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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by twelch

  1. Single or not, put this as your status & see what someone inbox's you.♥ = I want to date youC: = Your cute:P = I like you, but I'm in a relationship:) = I like you:D = I used to like you:/ = We don't talk anymore

  2. I need a nap!

  3. twelch

    First Time Stuck Today!

    When I get stuck. I have to bring it back out to get relief. Some people say taking deep breaths help.
  4. twelch

    Bcbs...is It True?

    I started process with BCBS last January and had surgery in May...I had to lose like 10% of my weight, not 6 months wait...
  5. twelch

    Inpanic Mode, Please Help.

    I second what Deb said!
  6. twelch


    I weigh 212 and am a little intimidated to go to Zumba....I'm not much of a dancer, maybe even kinda clumsy. Have a hard time keeping up with some sat cardio exercise videos. So,how hard is Zumba? How much did u weigh when u first started doing it?
  7. twelch

    Hospital Stay..how Long???

    I was in and out same day and so ready to go home! So much more comfortable at home, just my feeling
  8. twelch

    NY doctor questions

    Crazy! My doctor was fine with it...he even said he thought I might be a good thing for me...he was so supportive! I feel so lucky to have great doctors!
  9. I also have Dr. Weiss and the team there is great....I feel so comfortable there. I remember being nervous at one point pre-op, and Dr. Weiss saying " I'll take care of you" or something to that effect and from that point on I have felt very comfortable and worry free. Family asked if I was worried about surgery and I was like "Nope, I have God and my surgeon taking care of me, not nervous at all." I wasn't even very nervous day of surgery. I would recommend the team in Auburn and Dr. Weiss to anyone....but just remember u are in control and must do the work...as Dr. Weiss emphasizes...the band is a tool, not a magic bullet...you have to eat as directed and exercise. Good luck to anyone starting their journey. I am about one year out and would do it all over again in a minute...loving my journey. I'm down about 70 lbs in first year and that is without exercising for two months due to tendon issues in left foot.
  10. This is why they say the band is a tool...we must work at it...I agree go back to basics....I'd do one or two days liquids...one or two mushy and soft, then solid...protein first of course
  11. Ive heard wl surgery makes one a cheap drunk, but I went in wine tour and was fine....other than headache. Granted I am almost one year out...but I can have a couple margaritas and still be fine....
  12. I like Myoplex Lite, but they only have chocolate Nd vanilla...I usually get case at BJ, but Walmart has I think in 4 packs...I never liked Muscle Milk though...
  13. twelch

    To Do Or Not To Do?

    Three weeks liquids....wow Im glad I never had to do that...had preop diet of bars, shakes and small meal, then I recall liquids day before and nothing after midnight day of surgery...
  14. twelch

    First Time Stuck Today!

    U should be fine as u feel ok...but u need to learn from the experience. I tend to get stuck once or twice after fills, but am fast learner and chew very carefull, no talking while eating and eat appropriate foods. Throwing up is never fun....
  15. twelch

    Need Help

    Yep, agree with above post... Some people get something stuck and call it a productive burp...when burping helps get things unstuck...u may even bring whatever stuck back out eventually...
  16. My son did just as I said today...I told him if he forgot anything when he grabbed stuff to take to Grandma's house for dinner, forget the Greek yogurt pies so I can have them all to myself and he did just that! LOL So, Greek yogurt pie for next few days....mmmmmm. But I did promise to share some with Marla Pollot...

  17. My advice to tell this to your dietition and see if she has any better advice. I am not a doctor, but if you cannot do shakes, what about getting unflavored whey Protein powder and mixing some in Water or flavored water kinda making a drink like special K protein water. And eggs are more solid, so maybe try some greek yogurt instead. Or mix unflavored powder with thin cream of wheat. Althoough, I would try to avoid too many carbs. Again, I am not a doctor, but newly banded on 5/20/11. Also what about condensed bean Soups which are really runny and has some protein. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!!
  18. there is no "quick fix" and does not sound like the band will help u much, because it is a tool and u will still need to modify behavior. Maybe u should look into gastric bypass which will force you to change for first year, but even then you have to change your behavior or can regain all the weight back over time. Gas pains come with any major surgery and even porcudures like colonostomy, but it generally does not last more than a couple weeks...well worth it!
  19. twelch

    Band slippage

    Betty, just try to relax...I kinda felt that way yesterday, I took my temp and it said 98.3 so I started to freak, but after replacing the battery and taking temps of all three people in the house, including myself, finding out we all had a temp around 98 I was so much more relaxed. My surgeon tells us to call at any hour, even if in the middle of the night. Of course, I wouldn't want to disturb for some unfoundedreason, but if you re really concerned you should write all your questions out nd call your surgeon's office and get them nswered, even if to just make yourself feel better, b/c stress is never good! Tina
  20. twelch

