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Happy Camper

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Happy Camper

  1. Happy Camper

    Heart Palpitations Anyone?

    Meggs - my potassium actually is low, I have been taking extra potassium for about 6 weeks now. I was at 3.5 and I think 3.8 is the low end. Heck did not know this is a symptom or result? Thank you, I will be talking with PCP on Monday as I just had blood test to check this on Thursday.
  2. Happy Camper

    Sad Day Today!

    No shame my friend. You WILL peel away those feelings. Look to the future and keep that bright smile! Keep us apprised on how you are doing, look to others for support and experience if you have any questions as you move forward. No looking back (well at least not until you hold up that one pair of jeans in amazement you used to wear them). Take care
  3. Happy Camper

    Sad Day Today!

    Jasleeve, Glad you could vent but, don't be so hard on yourself. You have taken the first step to good health. You are about to join many before you who have felt the back, knee and body pains along with the embarrassment of living life large. We endure looks, not fitting in restaurant booths, we get plantar fasciitis, edema and when we look in the mirror, we do not see the beautiful people we are inside under the layers covering us. You will gain self confidence, motivation and long term health. So set your goal that next year, as your friend gets one year older-you will be ther in your little black dress smiling! Good luck on your journey.
  4. Happy Camper

    Food Finds

    Thanks for sharing Debi, always looking for good proteins and things that are different to eat.
  5. Happy Camper

    Low Calorie Frozen Meals

    Good discussion. It was funny because my pre-op had me on these frozen meals with Protein shakes for 2 weeks then just Protein Shakes so I had a couple leftovers. I am shocked even though calories were only 290 for the whole dish, I did not eat near the whole thing. Grimmy, Bikerchick and Thin you are all correct after the one meal the flavor just was not there and I definitely feel the sodium today. Longer if you try one you will see. June13 you are doing well on your weight loss so WAY TO GO. I think I will look for that good turkey meatball recipe and make some up for myself!! Longer thanks for asking, I am feeling better but now I am fighting with insurance for the ACELL treatment that is healing me. They will not cover it....go figure. What am I supposed to do walk around with a hole in my abdomen? Sorry I am NOT a negative person but I have gone through a lot, am halfway through treatment and now am told it will not be covered. Note: the ACELL apparently comes from "non human" and therefore they are considering it experimental. Heaven help me - to me I don't care, all I know is it is generating good skin and cell growth. I was told I could not be sewn together as there could be more bacteria and I would be back in the same boat
  6. Paula thank goodness. You are in the right place we all want you to be okay and that was scary. Rest to gain strength, then as you start to move you will feel better. I hope they also confirm what is causing your tightness. Please do let us know how you are doing.... UX - we really are well intentioned. Personally, I only wanted to be a part of a community that was supportive and sometimes it means a little "urging" but definitely for the right reasons:) Take care all
  7. Thanks Lissa I sent a pm also but did not get response. Thanks for letting us know. Hugs to her we were all concerned.
  8. Happy Camper

    Please Do Not Ignore Signs From Your Body!

    I am glad you called. Honestly at this point I am shocked the on call doctor did not want you back in because of your fluid intake. Are you keeping a log of your food and fluids? Please do take care and let us know how it goes, really hope the drain pain ends quickly.
  9. Please let us know how it goes, we want you to be well and successful in your journey. Hugs Sandy
  10. I am back like Lissa saying again please call your doctor. You will dehydrate and get worse....CALL. Lissa, Longer-Life and I have all had our sleeves, please call don't wait. Posting here will only get you our experience, we are not physcians but you could cause more issues by waiting.
  11. Happy Camper

    Please Do Not Ignore Signs From Your Body!

    Hi 5DogMa, I am sorry you are in pain. My drain tube it's self never hurt me. Draining the line to the tube or emptying the tube never hurt. I never felt it really in my tummy, it was all immediately after it was removed. Does not sound right to me at all. Honestly your surgeons office should have on-call, if I were you I would call and at a minimum talk to your doctor ASAP. This honestly is nothing to just live with...please call. I do not want to frighten you but, I was lucky the infection did not go deeper. It is worth the check. I can tell you my complication charges are over $40,000 much more than my surgery, it is worth getting on top of this for your health and to potentially stop it from becoming worse. Take care of yourself, Sandy
  12. I have been looking around and maybe I have missed it on this forum but, I am not finding information/experience from folks that suggests anyone has had a change in skin texture? Over the past week or so I have really noticed my skin feels different and definitely has moved into the dry side. I take all my Vitamins daily, get in my Protein, Water, walking etc. Just curious if it is just me? Appreciate any suggestions to correct as well. Thanks everyone.
  13. I had my VSG then developed abscess where my drain was located and had to go back under for surgery to remove within 2.5 weeks. I did find I was glad I had been working my lungs with the breathing tool and getting out the yuk prior to my second surgery, which was through the ER. If you are still uncomfortable, I would call and see if you could talk with anastegiologist (sp?) and ask if they can share any info with you. Good luck.
  14. Drink slowly...sip,sip,sip. Also walk. You have lots of gas still and the walking will help. Try Luke warm broth slowly it helped me. Good luck on your journey.
  15. VFB congratulations! Glad all went well for you. Take care!
  16. I think part of the concern is the caffeine is a stimulant and makes you hungry. I am 5 weeks out and had a decaf nonfat latte (which still has caffeine) with sugar free vanilla syrup and splenda. Early on i would just drink warm decaf tea.
  17. Happy Camper

    Please Do Not Ignore Signs From Your Body!

