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Happy Camper

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Happy Camper

  1. Happy Camper

    Is It Harder After 40 For This Surgery?

    Looking Ahead, I am 46 and had a drain which abscessed and I had to have a second emergency surgery. So, for your pain right now 1)walk ,sip and take your Loritab accordingly. Even if you do laps around the inside of your house, which is what I did, walking helps. Sip your Water, g2, broth to keep hydrated and 2)WATCH the drain area. I developed hardness and slight pink on my tummy and ignored it. Don't ignore symptoms. Any fever call doctor immediately. This is a great tool and I look forward to seeing your success. Sent from my iPad using VST
  2. Happy Camper

    Never Give Up!

    Yesterday my hubby and I were out shopping. We stopped at a store called "Big R", has feed, western clothes, oil just a wide variety of country living items. As I was walking in, hubs says "you need to buy a new pair of jeans"' I said why? I was wearing my size 14 jeans that I had not worn much... He said STOP ....so I stopped mid-step and he took a picture of my backside with his phone and said "this is WHY...you have "saggie assiduous". I took a quick look and said "fine, I will get a pair of pants". Then this morning, he sent me the picture, I opened it on my iPad and saw to the left of my arm where I randomly stopped next to a shelf of pants, was a sign that said NEVER GIVE UP...I started crying. I am posting under the ladies section because it is what is left of my ... Sent from my iPad using VST
  3. Happy Camper

    Never Give Up!

    Silly I know but, seriously I was so emotional when I enlarged the picture and saw the "never give up" message. Thanks for the comments, this from someone who did not post a picture till I hit 100 lbs down, now I put a pic of my saggy ... On? I guess I have changed! Sent from my iPad using VST
  4. Happy Camper

    Back On Track Thread

    Oregondaisy hope you do not mind me jumping in as well...Lissa, Forensic,CLK I am so with you All. Seriously I could not wait to hit 100 lbs down, did that almost 4 weeks ago and now it is like time has stopped, at least for the scale to move. I need mentally to get out of the two hundreds. Seeing the scale stay and teeter between 203...204...201.6 is just frustrating. My routine: Up at 4:15am, Make hubby lunch Cup of coffee with light soy Take vits Read forum a bit Bottle of Water for elliptical at 5:30am Elliptical 30-40 mins vary intensity Get ready for work Work (from home unless traveling) 7am Premiere Protein shake 8am Bottle water with crystal light Lunch generally 4oz boiled shrimp with cocktail sauce and handful lettuce with light balsamic or caesar dressing Sometimes 1/2 premiere Protein Bar not always, another bottle of water dinner - generally 4oz protein ofsome sort, chicken, shrimp And small vege Snack to take potassium ..have to open capsules, yoguart or applesauce, low sugar So gal pals what do you think? Thanks...oh and CLK, hoping you are successful getting preg, it is God's greatest gift and you all will be great parents! Sent from my iPad using VST
  5. Happy Camper


    Tekara, You are in our prayers honey. So many have said it, God has plans and we are not great enough to know the big picture. He often protects us and that is God, our protector. Stay strong for you and your baby girl, she needs you and know it is okay to cry, we will be there to hug you and rejoice when you are clear and on your way to good health. Sent from my iPad using VST
  6. Patrick, love that name....it is my son's name Listen, you can and will do this. Once you see the results you build energy and will be successful. Lots of hunger and cravings actually go away. My biggest issue was I did not want to be hungry anymore! Guess what... that shaky, hungry feeling has gone away for me...I will bet it does for you too and all you will miss will be, well NOTHING! Take care Sent from my iPad using VST
  7. Well today I finally saw 203 on the scale, that was my goal in order to change my screen name and post a picture (started this at 303). I did it! My avatar is me from a couple days ago as I was just finishing up work. Not real fancy but, that is me 46 year old mom and wife. A woman first and foremost, who now thanks to hard work and determination now has a new lease on life. I never thought I would post a picture but, it is almost liberating. I am just so happy thus my new name. I am not finished with my journey, it has not been easy. I had an abscess causing a second surgery (my friends you know who I am), and pushing me back a bit but-I made it through and this site with all the support made a huge difference for me. To my husband, God blessed me when he allowed me to stand by your side, honey I love you. So all of the new folks here....hold on, stand up, start walking, then run! You can do it! Take care
  8. Happy Camper

    Vst Family....i Finally Made It!

