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Happy Camper

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Happy Camper

  1. Happy Camper

    "just Eat Already!"

    Yes, you are superwoman! You are also right, soon it will be a distant memory. Kind of like, GOD taking away the pain of childbirth. You will not remember the awful feeling because you will be healthy and hot Take care and if I can help in anyway, send me a PM. (((hugs)))
  2. Happy Camper

    Gastric Bypass And The Sleeve

    Mmarie, such a personal decision. For me it was malabsorption with R N Y, I did not want the leftover stomach. It needed to be permanent. I did not like the thought of the staple line, but when you look at all the areas that are stapled in the bypass, it adds up to about the same. I am so happy with my choice and my intestines were not touched!
  3. legal, nice response. I agree, I used to do the frozen meals but they are full of sodium and preservatives. You will find, you want quality food because you eat small portions so you want them to count, it helps with healing etc. I love brown turkey breat sliced from Costco. That with a baby bel cheese round is my go to food, if I do not want to cook.
  4. Happy Camper

    Body Dysmorphia In Reverse

    Very interesting topic. I too did not see how big I had gotten until I saw a couple pics (rare), one in particular with my daughter. Is it some sort of mental protection? Then the other day, my hubby took a clseup of my face and showed me...guess what I saw? I had a BIG nose. I did not notice the fat cheeks were gone, I noticed I had a big flipping nose. Oh well, today I weighed in at 198, that is 105 down and I feel great. I started this to feel healthy and get off blood pressure meds, and no longer be pre-diabetic. I have done damage to my knees and feet, but it is all okay. I know the next 30 years of my life will be fantastic! And I wish the very best to everyone on our journey.
  5. Happy Camper

    Off To The Hospital

    Sweet dreams Philly! You will do great!
  6. Happy Camper

    Boyfriend Problems!

    Vixey, I was 14 years old when I "got" with my boyfriend..it was a bad relationship. I married him 7 years later and had a child thinking it would help him grow up and we would be a family....after two failed attempts at rehab for him, endless fighting and everything that goes along for 7 more years, I was done. I was also almost 30 years old by then...honey don't let this age you. Break free completely, and you will know when you find your BEST friend and your heart is filled with love. You will not have to ask yourself "IF" he is the one you will just "KNOW". Btw, I remarried my best friend, we have a son and have been married very happily for almost 18 years now. Excited to grow old with him. I hope you concentrate on you and your overall health. In time the pain will pass, as will those pounds from your body. Best to you.
  7. Happy Camper

    Question Everyone?

    Someone on here said it, for me I do not feel deprived or really miss anything...I feel as long as I am accountable for it, make the choice I can have it. Maybe not as much, or as often. I can say, recently when going out on a date with hubby, I do miss a glass of wine WITH my meal, but instead I will drink it BEFORE my meal comes to the table and all is well (I have had 2 glasses of wine on two seperate occasions since surgery 11/1/11).
  8. Happy Camper

    "just Eat Already!"

    Ashlee, how are you feeling overall? Totally stinks you had a complication. Stay strong.
  9. Happy Camper

    Most Humiliating Fat Moment

    Peace queen I agree with others, she is gone and clearly had some jealous need to treat you that way. Her loss. Sorry you held onto that feeling. I have had many in my life, but one sticks out because it was a family member. I had not seen my grandmother (step dad's mom), in quite a while, I was about 13 or 14 and she came up to me squeezed my cheeks together and said "oh look you still have a taco face"... Seriously? I was like 140 lbs at 5'10"... But it stayed with me. She too was mean and long gone from my life and this world. Hugs to all who have endured MEAN PEOPLE!!
  10. Milk, My daughter was almost 2 when she had her first seizure. It was the scariest thing ever, I completely understand what you are feeling, helplessness. By the time she was 6 there were no more, she had been diagnosed with epilepsy of early childhood, with the neurologist indicating she would completely outgrow by age 12. She is now a beautiful 25 year old woman and never had another seizure. My advise to you would be to stay on your path to good health. You need to Take care of you, these miracles, our children, are resilient. Sounds like you have support from your hubby, that is key. Hugs...
  11. Happy Camper

