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Happy Camper

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Happy Camper

  1. Veda, Congratulations! Seriously I have not seen anyone released from hospital same day. That is amazing. Did you have pre-op diet to follow? Maybe your liver was in good shape and your health overall is just in a good place for this surgery. What stats did your surgeon have? Mine had performed 41 sleeves so I felt comfortable, although I had wished he had more experience but he has had much success with RNY and good education. Wow! Here is to continued success. Sandy
  2. Happy Camper

    Please Do Not Ignore Signs From Your Body!

    Libbe, Wow I remember your excitement for the surgery. Now your lungs are involved, what is the long term diagnosis did doc say? I had a friend who had RNY, developed a leak, ended up at UCSF where they saved his life. Through all of it he would do it again because of the huge amount of weight he has lost. For me, those are the things I look at, where would my fatty liver and enlarged heart be in a few more years if I did not do this. Kathy, there are risks. However many people do just fine. I think Tiffykins is one who had shared lots of research information that helped me. But you have to rely on your body and your surgeon. The drain does not hurt at all and not all doctors use them. I liked the thought that if I had a leak you could see it in the drain (my doc said eat a pop cycle if the color changes we have an issue...no color change). Unlike RNY you can develop a leak later in your healing. Or like Libbe they miss it at first but they did find it which was fortunate. She has definitely had a rough time and my prayers and positive thoughts go to her. She listened to her body, it is difficult because you are not quite sure what the norm is post surgery but eventually you get there. These are bumps in the road. We must remain optimistic and we will heal
  3. Happy Camper

    Banana Babes

    Loner-life thanks so much for asking about me. Wow, what a gem. I am hanging in there it was tough to accept the night in the ER that I was back and needing to go under again so soon. That was my low but hey they are working on me and I am taking lots of antibiotics feeling better today for sure. HOW ARE YOU? Do you have good support at home? I hope so because that definitely helps. If you are allowed and can find it try Gatorade 2. It is low in sugar and gives you electrolytes. I find when I drink a bottle I do feel better I am just cautious on the calories. To me grape is best and refreshing but all are good. Take care of yourself and remember to rest also Smiles, Sandy
  4. Happy Camper

    Post-op Drain Tube

    Hi guys, Lissa it was me who developed an abscess and i have not found anyone else. I am an extremely clean professional woman (age 46). When I went back to get the drain removed on day 9 (I had been allowed to shower as well), my tummy had some stabbing feeling but just a bit and they said nothing about it, by 2 days or so after the removal, I knew I was in trouble. The opening was healing but it was discolored and the site was hard and hot. I was admitted last Tuesday for emergency surgery to clean it out, luckily it was contained in my peritoneal cavity and did not spread. I now have an opening in my stomach area which is completely covered by gauze and go back next Tuesday. This has been a set back to me but, today I feel better. I am taking lots of suspension antibiotics as well. Normally other than my obesity related issues I am in good health. Don't smoke or drink. I ride ATVs, go for walks with my hubby, we camp etc. So far as I rethink everything, we live remote area on a few acres. We have well Water and I am not sure if that did it or I went to Whole Foods and got natural antibacterial soap and used that right after they pulled the drain so maybe that caused it just not sure. The thing I learned is they can help you. Don't be scared. If you need this, only you can make the decision. Hey Lisa they never gave me a lanyard. I used a tie my husband made and pinned the bulb to that. Never thought aout lanyard that is a good one.
  5. Happy Camper

    Banana Babes

    Congrats Longer-Life woo hoo!! You have been very positive for many on this site and hopefully you too feel the support. My surgery was November 1. Then I developed an abscess at my drain site causing me to go to ER for surgery 3 days ago (Weds) was released Thursday with cell growing material packed in my tummy to stimulate healing from inside out so I have a large open wound right now, but getting better. Seems like just a stumbling block along the way. Lots of love and support makes all the difference. Take care and go babes! Sandy
  6. Happy Camper

    I Have A Leak In My Gastric Sleeve!

    OH Libbe, My goodness. I promised myself right before and after my surgery I would stay away from the complications board. I am so very sorry you are going through this. It was very difficult for me when last Friday I had my drain removed and I developed an abscess in my tummy area. I ended up in the ER for 10 hours overnight then stayed the night just to have another surgery where they left my cavity open and put in some growth mesh so it could heal from the inside out. I cried, how could this happen? I just wanted to be healthy this was the time I asked myself what have I done.... Hugs and prayers you get better soon. I return to the surgeon on the 28th to check my packing and make next steps. Please let us know how you are feeling. Sandy
  7. Happy Camper

    Please Do Not Ignore Signs From Your Body!

