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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by littledutchee

  1. I think you are right on target. I would do nothing but liquids for 2 days. If it you don't feel better, call your doctor. Do you have any pain?
  2. littledutchee


    I have to admit, I weigh almost daily also. I use it both as a barometer of how I am doing AND hoping to see a loss. Unfortunately, I am pretty discouraged right now. I was banded on 3/10/11 and initially lost 9lbs however, when I went onto solid foods I gained back 4-7lbs. (keeps fluctuating) I am trying to watch what I eat but have NO restriction at all. I can eat anything, although I try to make healthy choices. I was just released two weeks ago to have full range of excercise. I have not had a fill yet. When I had my last appointment 6 weeks ago the doctor said it was too soon for a fill. I go back on 5/24/11. Hopefully he will give me a fill. My hope is that once I get filled, I will start seeing progress again. Has anyone gone through this? Is this normal, or did I make a mistake?
  3. littledutchee


    I agree Michie! I found Nicole's comments very helpful and encouraging.
  4. littledutchee


    Thanks guys. I do watch my calories. I have been doing that on my own for 2 years now, so it is just second nature to stay around 1500 calories a day. That is the number that the dietician gave me to stay around. I lost 30 lbs on my own with just seeing the dietician the last two years every two weeks. I paid to see her every two weeks out of my own pocket for nearly 2 years. Once I hit that plateau and could not get past it is when I realized that I needed the extra help and decided to ge the band. Before then, I never considered it. I guess that I was needing reassurance that once I do start getting fills that I will start loosing. I definitely know this is just a "tool" and have to contnue to make good choices and exercise. Trust me, I preach that to my patients all of the time!! Since I am still considering myself as a newbie to being banded I am just not sure what to expect down the road. Thanks for the help and support.
  5. littledutchee


    Thanks guys. I do watch my calories. I have been doing that on my own for 2 years now, so it is just second nature to stay around 1500 calories a day. That is the number that the dietician gave me to stay around. I lost 30 lbs on my own with just seeing the dietician the last two years every two weeks. I paid to see her every two weeks out of my own pocket for nearly 2 years. Once I hit that plateau and could not get past it is when I realized that I needed the extra help and decided to ge the band. Before then, I never considered it. I guess that I was needing reassurance that once I do start getting fills that I will start loosing. I definitely know this is just a "tool" and have to contnue to make good choices and exercise. Trust me, I preach that to my patients all of the time!! Since I am still considering myself as a newbie to being banded I am just not sure what to expect down the road. Thanks for the help and support.
  6. littledutchee


    Hi KCG, Yes, you are reading my ticker correctly. I have 58lbs to loose. I lost 30lbs on my own prior to deciding to have the band done. I guess I am just being impatient. I haven't even had a fill yet. I suppose I just need some encouragement. Thanks all!
  7. littledutchee


    Yes, I have started excercising. I started back to the gym the day after I was released from my surgical restrictions. I know exerice is so important. I am trying to make healthy choices in what I eat. Only hard time I have is during the salty/sweet phase of the month.
  8. I have to admit, I weigh almost daily also. I use it both as a barometer of how I am doing AND hoping to see a loss. Unfortunately, I am pretty discouraged right now. I was banded on 3/10/11 and initially lost 9lbs however, when I went onto solid foods I gained back 4lbs. I am trying to watch what I eat but have NO restriction at all. I can eat anything. I have not had a fill yet. When I had my last appointment 6 weeks ago the doctor said it was too soon for a fill. I go back on 5/24/11. Hopefully he will give me a fill. My hope is that once I get filled, I will start seeing progress again. Has anyone gone through this?
  9. littledutchee


    Hello all! Hopefully you are having a great week. I am happy. I got on the scale this am (after being away all weekend on a road trip) and have actually lost the weight (except for 1lb) that I had re-gained. I feel better. I am thinking that it may have been water weight. Hopefully the weight will continue coming off little by little, especially with out getting a fill. Sounds like everyone is doing a good job! Keep up the good work!
  10. littledutchee