    Hi Pegsinthewoods, Yes you are correct no leak, they did CT scan to confirm but it was a complication from the sleeve surgery. So other things can happen and I just want to help folks realize the importance of listening to their bodies. At my lowest point, alone in the ER and exhausted there was a moment I asked myself what have I done. But it did not last long, God has a plan for me and I am on the road to recovery. Please do not let this "scare" you. I was scared when my doctor said eventually I could die from my obesity and related conditions. Now I am excited and continue to look forward to good health. Good luck to you and keep us informed on your journey.
  18. Happy Camper

    I Have A Leak In My Gastric Sleeve!

    Libbe hang in there sending you hugs from Northern Cali. What about the exterminator is he feeling this is it, I HOPE.
  19. Happy Camper

    Please Do Not Ignore Signs From Your Body!

    CAUTION this may be TMI!!!! Just wanted to share update after seeing the surgeon for the first time since the abscess surgery. Basically he went in above the site where the drain was located and extracted tissue. He said the site of the drain was the culprit, as the involved tissue went all the way to the pareteneial layer. He could see it all the way where the drain was located. Essentially about 4 to 5 inches into my stomach, he said it was deep. So they extracted the tissue and left the wound open (my initial surgery was laproscopic, now I will have large scar in midldle of stomach) from there they sprinkle in special cell growth stimulating powder and repack it with special guaze, cover it and I have to take it easy. I go back in another week (they are located 3 hours away- one way), but thatnis what I get for living remote. Interesting note he said he saw another woman just last week who had the same thing but bigger and she did not have a drain, only an open spot on her stomach. I asked if we knew the bacterial or how it happened and he said no. Just about impossible to determine. I questioned the natural anti-bacterial soap and my well Water, ultimately he said just have no idea how or why it happened to me.
  20. Hi Veda, DebiC, SLL and our expert thinoneday, Veda definitely good to listen to your body. Sorry you were in ER, I know what it is like to end up in ER and have secondary surgery within 2weeks of having VSG. So please do continue to move forward just maybe a little slower. DebiC, I think I read you like lemonade with sugar, maybe a little soon for that acid please just take your time. We need to think of our tummies like baby tummy. In time we will get back to those special treats. SLL wow woman, with 3 little ones...that is exercise. You may benefit for some "me" time. Make sure you do just that. Thin...thanks for keeping us in check with your experience. Agree Veda LOVE the support from this site. Thanks goes out to Alex for making this possible. The positive support real life experiences are so valuable. Take care all Sandy
  21. Happy Camper

    Banana Babes

    Ceecee, Geno, Luvata, Healthy, Vegas, congratulations to all of you! It will take time and as long as we all stay positive and continue to support via this forum it gets easier, right Longer-Life I am thankful for this opportunity to share with folks of different stages in this journey. It truly is just that to me because it is new. We all have to retrain our thoughts about food, timing, quantity and quality. Think about all those late night fast food stops because it was convenient. Really? What does it do for us, today we become stronger individuals and have control over cravings and when/what we eat. Please let's all make a goal to get that water in...it helps for everyone if you are 5 days out or now like me 27 days (including my second complication surgery). We must get the hydration and protein in to promote healing. We CAN do it. Look what we have all accomplished to this point. Hey Longer, thanks for keeping up the list of banana babes. Hello to sandy123 hope you are doing well. Take care all!
  22. Stronger1, I did not have a leak (thank you God) but I developed an abscess where they put the drain tube which ended me back in ER for second surgery. My doc used the new, what he called "black staples" and puts steri strip over the staples. He said nothing has been proven if it reduces or eliminates the risk of leaks. The best surgeon he said uses nothing. He went on to draw me a picture of the most common area for leaks, which is just at the top at the narrowing near the esophagus and near the pylorus as they are the most narrow and fragile areas and not much to use for the staple area. Mememee on here, Libbe had a leak which was discovered by accident, luckily. Not sure exactly where it was. Talk to your doctor and see what he/she uses or not. The other thing is he explained RNY has about the same number of staples just in different spots. Good luck. Sandy
  23. Happy Camper

    Early Post-op Travel

    Cuteascanbelizzie, My surgery was November 1 and I live just over 3 hours from the hospital. I was released on Thursday which was two days post op and we traveled home on Saturday. You would want to take it slow and stop and walk (walking so important), sip, sip while traveling. This is just my personal experience, best to double check with your doctor. If you do return in same day you might be exhausted so staying overnight may be helpful if you can. Good luck on your journey and sorry for your loss. Sandy
  24. Lissa that is wonderful! I bet your son is congratulating his mom too. Today is a day to give thanks. Surely you are more healthy today than before your sleeve and carrying 1/3 less around on you knees, back, feet etc. Great job!
  25. While I realize we will not be eating the same this Thanksgiving, I was wondering what the group has in mind. Good to hear from our experts to share with all of us newly sleeved what to hey do, have done or plan to do this Thanksgiving. food ideas very much appreciated. I know for me, my son loves Turkey. My husband it is ham so i am looking to cook both but much smaller quantities. We already have a plan to go for a long walk near a local waterway following lunch. In the past, we would watch movies. Not this year! Smiles.

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