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Happy Camper

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Happy Camper

  1. i just have to share something that I think only fellow sleevers will "get". My hubby and I were out of town yesterday, and while we always pack a to-go care package with Protein drinks, cheese and usually rolled turkey slices, it was cold outside and we wanted to get out of the truck. We stopped and went into McDonalds. Mind you it has been probably close to a year since I was in one as the closest to me is 1.5 hours away. Anyway, asi gazed at the menu, honestly NOTHING sounded good. So the lady in front of me ordered fries and a chicken snack wrap. I figured good chic would be the chicken snack wrap with no sauce. Well if any of you have had one-ugh. I opened the wrap there were a few slivers of lettuce and greasy cheese. I began to eat just the chicken, and wanted a bite of the whole thing all together thinking that was the secret to this item. What did I find out???? I tasted raw flour and that was it. DISGUSTING. Oh crow could it be true, me...I was raised on refried Beans and flour tortillas (mom side) and potatoes, beans and cornbread ( dad's side). I doubt I will EVER eat a flour tortilla again and as far as Mickey D's goes well...........not likely for me. Just sharing. Have a great week.
  2. You will go on and will be successful in whatever you choose to do. Congratulations!
  3. Happy Camper

    Need Volunteers To Give Their Opinion

    Lucy i would be willing as well. I am only 8 weeks out but, I come with a complication from the surgery which could add to your overall scope. Just let me know. Thanks and good luck!
  4. Happy Camper

    Low Calorie Frozen Meals

    Just curious what you all think about the reduced calorie frozen meals as an occasional go to food? I tried the Lean Cusine Sweedish Meatballs last night and I know way too much sodium, I feel it this morning but, sometimes I just want something warm (ie no turkey or chicken cold cut slice), fast and easy. I could only eat the meatballs and they were probably full of fat. Since I had to have a second surgery two weeks following my sleeve as a result of a complication, I am still healing it seems my weight loss has stalled. Doctor said it is because my body is generating white blood cells and concentrating on healing the wound in my abdomen. I want to get back on the losers bench. Thanks!
  5. To say it will be a certain time, may be difficult honestly. I have read here a large scale of differences. From a woman who was released from the hospital a few hours after her surgery (amazing) to days in the hospital or more frequently folks having to go back because of dehydration or other issues. I personally would say plan on two weeks and that would include your hospitalization. You will not be taking in calories in the beginning so your energy will be low and the kiddo 's will not understand. This will be a time for YOU. You will go home from the hospital on liquid pain medicine and rest helps you to heal. You will be better off to take it slow then to rush things and end up with an issue. Just my thoughts. Good luck to you, I wish you the best.
  6. Happy Camper

    I Know This Is An Nsv!

    F a n d a m t a s t i c! Congratulations Lissa!!
  7. Happy Camper

    Think I Messed Up...

    I do not want to freak you out but, my tender hard area was an abscess that I had to have emergency surgery for....please contact your bariatric team and let them diagnose it is nothing to mess around with. My surgery was 15 days after my sleeve surgery. And please go back to the recommended diet.
  8. Happy Camper

    Please Do Not Ignore Signs From Your Body!

    Thanks Dorrie I am healing. I just want folks to know it can happen and to please follow up if they suspect anything is going on.
  9. Happy Camper

    Please Do Not Ignore Signs From Your Body!

    Happy, I agree. I see this whole thing as a blessing, I am still trying to figure out the spot they found as one doctor would not talk without another so my primary was trying to find out. That said, Some doctors use drains and some do not. According to my doctor, he prefers to use them to check for leaks he could not given me any statics other than some do and some do not. I never in a million years would have thought an abscess would develop. I was the first in this office to have it happen. I have not spoken with my surgeon since and will see him in January so I am curious to get his overall response to the abscess.
  10. Happy Camper

    November Sleevers 2011 Roll Call Shoutouts

    Longer I am glad to see some resolve for your small portions. Hopefully, it will continue upward. Have you tried the g-2 yet? Maybe other fluids, I know you have your "bar" but I have read where someone could not drink plain Water but, other fluids were okay. I tried albacore mixed with Johnny Garlic's ceasar dressing (Costco) and it was super yummy, maybe give it a try to help with Protein? Happy New Year to all.
  11. Nicely said Irene. I would like to add, I have been on this site for almost a year, and recently have seen folks getting negative. Please come back around and let's share positive and uplifting messages. If you feel aggravated over something perhaps, you could leave the postiing so you are not compelled to post therefore expanding on the message. Most of us have lived in negativity while we were overweight, let's continue to make this a positive place. Here is to a Happy New Year in 2012!
  12. Happy Camper

    I Learned Something New!