    I am super depressed after reading all of these posts. I have regained a few pounds of the weight that I had lost and my surgeon isn't the least bit interested in giving me a fill anytime soon.. I was banded on 3/10/11 and went back for my post op on 4/12. I was certain I was going to get filled. Nope!! Said it was too early. He started to say that he would see me back in 3 months for a follow up, but then saw the horrid look on my face about the follow up being so far away. He changed his mind and said I could come back in 4 weeks and we would talk about a fill then. Has anyone else been delayed from getting a fill?
  11. littledutchee


    Hello, I was banded on 3/10/11. The first 18 days I lost 8lbs. However, I was on Clear liquids x 1 week, then full liquids x 1 week. On the 27th I was told to go to normal food, but start out with soft things. I am watching what I eat and following the rules of no drinking 60-90 minutes before/after food. (That is hard, but doing it) I have gained back 4 of those 8lbs. With this said, I have lost inches. My clothes are fitting better. I went back for another post op 3 days ago and my surgeon said I am doing well. He said in the beginning he would rather see me loose inches and the weight loss doesn't always show on the scale. I was hoping to get a fill, but he doesn't seem like he has any plans on doing that anytime soon. I understand your frustration!! Even though he says I am doing well, I don't feel like I am. He did say I could start light exercising again and that would help! Try to hang in there! Hopefully we will both start to see a loss soon!
  12. littledutchee

    Two weeks out and starving

    Thanks for the encouragement. I don't regret getting banded, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't getting a little discouraged this week. I have been doing some reading the last few hours and i am starting to wonder if maybe some of my weight re-gain (?) might be due to not getting enough protein everyday. i am struggling to get at least 60 grams of protein per day. I try really hard, but it gives me horrible gas pains that are almost intollerable. I can't wait until I get my first fill. I know things will get better.
  13. littledutchee

    Two weeks out and starving

    Jenni, I am going through the same exact thing! I was oddly happy to log on and see your post. Not because I am happy that you are hungry, but happy that I am not alone! I was banded on 3/10. As of 3/25 I had lost 9lbs. Of course I had been on a liquid diet for 3 weeks. My doctor started me on normal foods as of the 27th, but told me to start with softer foods first to make sure I had no problems. I returned back to work on the 28th and have gained back 4 pounds. I am freaking!! I have not had any fills yet. I am starving all of the time, but trying to really watch what I eat and not eat to much. I don't feel like i can get full. Please, someone tell me this will change and I will be successful! I hope someone can give us some advice and encouragement.
  14. littledutchee

    Weight gain-is it normal?

