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Happy Camper

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Happy Camper

  1. Happy Camper

    Best Yogurt Ever! 8-)

    Hi everyone hope your day went well today! I have found the best greek yogurt ever, in my opinion... I had a hard time early on with plain Greek yogurt and since I am still taking potassium twice a day, I have to open capsules and mix them in food. So I have been trying different yogurts and thought I just simply could not eat Greek when I found "oiko's" fruit at the bottom Greek yogurt by Dannon. Friends once you mix this yogurt it becomes so creamy and yummy!! I had the vanilla, mixed in a squirt of sugar free Raspberry Torani syrup and added 2 tsp of low fat granola and it was super. Then today, I found strawberry fruit on the bottom...oh my! The strawberry has 120 cal and 12 grams of Protein, 0 fat. I am so happy to have found these little blue cups! Wanted to share with you all an option. I purchased these at Fred Meyer for $1.29 ea but, I am certain they are or could be available at large retail stores. Best to you all,
  2. Happy Camper

    I Popped A Stitch!

    Tulip, Sorry that happened to you. Definately listen to your body... watch for fever. Good that you are walking, hopefully you are doing well otherwise. You are the first "popped stitch", I have seen on here so good that you shared. Take care of yourself! Sandy
  3. Happy Camper

    I Might Be "jumping Ship"

    My 25 year old daughter has the lap band, she lost slower than I have, I knew I needed to see fast results to stay motivated. I also want to travel in retirement and not to have to find places for fills...ultimately, the thought of something in me just did not sit well. My daughter has lost 70 lbs and is happy with her choice. I know another lady a little older than me...she is around 55, had the lap band and her loss is s l o w. Her daughter just had the sleeve and is happy. So, it is really such a personal decision. Read, read, read. I am very happy with my decision to have the sleeve (and I had a complication). Best to you!
  4. Happy Camper

    Heart Palpatations

    Erin, I had heart palpitations and it was that my Potassium was too low. I am 4 mos post op and still take Potassium twice daily. Call your PCP or surgeon and see what your labs were and your levels now. Also dehydration can add to palpitations please make sure you are getting all of your fluids in. SERIOUSLY important to your health and recovery. Let us know...
  5. Happy Camper

    Best Yogurt Ever! 8-)

    http://www.fageusa.com/products/fage-total-classic/ this is a link to "Fage" plain yogurt. 190 calories, 10 g fat but 8 g sugar. What is better for us? Do we concentrate on fat or sugar? The Fage turns my tummy, and I was so excited about the oiko's brand type to have found greek yogurt with more Protein that I could eat. I like the 130 calories and 0 fat with oiko's but now the 18 g of sugars has me bothered...what do you all think? Thanks
  6. Happy Camper

    Omg Tomorrow!

    Best wishes for speedy recovery to both of you! Today starts the rest of your life down a new path of good health! Congratulations.
  7. Happy Camper

    Best Yogurt Ever! 8-)

    New me, yes it does have 18g sugars so that is a good point. Zero fat...good reminder on the sugars thanks. Still REALLY good maybe it is the sugars that make it so yummy?
  8. Happy Camper

    Before And After At 7 Months!

    Holy cow batman! You look Fabulous! Sooooo exciting to see how the sleeve tool has helped us to achieve things we were unable to prior.
  9. Happy Camper

    Best Yogurt Ever! 8-)

    Hey that is how recipes are found, by accident I like the flavor of salmon too much to mix it but I can see how this creamy yogurt could help in the mushy stage!!
  10. Happy Camper


    Oops darn auto fill on iPad... Half caffeine is what I tried to share and I just love my k-cups.
  11. Happy Camper


    DD you and I must be kindred sista's...that is exactly the way I drink my 1 to 2 cups daily. I use light soy milk, and now I do use Stevia. My fav are my use the k-cups and just love my routine which includes coffee. Sometimes I do switch and drink a half-cal.
  12. Happy Camper

    Fab 40's shout out

    Hey 40's friends. I too missed getting on this forum! I am 46, happily married for 18 years, have a 25 year old daughter and 16 year old son. I am 5'10 started at 303 and today the scale said 222. I mostly wanted to get healthy so I could prepare for retirement with the love of my life. But....I have to say even with a complication I LOVE what the sleeve has helped me to accomplish. Feel so much better! And not done yet. Hooray for all of us! And to have a place to celebrate together.
  13. Happy Camper

    Prayers For Sleeve 4 Me

    Sleeve 4 me, we are blessed to have you. God be with you and protect you.
  14. Happy Camper

    Best Nsv Ever! I'm A Finalist!

