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Posts posted by crushin'

  1. Posted this in another thread...but this one is busier, so maybe it will get some responses!

    I haven't seen this topic before, and I really need to talk to someone about this. I am an active member on the board, but had to use another name to ask this, as I have my surgeon's name in my tag (and I gave him this site just last week to add to his research tools)!

    I have developed this really strong crush on my surgeon! I :embaressed_smile: :heart:

    I am sure that this hero worship (for changing my life), along with his confidence and openness makes me almost giggly in his presence. It doesn't hurt that he is sexy and good looking! I mean, I kind of like it, but I don't want to get too distracted (my very otherwise supportive husband will not be amused if he figures it out, I am sure). On the PRO side is that It is definately an additional motivator for me - I was his first patient and I really want to be successful for him, as well as for me of course.....:wink_smile:

    Help! My best friend is starting to kid that I want to be his next 'trophy' wife, after I meet my goal!

    Who else has exprienced this and how long after surgery did it last???

  2. I haven't seen this topic before, and I really need to talk to someone about this. I am an active member on the board, but had to use another name to ask this, as I have my surgeon's name in my tag (and I gave him this site just last week to add to his research tools)!

    I have developed this really strong crush on my surgeon! I :embaressed_smile: :heart:

    I am sure that this hero worship (for changing my life), along with his confidence and openness makes me almost giggly in his presence. It doesn't hurt that he is sexy and good looking! I mean, I kind of like it, but I don't want to get too distracted (my very otherwise supportive husband will not be amused if he figures it out, I am sure). On the PRO side is that It is definately an additional motivator for me - I was his first patient and I really want to be successful for him, as well as for me of course.....:wink_smile:

    Help! My best friend is starting to kid that I want to be his next 'trophy' wife, after I meet my goal!

    Who else has exprienced this and how long after surgery did it last???

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