    Thank you all very much for the well wishes, prayers and hugs. I just never thought it would be me with a complication. The abscess was large and trust me I am a germ fob, I take Lysol when we travel for the hotel room etc. It must have been brewing during the surgery. The other thing is when they did the CT scan they also found a node in my breast that needs to be checked so, we will see what plan GOD has for me. Just hoping folks listen to their bodies and do not justify away symptoms like I did. Take care.
  8. Happy Camper

    Please Do Not Ignore Signs From Your Body!

    Sorry it was supposed to say do NOT ignore your body....touch pads
  9. Hello all, Just quick question. I am 13 days post op and still it hurts to try to sleep on my side. How long before you tried to sleep on your side? Thanks
  10. Happy Camper

    Sleeping post op

    Thank you all, I have used some pillows but the body pillow sounds great Lisa. I just got my drain removed and with the pain on my sides figured it might be another week or two before I could go bak to sleeping on my side and I just do not want to damage anything internally by putting pressure while still swollen. Have a great day
  11. Happy Camper

    Sooo.. Steri Strips or Staples

    Hi Michelle, My surgeon did the surgery laproscopically (sorry for the spelling). I had 5 incisions with one just above my belly button that had a JD drain inserted for 10 days. So I really think so much depends on the doctor. He also used the "black" staples for the first time on me and removed my "excess stomach" from the right side - not sure why, and had to put an extra stitch in my muscles which seem to be causing a little more discomfort. Hang in there and good luck wish you well. Ask questions of your surgeon Sandy
  12. Try chef Dave Fouts out at chef Dave .org (sorry can't yet figure out how to paste the link on my iPad). He is a Chef who has bariatric surgery and gets the stages. My doctors office stocks his cook books but for like $25 for a year you can get a lot from his site. It is an option. I am going to be cooking a few of the recipes and will post. I am 11 days post op now and have stuck with natural applesauce to get the medicine down with, split pea soup and creamy type Soups. Just had my first scrambled egg yesterday be careful they can get rubbery given it takes us so long to eat but it was good. Also fat free re fried Beans blended in my bullet were the best. I had 3 tbs and was full. Good luck! Sandy
  13. Happy Camper

    401K hardship withdrawl?

    The terms for hardship withdrawal from the IRS stipulate you can take this withdrawal to "pay for medical bills not reimbursed by insurance or otherwise". So technically they do need to confirm your insurance has not paid. Does your plan allow for loans? Sometimes you have to exhaust all means prior to taking a loan. At age 59 1/2 you are eligible for withdrawal. Be prepared the fees/taxes when it is done is generally well over 50 percent. Good luck!
  14. Happy Camper

    My biggest success Post-VSG

    Tiffykins, Congratulations on the birth of Tatum, I can't believe the pictures she is smiling simply amazing this gift. Special appreciation for all of the time you have spent posting to help folks through the VSG maze. Hopefully you will continue to keep us updated but more importantly is that you take time for yourself and your family. Thanks for sending me the early happy birthday message. Take care, Sandy
  15. Oil sooner great topic. I was just sleeved on Nov 1. For me I wish I had known or thought to ask specifically about the surgery more. I saw my surgeon once prior to surgery day. During the pre-op meeting I had a list of 9 questions and he had a cold and could barely talk. He told me that if he felt he could not perform the procedure he would not. So with cold and flu upon us make sure your doctor is well or you know their contingency plan The ONE question that I did not think to ask was, once the large lobe of stomach is removed how does that impact the other organs that are in place? I did not think about the stomach relevant to the spleen which is now more exposed. I am not an extreme sports person but it is just something I wish I had time to consider (not that it would have made me change my mind).
  16. Happy Camper

    Hello, I'm new to all this!

    HI Doreykin, Today I came home from my surgery. I understand where you are with this all being new. I had never posted about myself and have learned to gain support from folks on this site. Tiffikins and LilMissDiva share a lot as do several others. I really appreciated the research from Tiffikins and that helped me on my journey. You will find real experience is the best help. Keep reading and going to the different sections like yea cats suggests. Hang in there and best wishes. Sandy
  17. Happy Camper

