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Happy Camper

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Happy Camper

  1. Happy Camper

    Slow Cooker Pumpkin Spice Latte

    Thank you! Can't wait to try this one...
  2. SML, thank you for your kindness. You will love your sleeve! Best to you.
  3. Happy Camper

    Question: Why Is Caffeine Off Limits?

    Dana, I think moderation and along with dehydration as caffeine is a diauretic, there is also a bit of acid, so best left for a while after you heal. I am almost 10 months out and drink cup or two of coffee daily. I started with decaf and mix it up one and one...I also always get a minimum of 70 oz Water (with crystal light mostly) and 64 oz Protein. My loss has slowed but I am living and loving life with my sleeve! Best to you in your success!
  4. Xavtay2, Thanks for taking the time to read and respond. PLEASE do hold on that you will be approved through insurance and keep reading . I will keep fingers crossed for you! There is still the 1 percent chance of complication but, honestly for me it was worth it. My "ah-ha" moment was when someone said to me "how many morbidly obese senior citizens do you see?". I really struggled with that because I wanted to live in retirement with my hubby so nothing was going to stop me. I did have an abscess and end up with a second surgery 15 days after I was released from my sleeve, which required treatments to grow cells/tissue in my tummy area but never have regretted my decision. Wishing the best to you!
  5. Happy Camper

    Drain Problem

    Don't be afraid, you will be ok. Do you have anyone to help you? My hubby helped as we measured it and recorded daily. At first we used gloves then figured as long as we kept everything clean we were ok. Once you get to ake a shower, not sure if you have a lanyard to put around your neck to clip the tube to during shower or not, if no then use a tie or you can take an old t-shirt cut the neck out leaving just a bit of fabric in the front and again pin your bulb to it. Best to you for great success, I love my sleeve!!
  6. Happy Camper

    Drain Problem

    Eat a sugar free purple popcycle, if you see purple in your drain bulb....issue time. That is what my doc had me do...also if you have the drain bulb that you squeeze after you empty it...don't worry it may looked clogged but I bet in a few hours it will have cleared itself. I had my drain in for 10 days, it was too long and I developed an abscess. So just pay attention to the way you feel, that is the best indicator. Good luck in your journey! You will be "rockin your sleeve" in no time!!
  7. Keny, in my opinion...vomiting is not normal (i have never vomited...close in the hospital with the pain meds only) especially where you are two weeks post surgery, unless it is pain medicine induced or you can get the flu (are you still taking pain meds?). The gauge my doctor gave to me was like climbing a hill, you should steadily feel better, if at any point that changes or you do not progress you need to take action, his instructions were to call his office. You can easily get and may be dehydrated which is very concerning. There are many things that can go wrong. I for one now subscribe to "listen to your body"...make an appointment or go to ER. I kept ignoring my developing abscess in my stomach and we just barely caught it before the infection spread throughout my body. Let us know how you are doing.
  8. Happy Camper


    Kimberlee, Please do take what is posted here with a grain of salt, lots of folks have opinions and that is okay. You need positive energy for your upcoming surgery so that you will have a great journey and heal well. This forum is a good resource. When it is all said and done, you will be healthy and beautiful! Hugs and prayers for Monday. STAY POSITIVE...you are doing what is right for you, nothing else matters!!
  9. Wow fantastic! Such an inspiration, thanks for sharing!
  10. Great job, looking fantastic!
  11. Happy Camper

    5 Confessions (Join In)

    I am in! 1) I confess, I needed..yes needed.. this site especially when I was first sleeved and do feel the landscape of the site has changed a bit over the past year. Or maybe it is just me who has changed. 2) I confess, my husband has been a huge part of my success and I feel strongly you need good support during this journey. 3) I confess, I have recently found my "slider" food. My husbands' homemade vanilla ice-cream with a few dark chocolate chips.. I have eaten but also am accountable for it. 4) I confess, I LOVE being able to shop in a normal size clothing storessssss. 5) I confess, I will stay dedicated to good and healthy living as long as God sees fit for me to remain here and I will share my experiences in any way they may help others. Whew, I may think on this more but, this was great to put out there and fun to read/relate to others. Thanks
  12. Hopeful, Thanks only like to share my personal experience and hopefully give others tid-bits to help with their journey. Surgeon removed tissue from my tummy area, and said I was lucky the infection did not burst through my peritennial cavity getting to other organs, sorry I was not real clear. No more was removed from my actual stomach. A deep chunk of the skin if you will...I was willing to post pictures so folks would have a go to reference but, it did not seem appropriate for the forum.
  13. I am so sorry for all the members who have had complications. When you read those stories it is scary. This surgery can be life saving, life changing and there is a chance of life taking. I am just being honest. We all know there is a chance, mostly very small and you do best by researching and educating yourself. This forum was very important to me when I was researching, as there are so many individuals and experiences. I was at a point in my life where I not only needed to get the weight off, I needed a tool to help me keep it off. I was right on the line for diabetes, had knee issues, high blood pressure, breathing issues and was DONE. I turned 46 the day I was released from my surgery, I have a lot of living left to do and wanted to have quality of life. I searched, read and reached out to a couple folks here on this very site for information which was real life. I spoke with my doctor and for me as I was not a smoker, did not drink much (wine 2-3 times a year) and was willing to forgo carbonation for the rest of my life, I knew surgery was for me and the time was then. My surgery did cause a complication, I ended up with an abscess along to drain line and had another surgery to remove the abscessed tissue before the infection spread. They removed a large chuck of my stomach and I had cell treatment to grow layers of skin for months so I would not have a hole in my tummy area...it worked great. Now, over the past almost 10 months, I have learned new things about myself. I CAN exercise, I CAN leave a plate of food empty, I CAN wear size 12 pants, and I CAN like what and who I see in the mirror. I WILL be healthy, I WILL be around for my grandchildren and to retire with my wonderful husband. I am over 100 lbs down overall, still have 30 to get to my goal. I have really slowed down in my loss but, I am living a very normal and healthy life. Sorry for the length of my post. I am just grateful to my husband for his complete support and dedication to my success (I do feel support is a key component when you are thinking of this surgery), to Alex and his team for putting this site together and to all the members who share their experiences with all of us. Best to you in your personal journey. YES I would do it all over again
  14. Happy Camper