    Jhansen thank you...you are my FIRST WOO HOOOOOO!!!! That is the way I feel Now need to march forward to onederland and then...GOAL!!! Best to you, Sent from my iPad using VST
  9. Happy Camper

    Tired Of Trying

    Sweetsuzie, Don't give up! Remember this is the start of a new journey for your life. There are many folks on the board, myself included that while we may post it generally is read and may not be responded too or if it is maybe not a lot of responses. Definitely use PM, it works! I have been part of this community for over 18 months now and honestly to respond to all posts would be huge. There are several who give fantastic advise and support (Irene, Cheryl, Lissa, just to name a few)If you have something that has not been posted before that you need help with, after searching, just put a really great title to it and I guarantee folks will respond. So for now, chin up my friend, no giving up now..and remember let's get up, walk and then run to finish this journey for YOU! Sent from my iPad using VST
  10. Happy Camper

    Vst Family....i Finally Made It!

    Niahri, you are doing fantastic as well! Hope we can continue to inspire each other and others here on the board. Take care Sent from my iPad using VST
  11. http://www.muhealth.org/documents/bariatric/Bariatric%20Booklet%20VSG.pdf I hope this link works, this is a 77 page document I found from University Missouri Health on Gastrectomy Guidelines Before and After. This discusses stages of the process, including food, Vitamins, exercise and even pregnancy While there are references to other weight loss procedures I found it Very accurate to my past almost 8 months and perhaps helpful for folks who may want to read and have specific questions or if you do not have food guidelines. Remember most doctors want us to follow their procedures but, if for some reason you do not have a guideline or want confirmation, this may be helpful. Not sure if we can pin this as I did not find a disclaimer about printing. Take care
  12. Happy Camper

    How To Post Profile ?

    Hi Alex and team, When I changed my Avatar to my picture I lost my surgery information and now it is a blank page? Also unable to load before and after picture into profile. Is it me? Can you please help? Thank you so much. Sent from my iPad using VST
  13. Happy Camper

    Sweating Episodes

    Whale tail as I understand it with the sleeve we are not supposed to get "dumping" effects. However it seems some do have this reaction t times. Are you eating carbs and is it when you eat specific foods? For me, that is an indicator of too much food. So I would say, take 1 less bite and see if that helps, then note if it with specific foods. Take care Sent from my iPad using VST
  14. Happy Camper

    Onederland... Finally !

    Oh Slim so wonderful! Darlin congratulations! Sent from my iPad using VST
  15. Happy Camper

    Triathlon Nsv!

    I can't even imagine - awesome! I am doing good with 40 minutes on the elliptical Sent from my iPad using VST
  16. OMG, OMG! You look fantastic, seriously the first time I heard "rockin that sleeve" it was from Lissa, so to use her words...girl you have ROCKED that sleeve! Sent from my iPad using VST
  17. Happy Camper

    Foto Update (Face)

    Thanks Mar I will try it. I am on iPad so should be close. Sent from my iPad using VST
  18. Happy Camper

    Whats Better Sleeve Or Ru En Y?

    Gottobethin, Definitely this is a personal decision. I researched for about a year before going with sleeve. I was number 45 for my doc and for me, I thought I would be in a hospital and if anything happened they would have technology to fix me. With the sleeve you do not have malabsorption and like others have said this can especially down the road be beneficial. I wanted a perm solution, no going back for me only forward to good health. This and other wls are only as good as you make them. You must change..you must learn new habits. This wls is your tool to make that happen. Best to you in your journey.
  19. Happy Camper

    Foto Update (Face)

    Fantastic job! Lookin great. Did you put the pics in your signature or how did you load them please?
  20. Happy Camper

    Vst Family....i Finally Made It!

    Skin is doing ok, in the beginning very dry. You might want to invest in some good skin cream for after your shower. I have lost hair my hubby gets irritated we are always cleaning it from the vacuum and bathroom however it has slowed down. My underarms seem to have the most "downward drag". Still have 30 lbs to go! Take care,
  21. Happy Camper

    Vst Family....i Finally Made It!

    PDXman, I have appreciated your strength both physical and verbal during my personal journey, as a part of this group. You, Irene, Tiffykins, and Lissa tell it like it is and we really need that especially in the beginning. So my friend, thank you!
  22. Happy Camper

    Vst Family....i Finally Made It!

    Smiles Dooter you got it thanks for friending.
  23. Happy Camper

    Vst Family....i Finally Made It!

    Thank you so much Amy, if I could only figure out how to upload pictures on my profile page. I have been on this site for over a year and one would think by now I could do these things. Oh well - maybe in the next 6 months :-) Take care
  24. Happy Camper

    Vst Family....i Finally Made It!

    Hey thanks Yolanda. You are right there too! Congrats.
  25. Happy Camper


    Texarcarolina, Aww, my heart just broke for you. Hugs - listen, this is soon to never happen again. There is always a table instead of a booth, just find it for now. Once you are going on your journey, never again will you have to seek any alternatives. You can and will just be! Good luck in your weight loss journey - it is wonderful on the other side, you will get there! Sent from my iPad using VST

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