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Happy Camper

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Happy Camper

  1. Hi Crystal how did your surgery go? I was just reviewing options with my daughter who has a friend who might be considering, so wanted to check in with you and find out how your surgery went and how your journey is going. Take care Sent from my iPad using VST
  2. Happy Camper

    One Week Post-Op

    If you can't keep fluids down you will get dehydrated which you do not want. Don't worry about the Protein, you need to get your Fluid in, the hernia can add additional complexity, I did not have that during my surgery however many here have. I would say Kim, if you can't get fluids in because of the pain you need to call doctor. Best to be seen than to live through it and honestly, it is nothing to mess around with. Sent from my iPad using VST
  3. Happy Camper

    One Week Post-Op

    Kimlynn, have you tried slightly warm chicken broth? Are you walking? Do you have a fever? Some can't stomach straight Water that soon post surgery. How about some G2 watered down a bit? Especially if you have pain and a fever call doc immediately. Keep listening to your body. Sent from my iPad using VST
  4. Happy Camper

    It's Tomorrow! Eek!

    Kstalvey, take a deep breath and let go to relax. You are in good hands because you chose your doctor, and they work closely with their staff. Bubbles, best to you today as well. Remember if you had another choice, really you would not be here. This is a choice so that you can have life or better quality of life. Hang in there...See you on the other side Sent from my iPad using VST
  5. Happy Camper

    Eggface Protein Ice Cream !

  6. Happy Camper

    Eggface Protein Ice Cream !

    Thanks Lorna, I will try again. I used my new hand blender and thought I poured slowly but, maybe not slow enough. Sent from my iPad using VST
  7. Happy Camper

    Eggface Protein Ice Cream !

    Hi all, Seeking help. I purchased Cuisinart maker, tried eggface's recipe for pistachio Protein ice-cream but, honestly it was a mess. As soon as I poured the recipe it started to freeze to the sides of the bowl, there was minimum amount of beaters mixing it around and I could not get it loose to put it in a bowl. I was able to get a couple spoonfuls out is all....what the heck? Not sure what I did wrong. Had to leave it out and wash it down after couple hours sitting out. All experts please let me know what I did wrong. Seriously I am NOT a good cook but, really?? Thanks Sandy Sent from my iPad using VST
  8. Awww girlie great pic...I am still ALMOST there. 4 more lbs to hit my 100, it is taking forever!!!! Have great weekend and enjoy your NSV. Sent from my iPad using VST
  9. Happy Camper

    My Experiment

    Hi Lady, You found the secret, the beauty of our sleeves. Listening to your body, and making good head choices. Congratulations! Best to you, Sent from my iPad using VST
  10. Happy Camper

    Fruit Cravings?

  11. Happy Camper

    Fruit Cravings?

    Ashlee, Darlin you want to be careful only 2 weeks out. You are still healing and acid, skin, seeds and strings from the fruit can cause issues as I understand it (folks here have posted about things like Bezors - i think it is like a fur ball type thing from the strings of pineapple/celery). IMO if you have a craving for fruit, take a little juice, Water it down and sip. You should be on mushies and moving along basically foods that will drop off a spoon so that your sleeve can heal. Please follow your specific nut/doc guidelines for food items different docs have different requirements. Best to you in your journey, Sandy
  12. Great Jay please let us know your honest opinion
  13. I am with PDXMan love the premiere shakes and Protein bars. My hubby now drinks one a day and he is not sleeved but manages his weight after doing Atkins this way, we get both chocolate and vanilla and have 6 cases and one in the fridge
  14. Happy Camper

    The Worst Decision I Ever Made

    Mary...many are here for you, prayers are going up for you. So sorry. Please believe and stay positive, it is important to your healing. And you will heal!
  15. After 18 years, my hubby got a bike last weekend. A Yamaha VStar 1600... I NEVER was interested in riding until now. Finally feel like I will not topple us over. Went on my first ride, it was scary but hubby was happy and I will be too. Want to be closer and do more together. Rootman, I can see the emotion bikes can bring. Hopefully, this does not turn out to be a money pit like when we had a boat
  16. Happy Camper


    Ooohhhh this is a great thread! I have been able to put on my hubby's pants after 90 lbs, but now can't wait for them to be too big. I can't wait for the doctor to tell me I am "normal" weight. I can't wait to see my genecologist I have not seen and who helped me start this journey after more than 20 years of documented weight struggles...and cry with her at how far "we" have come. I can't wait to wear a single digit. I can't wait to get my love life back with my hubby, I miss him. And more
  17. Seriously, how did I miss this? Beautiful, you are simply doing it wow and we are so close...I am so darn happy for you to hit 100 lbs down!! You must feel just fantastic, it is so exciting to see all of our friends getting healthy! So exciting!!
  18. Happy Camper


    Sue congratulations,I can't wait to hit 100 lbs down and be in One Derland. Great job!
  19. Make no mistake as you research you need to fully understand as much as you can about complications. I can honestly say as I researched my options, this surgery is for those who have no other place to turn. You have tried it all, it is very serious consideration and ultimate personal decision. We want to think things will be fine And for the most part they are, folks go on to live healthy productive lives. Some of us do have complications, I developed an abscess from my drain line and had to have a second surgery within 2 weeks of being sleeved. I consider myself fortunate, while I was at a low point in the ER waiting to find out what was happening with me, I let go and honestly thanked God for the chance to get healthy because I could not believe what I had let myself get to in terms of weight and health. We have good medicine here and I figured if I had issues post surgery, I was still willing to try No matter what. Yesterday, I got on the back of my husband's motorcycle and held on to have a great time. Something I would have NEVER done 95 lbs ago, I am living again...truly living! Best to you and Cat, Jay and anyone else here with complications hang in there like Lissa has said she was givien a short life expectancy if she did not get the weight off, now she is a beautiful, productive woman. You too can lead a longer, positive life, but understand there is risk that could change it all. Several here had complications and have turned them around and are happy.
  20. Happy Camper

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    Wishes, you definitely have something to celebrate in your loss from April, great numbers! Keep going and yep I am sure we will have an explosive Independence Day challenge
  21. Happy Camper

    21 Months Post Op Today

    Sleeve girl you are there..wow. Always such a beautiful smiling face. Size 6, just can't imagine. Best to you,
  22. Happy Camper


    Fantastic!!! Congrats!
  23. Happy Camper

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    @Forensikchic - thanks for starting this now 10 page thread. Nice to see so many folks want to participate and to support each other! So many names to list but to each person, I hope you are successful in accomplishing your number. Some may not have wanted to hit a number but perhaps had a personal goal of accomplishing something else, maybe increased exercise or Protein levels etc. To all great job! I met my Memorial Day goal to hit 208, which means I am no longer obese. I am "overweight" and 5 lbs away from 100 lbs down. I am steaming forward and plan to shout it out once I hit 100 and 3 lbs after that I will be in onederland, pretty emotional times coming for me and I want to let so many of you know how inspirational you are for others and simply say thank you. We are a bunch of strangers sharing a common goal of ultimate health (mental, physical, emotional), and finding friendships along the way...never thought I would share in something like this. Amazing! To all of our soldiers and veterans, parents, siblings, spouses or significant others to those who serve in our military, may God Bless you for giving it all for others and your ultimate sacrifices. Sandy
  24. Happy Camper

    Bougie Sizes?

    Lissa I never thought about the length of my sleeve that makes sense...I am 5'10" and I bet it is longer than others...humm. Good reminder, thanks. Sandy

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