    Tabby and others, Hopefully your docs sent you home with pain meds (liquid). If not, do request something and know it is okay to use it. Get rest and sip, walk, sip. Don't worry about Protein, just make sure you get your fluids in. Dehydration sets in quickly and will make you nauseous. If you are real uncomfortable always best to listen to your body and either all your surgeons office or go to ER. you may not be comfortable laying flat either...get pillows for your tummy and side. Best to you.
  15. Happy Camper

    Am I the only Nevada Sleever??

    Mendif, Dr. Kozar was my surgeon for VSG. All went well, he is the resident expert and was working with Sasse and others to do more sleeves. I did have a complication, I developed an abscess along the drain line. Now Kozar only keeps them in for a few days (mine was 10) and prescribes antibiotic pre surgery. I have lost over 100 lbs, have loved everyone at the practice. Dr. Sasse did my emergency surgery to remove the abscess and has such a great bedside manner...shocking he is leaving..... Send me a PM if you would like to chat more. You are the first person I have found from Western Bariatric. I am 9 mos post op and loving life! Stick with it, it is worth it! So Sorry Netgellous I forgot you ...on vacation sitting on the Rogue River
  16. Happy Camper

    Probiotics Yes Or No?

    I was just told a probiotic would be good for me....I am almost 9 months post surgery. I am taking a chewable...jury is still out so far for me but have only been on them for a week.
  17. Happy Camper

    So Coffee?

    Susmc...great idea! I have been trying to figure out how to add Protein to coffee but did not want it to clump. I am almost 9 mons post op and began drinking coffee again at 3 months or so. At first only decaf since I kicked the caffeine pre-op, then I went to half-caf and now about 2 cups a day regular. I will slip in decaf every now and again but, I really like the warmth and my routine in the mornings. There are worse things and ultimately if your doc sys it is okay, then to me it is.
  18. So beautiful...congrats. Not only the dress but, you and you will have to get it altered big time, darn it
  19. I have not heard that before. Honestly, for me moderation and just not too soon. TMeyers...can I just say I LOVE your picture. Such a beautiful, bright, happy smile! Take care
  20. Happy Camper

    Coconut Oil Convert

    I bought some but have no idea what to use it in/on because I really do not fry anything currently. Maybe if I sautee some chicken? Ideas? Thanks!
  21. Happy Camper

    21 Month Photo Update

    Wow girlie...you are beautiful and have done a fantastic job! Congratulations, you have rocked your sleeve!!!
  22. Happy Camper

    Getting Out Of Bed

    CAUTION TMI coming....I slept in Recliner for 2 nights after getting home BUT watch out for the pain meds...I um......well, apparently in the night I had an accident and we ended up throwing away the recliner. The meds were just a bit much for me but it was nice to sleep kinda..
  23. Happy Camper

    Lost Everything On Site

    Hi Kat, Wow that is disturbing, why would someone do that? This is such a non threatening site - the good news is you still can read, participate and help Take care
  24. Happy Camper

    For The Slow Losers

    Susan, I did not realize you were three years out, that is FANTASTIC. Sorry about your back, you all are correct about the speed of our losses. We all lose and maybe we catch each other at different points of our journey just like Lissa said about herself, me and Pookeyism. We all have different BMI and different metabolisms. The best thing is we are all here living life, we have picked ourselves up, started out walking and have progressed to a jog or a run. Anyway going, we have taken our lives back-no more ridicule, we can buy clothes more easily off the rack, we have gotten healthy and we are starting to see and feel our accomplishments! Each day I am thankful - I would not trade any part of this sleeve process, fast or slow (it took me 3 months to lose 20 lbs recently). Honestly, this has helped to make me a new woman! Smiles and hugs to all!
  25. Happy Camper

    Down 110 At 5Months Post Op!

    Congratulations you have made such a transformation! Just beautiful.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