    Even with my complication, I am so blessed to have had this NEW opportunity in life!! Who needs those greasy, nasty tasting foods. It is a new way to live. I am so excited, and I think you all are too! I just want more weight to come off, as I heal I am sure it will. Take care all.
  13. Warm thoughts and positive energy coming your way! Keep smiling, it is a journey but you are ready! Please do check in when you are up to it.
  14. Jas - both my husband and I use the costco Premier shakes in chocolate, to us they tast like a little thicker chocolate milk. Hubby who is not sleeved, but followed Atkins will not drink them if they at all taste like Protein powder. To me unjury definitely tastes like it smells - I have unflavored and added it to Beans one day...umm not for me. Maybe try it but sipping slowly is key. You definitely need to get something in, the nutrition makes you feel better. Even chicken broth how is that going? The pain should be going away, if not have you called doctor? Amanda, darlin it seem like elliptical at your post op date may be a little soon? Perhaps you are going at it slowly? I use elliptical and the up/down and arms all at once at your stage, just be careful okay? I started with manual and flat VERY slowly just trying to walk.
  15. Happy Camper

    Merry Christmas Vertical Sleeve Talk!

    Irene, thanks for your always positive responses and sharing your experiences. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Merry Christmas VST friends
  16. One Christmas tradition we have is my hubby bakes Cookies. Generally oatmeal, cho chip and Peanut Butter. This year, knowing I am weak for cho chip(have not had any since before surgery on Nov.1), he just made oatmeal. I had 3 partial cookies - pieces really as this is the first sugar as well. I did fine, and just allowed myself. I will log it and tomorrow I am back on the elliptical . I am also cooking prime rib, sweet potatoes (my son loves these) stuffing and green bean casserole. The sweet potatoes are candied, so I am making a smaller dish that is not candied for me. I am trying to make just a bit better decisions for me while still maintaining those special Christmas treats. I have only had some lean hamburger so far, I am going to just a little prime rib, hope it is okay... Merry Christmas and Debbie, it is okay. You are done, just look in the mirror and see how great you are looking with almost 70 lbs gone!! You will get back at it tomorrow.
  17. Definitely make sure BP is good and you are getting your fluids in; I would also have your potassium level checked. Mine was way low and I was dizzy and I had heart palpitations. Now I am taking twice the amount of potassium (had previously been on BP meds that doctor thinks lowered my potassium), and feeling better. Just one more option. Take care
  18. Congratulations on your sleeve JASleeve. Please rest, take your pain meds, sip and walk when you can. It helps so much in your recovery. Before you know it, you will forget the pain. It will take some time but, getting fluids in will help you. Take care
  19. Happy Camper

    My Daughter's Pants!

    You look fantastic! I can't wait to get there! Congratulations!!!
  20. Happy Camper

    Tips For Eating Slower !

    I actually took up eating a lot of things with chop sticks, it really slowed me down the other thing I did was use an egg timer. I am with Lissa however, I multi-task and it helps me the most. It is tough to sit at the table with hubby and he finishes in like 5-10 minutes max and he just sits and watches me. Much better to move into tv room and sit my plate down between bites.
  21. Happy Camper

    Been Mia- Many Apologies

    Tiffykins, good for you taking the time for you and your family. You set the stage for many and folks reference your posts all the time. You still are such an inspiration. Take care and enjoy the holidays.
  22. Happy Camper

    Please Do Not Ignore Signs From Your Body!

    Murphy's sorry about your mom, I do feel fortunate however I am healing. It has impacted my weight loss but I am working through that as well. It will all work out. Glad to hear you are listening to your body if something is going on. I shared these heart palpitating events and sure enough the forum was right, it is because of my low potassium, I am now on double the dose to get my levels up. Take care
  23. I thought it was a one time thing, but it has not gone away. Sometimes I will be sipping Water, watching TV or checking out VST and my heart is racing. Has this happened to anyone or have I missed it on the forum? Thanks
  24. Happy Camper

    Heart Palpitations Anyone?

    Thanks all yes, I will be speaking to her tomorrow for my blood test results so I wil be bringing it up with her.
  25. Happy Camper

    Heart Palpitations Anyone?

    Putasleeveonit, that is interesting. I will look for that salt, but not sure I could stomach just drinking salt water? Do you taste it? Did you have low potassium and have your heart race randomly?

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