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Happy Camper

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Happy Camper

  1. Happy Camper

    Not Cool! Frustration To The Max!

    @Peach, First off take a breath. You are doing great! During this journey you will hit stalls, the most important thing to remember is to Keep Going! Increase your Water, and not with additives, definitely track what you eat..my fitness pal works great - watch the carbs and make sure you are eating Protein first then low carb veggies if you have room. Add one more exercise routine if you can to increase that activity level, good for body and mind. We all go through periods of time where the scale does not move, you may be losing inches and I bet your clothes are not fitting so, relax and know the scale, with you pushing through, will move again. Best to you, Sandy
  2. Happy Camper

    Who To Tell And Not Tell....

    I was not going to tell anyone, then I had my complication and my boss learned of my second surgery and seriousness. We spoke and he said people will ask you about your loss and what will you say? I became more and more proud of my success and learning I was doing the work, it has not been easy. My sleeve surgery is only a tool to me. Much like my scale, it assists me in my weight loss and gaining my life back. So now, much like Lissa I now share as often as I can but ALWAYS preface with it is a personal decision. Sandy
  3. Happy Camper

    How Did You Choose Your Screen Name?

    You all are so creative, it is fun to see how everyone "thinks up" fun names... mine is boring. However, I have been trying to come up with a new name and plan to have one once I post my before and pictures at 100 lbs down, about 8 lbs away. Maybe I start a contest to have everyone help me? My hubby thinks "happy camper".
  4. Happy Camper

    100 Pounds Gone Picture

    Woo hoo girlie, I can't wait :-) to get there with you!
  5. Happy Camper

    Finally! Stall Is Broken.

    Hey that is fantastic! I am there with ya girl (scale barely moves these days) but, keeping to your routine and positive outlook have garnered you success! Great job! Lissa what is your next mini-goal? I am just today no longer obese, today I am overweight and that is a victory for me no matter how we classify it! We are close in weight loss, 6 lbs to go to hit 100 lbs down for me and then...I am posting pics. Thanks for your inspiration and knowledge sharing. Sandy
  6. Happy Camper


    Hi Jean, I did have a drain and subsequent infection(abscess). I was super careful when I showered with the drain that i had for 10 days...my hubby made me a tie to hang around my neck so I could pin the drain to it and I used anti bacterial soap but doc could not tell me what happened, could have been something from hospital. Today he only keeps drain in for max of 3 days and is thinking of discontinuing. I do not want to scare you but I kept ignoring my body and ended up with a second surgery and a hole in my tummy that had to be treated with cell growth. So, just watch it. If it becomes hot, pink, etc you know something is going on. For me I ignored the way I felt. Listen to your body, you should be feeling much better post sugary each day, if not call doc. Best, Sandy
  7. @Favore - darlin you have been so positive for MANY folks on this site, now it is time to get some back! Ok to vent but, honestly you are doing well. You may be at a stall and all of a sudden you will break it. You know you are seeing changes in your body and you just need to keep the course!! You will do it, I know you will! Keep getting your Water in, make sure you exercise, do not drop your calories (may need to increase depending on your intake), watch your carbs-they are sneaky buggers. You will have a drop and feel better. Maybe try to stay off scale for a week also roll eyes:), that one is tough for me.... Hugs, Sandy
  8. Happy Camper

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    Checking in stats: SW 218 CW 212 Challenge goal -10 Lbs to goal 4 (2 weeks left) Good luck to all this week!
  9. Happy Camper


    I actually just bought 6 cases today - chocolate and vanilla $24.49 each
  10. Holy cow batman...you look marvelous!!! Whoo hoo!! You keep rockin your sleeve Lissa, and thanks for all your insight, advice, words of wisdom and shoulders for all of us whom you have helped. You have so much to be proud of bravo, Sandy
  11. Happy Camper

    Nsv - Size 12 Jeans Falling Off

    Fantastic!!! Keep up the great work, and thanks for always being so uplifting Sandy
  12. Sara...CONGRATULATIONS! Your story is such a warm one. I recall his proposal on the train, with the boys right? So romantic (giggle like a school girl). You look stunning girl. I wanted to share with you, long before my surgery I saw you on u-tube and your post along with a few others here on VST really helped me to make the final decision on VSG. I have not been as healthy and happy as I am today in many years. I have not posted a pic yet, at first I was concerned about my ex, now I am not concerned at all. I am hoping I can inspire others, I want to hit 100 down then I will post before and current (eekk). So my post to you is THANK YOU sleeve sister and warm wishes for a long, wonderful marriage to your best friend! Hugs, Sandy
  13. Happy Camper

