAYS, I mean ALWAYS is positive! OD, I felt a kinship with because in the beginning I was looking at having surgery in Oregon. Lynda, yep you too have been there, and what a success story. I hope someday to meet my goal, what about TN...um, from Tennessee? Also there was a lady, who was tall, like me 5'11 and very active. I also know when Alex changed the site, I had a hard time remembering all my log in, wonder if that sways folks too? Anyway, I feel better, more accountable maybe on the board. When I had the surgery hubs, got me the iPad so I could keep it close while recovering and I was reading about 10 hours a day on here, just trying to keep faith I would heal, get ideas and learn. Please know if I have forgotten some names, post so we can reconnect. It is great to hear from you all!!!
  23. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper

  24. Happy Camper


    From the album: Happy Camper

  25. Happy Camper

    2014 - Where have all the "ole-timers" gone?

    Queen, You absolutely have helped many. I did read a few of your experiences while you were traveling. You described your journey so completely and openly for folks to close their eyes and imagine. Just so amazing that you could lose weight in different places and take the time to write about it. Beautiful pictures too. Glad to see you are back, I also just started the 5:2 and fully agree without Kim, Georgia (who is also an incredibly positive and helpful host, love her smiling pic), and Laura V's input I really would not know about it. The weight can sneak back, glad you caught it at 6, I let it go to 20 and I am paying for it because it feels like before the sleeve. Another helpful long timer is Oregon Daisy, still on the board and sharing experiences ..I know I will recall more. Take care of you!

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