    Getting sleeved tomorrow morning

    Hi Sandy and all, I had my procedure Tuesday and all went well. I was released on my birthday 2 days post surgery. We just got home after driving for almost 4 hours. Sandy good to hear you are feeling well. I think you have much more energy than I do. I have been walking twice a day for about 30 minutes. I have a JD drain and apparently my surgeon decided to use the new black staple gun on me ( not sure why) and removed my excess from my right side needing to stitch the stomach muscle so I am very sore there but feel good otherwise. I am looking forward to the upcoming weeks and seeing the weight loss. Stay strong all! Sandy
  18. Hi Sandy, So cool to see another Sandy and for November 1 surgery day. Well, how are you doing? I am now aobut 30 lbs down, been on full Protein shakes for over 2 weeks, with 1-2 c veggies a day. I am starting to feel my heart pound a bit, yesterday was my last day at work and it was sweet sorrow saying "see you", but I am looking forward to post surgery life. YES LIFE. I hope for you and the others preparing for surgery here as well. Let's keep chatting after Tuesday, okay? I live over 3 hours from the hospital so I will be staying in the area with my husband for a week - not sure I will have access to wi-fi, but God willing, I am well and will get on the computer to say hi after and look forward to hearing from you! Take care-
  19. Hi Everyone, This is my first post here and I am very excited and hoping to share with folks that may be having surgery on or close to the same day. My surgery is November 1, with Dr. Kozar in Reno, NV. My birthday is November 3 and I will be 46 years old. I am a mother to two wonderful kids and have a super husband who is very supportive. I start on Sunday my 2 week liquid diet. Not so much looking forward to this, it has been a long journey already dieting and have been on WW meals and Protein drinks for two weeks, I feel hungry. I long to have a full meal - this concerns me because I am hoping I will not feel this way after the surgery. I have been heavy way too long and the weight is taking its toll At 5' 11" - I started this at 303 and now am at 284. Hopefully another 5-10 lbs before sugery in just over 2 weeks. I pray all will be fine with the surgery but, my ah ha moment came when someone said to me "how many obese eldery people do you see, let alone morbidly obese?" I need to be around to be with my husband and my children. I wish only the best for everyone one this site. I have found much comfort from reading other experiences and gaining strength. If I can provide that for anyone else - that is a pay forward. Smile always - s
  20. I will have my surgery in 9 days. As I review all my last minute questions, one came up about the staples and the closure. I will ask my doctor but do not see him for another 8 days. Once the large lobe of the stomach is removed, sealed with the staple line - does that line develop scaring over it and or is there a chance the staples can impact other organs (sharp)? I have been on liquid diet for 8 days with the purpose of shrinking my liver, making it easier for the doctor and to avoid cracks or injury during the procedure. So, once the staples are there, can they impact the liver? I know Tiffikins is close to delivery (congratulations to her and her family by the way) and has shared much with all of us. I don't recall anyone else sharing during pregnancy; just curious if anyone has seen their stomach after a couple months/years to know if you can see the staples any longer? Thanks All - it still is all so very exciting. Sandy
  21. Happy Camper

    Am I the only Nevada Sleever??

    Hi Scott, I am 8 days away from my surgery in Reno, NV. I live in Northern California but have to travel to Reno for care over 3 hours one way). I am going to Western Bariatric Surgical Center and Dr. Mark Kozar is my Surgeon. I am very excited. I hope you are approved, this seems like the best solution for many. My daughter has the Lap-Band and that was not the solution for me. I started this journey thinking RNY but, my doctor discussed VSG and after several months searching and really reading a lot from actual people on this site - it helped me make a final decision. There does not seem to be many folks responding to a Nevada calling but, I know there are many who have had this surgery. Fingers are crossed for your approval! I wish you all the best.
  22. Hi Mimi, I went for my pre-op EKG, Labs,Chest X-Ray on Tuesday. This is all becoming so real. Nice to see someone else with the same date as I have. I so believe in this surgery, I am sure you will be successful and we will keep it off for the balance of our lives. No more up and down - no more diet, hunger - stop diet on and on. I will keep you in my prayers as well. Thank you and good luck - take care of yourself. Sandy
  23. Congratulations Butterful and all - it is so wonderful to hear the excitment in so many people making that step to get thier lives back in one form or another. Yesterday I was scheduled. Wow what an emotional experience. I had been waiting and then when I saw the Western Bariatric Center from Reno, NV come up on the phone my heart started to race. When I heard the scheduler say, "ok, what day works for you?", I got emotional. She said it happens a lot and by the end of the call she said she speaks to many and she knows the people who will be successful. When I told her I review posts on the VerticalSleeveTalk almost daily to learn from others, she said she knows I WILL BE SUCCESSFUL! November 1 will make me a Sleever in November, Soul and Lisa here we go. I am so excited!!
  24. I was curious if anyone has had or heard of having a reaction to the staples used? I have not spoken with my doctor about it yet - and maybe it is not an issue, or even possible but I am sensitive to metal and break out in rash most often (earings have always been an issue, rings etc), So, I am trying to determine if I could have a reaction to the staples? I need my Nut/Phys eval and I will have finished my requirements. Doctor will submit for approval as soon as I have finished with these last appointments and I am not sure yet how far off surgery would be. Thank you if anyone has any information, I would appreciate it. Sandy
  25. Congratulations Lisa!! I too was approved yesterday and have only told my hubby. Exciting and scary a bit- just for the unknown. I am marching forward on my pre-op diet, today starts 2 Protein shakes and 1 Lean Cuisine or WW meal a day. Next week I move to all Protein shakes until my surgery date (which I do not have yet would like the first week November). Are you on pre-op diet? If yes, how is it going? Smiles

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