    Good luck, I voted for you
  15. Happy Camper

    Refusing To Eat

    Lilliana, you really need to get your fluids in. Dehydration is nothing to mess around with. Can you sip on Gatorade? Or broth? I saw the popcycle but you need more. You will get more from Gatorade than just Water and if it makes you more comfortable try G-2, it has less calories. Then if you can't keep anything down -I would call your doc. Best to you, Sandy
  16. Happy Camper


    Hi guys sorry I am late here. Lissa was right I had an abscess from the drain and had to have a second surgery within 2 weeks of being sleeved. I did not have a fever that was high, I just did not feel good and my tummy kept getting hotter in a certain area. Just listen to your body through the journey If there is anyone who sees this post, that would be my message...listen to your body and do not feel like you are over exaggerating. It is serious, and earlier here someone said to brethe and that is SO important to heal. Walk, sip, sip, sip... Best to all, Sandy
  17. Thanks for posting/asking this question This weekend, my husband when holding onto me, whispered to me that I have changed. He said " honey, you are beautiful and I am proud because you have embraced this new lease on life. He then said..."I hope I can keep up". I bought my first "woman's t-shirt" from Columbia put it on and my "breast area" was larger than my stomach roll - I had definition!!
  18. Happy Camper


    Rae thanks for sharing, I did not realize it was the generic version of prilosec. Yecats..when I need something fast, I just chew 2 tums. I take my omeprosol 1 time a day in the morning and I do well. Even though you had surgery in Mexico, do you have a primary care? My surgeon generally stops the omeprosol at 3 months but I am still taking it and when I see him next month, I am going to request that I stay on it. If you are feeling acid, it may really help you. The prilosec costs like $30 for a large box. Rite Aid has it on sale every now and then, not sure about wal-mart typadoption. I am not sure about Zantac, I used to take that before surgery, just have not taken it after. Hope you are well otherwise . Good luck Rae and all! Sandy
  19. Happy Camper


    Yecats... One time my pharmacist was trying to get something for me smaller in size to take than my omeprazole and they put a sticker with my name on a box of prilosec. Litterally the same box that was sitting on the shelf. So if all else fails, that may be an option for you?
  20. Happy Camper

    Leak ?'s

    Please check the complications forum. Most post there to help others. Peace queen good to hear you are doing well now. You are right there are others, Libbe (mememe), JAS, I think Tiffykins and she was a revision from band to sleeve. Dani, other things can happen...stricture, and for me I had an abscess. Basically, infection followed the drain line down towards my stomach and caused me to need a second surgery after two weeks of being sleeved. I now have a large scar accross my belly but, small price to pay. I was fortunate the abscess did not go into my paretenial cavity, it would have been bad. So please know, you must weigh this surgery for yourself. For me, my comormidities were going to kill me if I did not get healthy. I would do it again even with my complication.
  21. Happy Camper

    Am I Eating Too Much?

    Carolina, I am 4 months post op and I eat 1000 with 60-100 grams of protein daily. I think you are doing GREAT! Recently it seems to me I am getting a little more hungry than before...gotta make sure it is not head hunger. Also keep serving down under 1 cup at a setting (per my doc).
  22. Happy Camper

    1 Week Post Op. Worst Patient Ever!

    ....Kay remember if you get "hungry", it is okay to have your broth, sugar free popcycle etc. It is okay to have them often. If your family is eating around you, maybe just grab your computer and go into a different room so you remove the temptation. I would suspect you will be close to having things like split pea Soup (my favorite during that time), and runny mashed potatoes. Just think of your sleeve like a baby's tummy and what you would feed a baby is certainly not what you were eating. Best to you.
  23. Beautiful! Wow lady, great job! You are and will continue to be a success. Thanks for sharing.
  24. I am with those who say "yes I am disappointed"...but I also agree I am so much better off today than I was 4 months ago, for that I am so happy and grateful. I am getting a little nervous, it seems I am eating more as I look at my daily calorie count in my fitness, no longer does 2 oz work for me. I am exercising 3-4 days a week for 34 minutes but weight loss is slow. Since January 11, I have lost 12 lbs, in 46 days. I have a lot more to go, so I will just keep plugging along. I just pray I do not stop or stall for a long period, I do not want old habits to creep up
  25. Happy Camper

    Calcium Vs. Calcium Citrate

    Meredit- I should go back to decaf...I just started back on caffeine, the coffee taste better and I get up at 4am each morning to make lunch for my hubby. My cup of coffee is MY treat and strange but, it feels good to my tummy. I think I will go back to half caf, then maybe more chai tea. Not heard of coconut oil, what does that do?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