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    Yahoo! For those of you who lost this past week. Since starting this, I think my weight loss is just really slowing down. Today I was 214, so in two weeks just 1 pound..maybe? I will keep working out, increase the length of time for workout and maybe cut one snack to see if that helps. I do feel like I am hungry more often lately. Best to all challengers for this week! Sandy
  14. Happy Camper

    November Sleevers 2011 Roll Call Shoutouts

    Hi Carol, Welcome and congratulations with your success. We are not too far apart, my VSG surgery was 11/1, developed an abscess from the drain and had to have a second surgery gosh I almost forgot the date, it was on 11/16. I had ACELL treatments for 6 weeks but ultimately the wound healed and I have not looked back. This is a great and supportive site, you will find many folks here willing to share experiences, triumps and tribulations. I just love hearing what people eat and sharing how we overcome obsticals. It is and has been my support since before surgery. Keep up your fabulous work and here is to long term life change. Sandy
  15. Happy Camper

    A Letter To My Skinny Self

    Bed head- I missed this the first time so I am glad you bumped it. Beautifully crafted letter! Best to you both Sandy
  16. Hello Alex and team, We all appreciate what you have accomplished with this site for so many of our benefit. I was wondering if in the "magic of technology", ok maybe computer language or code you could set up a sub forum where people could log their weight loss almost like a counting ticker....to show the world the number of lbs/tons of weight that is gone from our bodies and people getting healthy? A real running total? Just a thought if you wanted something to do in spare time:) Thanks again for everything Alex, Susan, Ken, Irene, and the whole team! Sandy
  17. Happy Camper

    Telling My Story... Exactly What I Plan To Do!

    Irene, I knew you were special the first time I was on the forum. Reading this just gave me chills. You, dear one, have a personal message you can share (from a former morbid obese person..me.. hearing REAL people, choices and success is motivating) and for you to help others get healthy, learn what to do, choices to make and know they can succeed is a fantastic end play. Your personal success will continue for a long, long time through others. Congratulations! Sandy
  18. Happy Camper

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    Nothing for me this week so I need to re-evaluate food choices. 215
  19. Happy Camper

    Sleeved And Thrilled!

    You have made it and congratulations! Relax, brethe (to get your lungs clear to avoid fever), walk and soon..sip, sip. Before you know it your life will be soooo different. Enjoy your journey and beat to you. Sandy
  20. Happy Camper

    Am I the only Nevada Sleever??

    I hope this is not hi-jacking the thread. Please keep me in mind we can PM. My surgery caused Kozar to change his process. He now only let's the drain stay in for one week and he gives antibiotic as a preventative. Sassy was fantatic in hospital, he has such a great bedside manner! Kozar has been the point person in the practice for sleeve. But, I am happy with my weight loss even though it has really slowed down.
  21. Happy Camper

    Am I the only Nevada Sleever??

    Hey Net, I was sleeved in November by Dr. Sassy's associate, Dr. Kozar from the Western Bariatric Center in Reno! I live 3 hours from Reno too. Dr. Sassy did my emergency surgery for an abscess two weeks after Kozar did my sleeve. You are the first person I have seen on here who went to the same location as me I like everyone there they have been fantastic! Sandy
  22. Happy Camper

    I Think I Have A Hormone Problem

    Elk did you get things back to normal? I had been perimenupausal for about 2 years and doc did not belive it said i was too young but i was in my early 40's so i thought it was plausable. Then last year at age 45, just before surgery doc took blood tests and confirmed I was in menopause...complete with hot flashes, night sweats and no period. However, we also figured after I lost some weight I would get my period back, hot flashes would decrease and my sex drive would return. Nope to all. I have lost darn near 90 lbs and the night sweats/hot flashes are about all I can tolerate. Do not want to take HRT, read that Primrose Oil was an alternative but it can cause upset stomach and headache. Don't want to take anything that will upset stomach. Curious if you have resolve and or if anyone has recommendation for something to relieve the night sweats...my hubby says I "poof" when I get into bed, for me...I am soooooo over the personal summers. Best
  23. Happy Camper

    Happiness Is.......

    The day when you go from closet to closet and remove all your size 24, 22, 20, 18 and find size 16 is big (today). This was a great day for a post like this for me. I realize there could be deeper meaningful things but, keeping it light here. I have been wearing baggies and decided today, I was done... it was okay to let the clothes go to others. Closet is light now but, that is A-ok. I hope I can get to size 10, don't think I will make single digit - I am 5'10" but, if I did?? Happy Friday and thanks for the post!!
  24. Happy Camper


    Wen, let us know what happens. Hopefully you get things in alignment, feel better and possibly help someone else along the way!

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