    Feelin Really Poorly :(

    Suzi, As time goes by you should be feeling better, not worse. I would give your surgeons office a call, it does not hurt to talk and may help ease your mind if nothing else. Btw- Are you getting your fluids in? Have you been walking and deep breathing to clear your lungs? Best to you.
  12. Thanks Alex this is great. Congratulations to Lissa, she responds so timely to folks even when she had some adversity in her life and helps many here! I too would love to see Tiffykins as a spotlight member (she provided much information, and personal experience over the past 18 months I have been active on the site, she was my greatest reason for moving forward with VSG along with Irene (Diva - our exercise queen). CLK (Cheri-who provides great, clear information from food to body image), PDXMan - great inspiration, experience and no nonsense. I must also include Sleeve 4 me, who also had some rough times physically and yet continues to inspire, up to and including personal meetings with members...where else do you get support like this than from VERTICAL SLEEVE TALK!
  13. Happy Camper

    "just Eat Already!"

    Ashlee, glad to see you are getting help and relief. Hang in here the good thing is you are staying positive, that is so important. Hang in there sleeve sista
  14. Happy Camper


    Just so you know, my surgeon left mine in for 10 days. Unknowingly I developed an abscess down the drain line. I was obsessed with keeping it clean with antibacterial soap etc but, it did not matter. I had to have emergency surgery 4 days after they removed it. They had to remove tissue from my stomach, the infection did not pass through my paretenial cavity, thank God. Today my doctor prescribes antibiotics before surgery AND the drains are only left in for 3 days max. Just so you know things can happen, for me even with the complication...I would do it again in a heartbeat. I love my life today, I hit onederland this morning and feel fantastic! Good luck to you, stay the course and you will do well.
  15. Happy Camper


    Until this post, I had no idea there was something like this available, so thank you butterflylegacy. I just signed up and am waiting to login!
  16. Happy Camper

    Fighting The Food Blues

    Peace queen, you have had a rough road and yet you are always supportive of others. Take a step forward and think about the Joy being with your family and friends during holidays and get togethers. They are fortunate you are here with them. Then drink a bottle or a beautiful glass full of Water, add your favorite crystal light. Talk and enjoy the company. When it is time for you to eat....then eat. Just maybe instead of a hamburger on a bun, eat 1/2 the burger without the bun (you know what I mean here). Do not feel like you are deprived, because you are not. Just watch the carbs and foods with high caloric value like alcohol, ice cream, sugars etc. If you are serving appetizers make things that work for your too...deli meat with cream cheese spread etc. Maybe take someone and go for a walk or add some extra exercise if you eat a little more than normal Find the positive, like you have shared with others. My best to you! Sent from my iPad using VST
  17. Happy Camper

    Glad U Did It?

    Jenn, many of us had complications and would do it again. It is such a personal decision, so research not only here ut check other sites, find out if you can go to support groups or speak with someone your doctor has sleeved. My life has changed so much, I am alive and happy! Oh and Mina sorry about your condition, hope you gain health in those areas as well. Good luck. Sent from my iPad using VST
  18. Happy Camper

    Suck It Up The Dr Says

    Looking Ahead, how are you doing? Sent from my iPad using VST
  19. Happy Camper

    Update On Patrick

    Fantastic to hear! So nice he wanted you to post, thank you and he will do well! Sip, rest, walk don't be afraid to take meds. Most important to stay hydrated. Sent from my iPad using VST
  20. Happy Camper

    Official July Sleevers Postop Thread.

    Congrats Patrick...see you on the other side...you will do great! Sent from my iPad using VST
  21. Happy Camper

    Passing Out...

    Welcome Less, hope you can get to the bottom of it and feel better! Sent from my iPad using VST
  22. Happy Camper

    Suck It Up The Dr Says

    Looking ahead, just go to ER. Not worth waiting. When they diagnosed my abscess I offered to send a picture, and they simply said get to the ER. Pain like you are describing just does not seem normal, seriously..... Sent from my iPad using VST
  23. Happy Camper

    Passing Out...

    Oh and blood pressure, if you are taking meds may need to get re-evaluated? Sent from my iPad using VST
  24. Happy Camper

    Passing Out...

    Dehydration and low potassium....in my opinion be good to get hydration up maybe drink some Gatorade right away see how you feel. Sent from my iPad using VST

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