    Steven...Yes I had the "chest pain" also. I was banded on 3/10. Fortunately, it is now gone. I think it last about 4 or 5 days. It will take you a few days before you can burp. I kept thinking the same thing....if I could just burp! Hang in there..it will get better.
  15. Rainydayz......After hitting the Protein drinks hard lately (both pre op and now post op) I can tell you some that i have tried and liked/disliked. One of my friends who had the LapBand gave me one of her Protein shakes to try and I loved it! It is by Premier Nutrition and is called Protein. It has 30 grams of protein in one 11oz boxed drink. It come in chocolate and also vanilla. In my opinion they are fabulous tasting. They give you your 30 grams of protein with only 1 gram of sugar and is 160 calories for the whole drink. On the down side the only place you can buy them is Cotsco and off their website premiernutrition.com. They are more expensive on the website, plus you have to pay shipping. If you get them at Cotsco they are around $23.00 for a case of I think 18. On the website they are like $29.00 for a case plus shipping and handeling. I had my friend get me 3 cases since I don't have a Cotsco membership, but will soon be getting one. One side note....I was not able to drink these the week after my surgery since it was not a "clear liquid" protein. This will change after your first week. Another Protein Drink that I have tried was Isopure, which is a clear liquid Protein. OMG in my opinion (and my families) it is nasty. I tried both the Alpine Punch and the Blueberry (?) Fizz. To me they both tasted the same. Yuck!!! It was the after taste that killed me. It tasted like I was drinking soap powder. The worst past is that they are expensive. For a 20 oz (or so) bottle of Isopure at GNC it was $4.99. On the another note it does have 40gms of protein in the bottle. Another protein I found that I didn't care for was the Designer whey Protein 2 Go. These can be found at Martins and GNC. They are individual poweder packs that you add to Water (like Crystal Lite). The flavor I got was Mango Orange. I thought it was be tasty. When it is mixed up it is milky looking. The taste was not horrible, but not my favorite. I think for a box of 10 packs it was like $5-$6. There is also Kellogs Protein 2 GO. I like these alot. They taste like a Crstal Lite drink. Unfortunately, it only gives you 5gms of protein per bottle. The two flavors I have found are strawberry Kiwi (which is my favorite) and Iced tea w/ Lemon. The iced tea flavor is ok . Normal unsweetened iced tea is one of my favorite drinks) The price range is about the same as the Designer Whey. Over the weekend I stumbled on a protein drink that has now become my favorite, next to the Premier shake. I found it in Walmart in the pharmacy section where the Whey Protein mixes are located. It is Gatorade Recover 3. It comes in a 16.9oz bottle. One bottle is 2 servings. Each serving has 60 calories and 8 grams of protein. For the whole bottle you get 16 grams of protein, 120 calories and 12gms of sugar. The two flavors I saw were strawberry kiwi and lime. I am sure they probably have others out there. The price was $1.98 per bottle. I hope this helps some. Everyone's taste buds are different. You may like the one's I didn't and hate the one's I liked. LOL Good luck!
  16. I had a nasty cold that started and lasted 3 weeks prior to my surgery. It didn't look like there was any end in site to it. Now it seemed to be settling into my chest. I started freaking, because my surgery was on 3/10. I went for my pre-op on 3/3 and they told me that as long as I didn't have a fever and chills and my lungs were clear that they would probably still do my surgery. It was ultimately up to the anesthesiologist. Fortunately, even though I was still not better, my lungs were clear and had no fever or chills. They did they surgery and all was good. I had no problems and am now finally all better. I am in the medical field and have seen this particular cold/virus last anywhere from 4-6 weeks. Crazy! Just drink plenty of fluids, lots of vitamin C, continue with the nettie pot and try to take expectorant if you have phlegm to bring it up and get it out. You may also want to contact your primary care physician to make sure there is not something other than a "cold" going on. Good luck!
  17. littledutchee

    Stuck Feeling in my throat

    Amanda, I think you very well may be correct about the mess up in charts. Or else she was talking to you from memory and was thinking that you were further out than you actually are. I don't think you messed anything up. Just go back to broths, sugar free jello's, etc. The normal liquid diet. Hang in there girl! You'll be fine.
  18. littledutchee

    Minor Meltdown in Dressing Room

    Awesome! Keep up the good work!
  19. That's what were here for!! Good luck!
  20. littledutchee

    Stuck Feeling in my throat

    Wow!! I was just banded on 3/10. I am on a strict clear liquid diet for a week until my first follow up, which is this friday. Then he will progress me to "other liquids". I can't eat cheese or eggs for at least 3-5 weeks. I have to admit...I would die for a hard boiled egg right now lol!! The reason for the liquid diet at first is because your stomach and pouch is swollen from surgery. Plus they don't want the stitches that are holding the band in place to comeout. I was told by my surgeon and Dietician that my clear liquid diet included jello. Well 2 days after surgery I tried to eat some sugar free. I chewed it until it was almost liquid before swallowing. I was in horrible pain when i swallowed it. I could feel every movement of it going down. Finally after 3 bites I had to stop and throw the rest out. I think my stomach/pouch was still swollen. I tried jello 2 days after that and had no problem. Now I eat it and am fine. The discomfort you are feeling could be gas, but could also be swelling from the surgery. I felt pressure in my chest area, especially on my left side over my heart. It seems to be subsiding. I did burp yesterday and think that is helping. Still comes and goes, but is getting better. Try slowly eating a popsicle. That helps! Good luck and hope this helps!
  21. I was banded 2 days ago on March 10th. I came home frome the hospital yesterday afternoon. All in all I think I am doing ok. I am finally starting to rid some of the surgical gas, but I am very sore which I know is normal. I have this uncomfortable feeling in my "throat" area. I really think it is the upper part of my stomach where I was banded. It is probably from my stomach being swollen, but wanted to get some feedback from people that have been banded already. Sometimes I feel like if I could have a good burp, I would feel better. Is this feeling going to go away or will I always have this "pressure" feeling?
  22. Thanks Novena! Is it ok if I try to add you as a friend? My soreness is getting a little better each day. Good idea about the sage steams. May try it. I am glad to hear that the bra helped you some. My best friend bought me a special pillow for my birthday before my surgery. My birthday was 3/3. She knew this would help with the tenderness and it has. Do you feel the band in your mid to upper left chest area? I think this is what I am feeling and can be uncomfortable. Hoping it is just because of swelling. Take care~
  23. Stay focused!!!! Stay focused!!! Stay focused!!!! It is super hard, but you have to do it. Keep in mind the big picture. The longterm result. How you are going to look and feel when it is all over! Think of that perfect outfit that you would like to ultimately fit into. Then re-picture it whenever you want to cheat. That my help. Just remember to get the help of a Registered Dietician. This is crucial. It is imperative that you are tought how to eat properly. By this I mean how and what to eat to fit "YOUR" lifestyle! This will help you in the long run. I saw a Dietician every two weeks (yes, every two weeks) for almost 2 years on my own. I had made up my mind that I needed help with loosing weight and eating the right way. I paid for this cash out of my pocket. This was not a requirement of the program!! Finally after a year and a half of doing this and loosing weight, I realized that I was in a slump. I had plateaud! I was stuck at a certain weight and could not get past the hump. That is when i seriously started thinking about the LapBand. I did my 6 supervised weight loss visits with a physician, the psych evaluation, etc. I was approved for surgery and actually banded 4 days ago on March 10th!! As I sit here, I am still amazed that I have actually done it. I am actually banded!!! Yeah. A relative asked me yesterday if I was regretful of doing this since I was having dicscomfort from surgery right now. I certainly and quickly said "absolutely not"!! I know that this has all been worth it and look forward to the journey ahead. I can't wait to see the new me in a few months. Long story short.....DON"T give up!!! You too can do it. As for the PMS interfering with your mind set...it only last a few days. Try not to let it sabatoge you. PMS is horrible and cruel, both mentally and physically! You can do it. Take care and good luck!
  24. I thought I was all set for my diet after surgery. I had my Jello's, pudding's, and Protein shakes. Little did I know....I can have my protein shakes the first week. I can only have a "clear" liquid diet. I have to get my protein in per day, but was not prepared for clear protein. My family is out scouring the town getting Kellogg's K2O protein drinks and Designer Whey 2Go protein drinks as well as Isopure. This stuff is not easy to find. Anyone else have any suggestions for "clear" proteins? Thanks~
  25. Awesome Novena!! I was thinking of you and hoping you were able to have your surgery. I too was able to have mine on March 10th. I still have my cold, but not near as bad as before. My lungs were all clear, no fever and no chills. My cough had pretty much subsided, but since surgery, I seem to have it back some. Nothing like beofre though, so that is good. Like you, I too am dealing with "soreness" and post suegical pain and gas pains. Still dealing with head congestion. Makes is rough to cough or blow my nose right now. lol!! I am a great deal of "pressure" where I think my band is. Do you have that? I am assuming it is because My stomach and band area is still swollen.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