    Band slippage

    I am not sure of symptoms, but my surgeon says that because of my hiatial hernia repair there is a greater chance of band slippage due to the altertion, but it is not a certain thing, so just praying that does not happen. I am not going to sit around and worry about it, I just like to take everything day by day.
  21. twelch

    Liquid cheating

    I am 3 1/2 days post op and was fine until today. Tired of protein shakes and sugar free stuff leaves bad taste behind. I have been instructed to be on a CLEAR liquid diet with 24 oz protein shakes for first week, and then full liquid diet at second week, which would include applesauce, tomato soup, V-8 juice, cream of wheat, mashed potato, pureed veggies like peas, etc. I'm not sure I can make it another 31/2 days, so may try tomato soup tomorrow just to tide hunger away. I can't stand the broths either, just does not taste good to me now. I love pizza and wht I would not give for a tblespoon of pizza sauce right now!
  22. Here is my surgery day story: (May 20th, 2011) I arrived at 6m for 8am surgery... went into get prepped...pregnancy test, tons of questions, IV (got it on second stick). Next, I went into the holding room, which was cold, so they gave me heated balnkets. Saw nurses, two student nurses( who I gave permission to observe in OR), anthesiologist(SP) and my doctor. Then I was wheeled into the operating room...scooted over to the bed, left arm was being strapped down, and that's all I remember. Woke up briefly in recovery room ( I remember them saying they would make sure my husband new where I was being taken to on the 4th floor), I remember being wheeled to the room nd being hooked up to everything including the leg compressors (which I loved; it was like getting my legs massaged!), having pulse/blood pressure/temp taken (periodically). They asked me wht my pain was and I said 3 or 4 and they gave me morphine and more later on. I remember sleeping on and off between 10 am and 4pm. I got up once with help (still bit dizzy and shakey) to go urinate (because I really felt I had to go) only to find I could not. I got up and went a couple hours later and then (becuse I complained my mouth was dry like chaulky after urinating) was given a cup of ice Water. I sipped that and dozed back on and off. No on ever offered my Jello, broth, or anything else, but I was fine with that. Inever went for a barium swallow or x-ray, but did see a photo shot of the lap-band placed that Dr. Weiss (Finger Lakes Bariatrics, Auburn Memorial Hospital, Auburn, NY) gave my husband after my surgery. No one ever offered to take me for a walk, which would hve been difficult b/c I was so sleepy (mind you I had only 4 hours sleep prior and I am SO NOT a morning person, I go to bed when many wake up LOL). Finally about 4:30ish pm Dr. Weiss came in and asked me how I was doing? (Fine) Did I go for walks? (Only to the bathroom 3 times) Did I see the picture of the Band in me? (Yes, my husband showed it to me) Did I want to go home? (Yes) SO, he said okay he would discharge me, he left the room, the nurse came and unhooked everything and my husband helped me dress, then I was wheeled out to our vehicle. First day out, I took my pain meds (liquid Vicodin) on schedule to be sure pain did not return. I did have and still do have gas pain in my stomach, shoulders, and neck; it seems to move around and rotate. I am hoping it will be much better by Tuesday am, because I have to take my husband for his clonoscopy Tuesday afternoon and go back to work Tuesday night with minimal duties for first 5 days. The oddest part was as my husband started to leave the parking lot of hospital, I felt nauseated and ended up burping multiple burps and then spitting up saliva with nasty taste to it, but it subsided within a couple minutes. my husband wanted me to go back and stay the night and I said 'No, I'll be fine, just take me home." it happened again about 1am first night out; I am kinda hoping maybe i could get more out tonight, because even though it was a bit uncomfortable, it did give me instant (temporary) relief from the gas pain. Keeping liquids, including my Protein shakes, all down fine, but cannot wait to get in some applesauce, cream of wheat, cottage cheese, etc. Looking forward to my new body, even with the loose skin, because loose skin can be hidden, but the fat cannot!
  23. I hear ya, I went to the bathroom A LOT today and it is only day one of pre-op diet! 2 weeks of it, but I get to have two Protein drinks and 2 Protein Bars (sold through my bariatric program and their dietition) and one small meal of 3-4 oz Protein and a serving of veggies (non starch), but I miss the bread/carbs with my meal. I will get through it though.
  24. I was scheduled for May 17th, but now May 20th. I cannot wait! I m going to do my shopping two days prior. My biggest concern is that I have to have a hiatal hernia repair and my doctor said it could cause slippage of the band, hopefully that will not happen. I am now on my pre-op diet and it seems all I can think about is food, but I did good today. Why is it that when we are restricted from things, it is all we can think about? LOL Good Luck to all of those May bandsters!
  25. twelch

    Any May 2011 Banders?

    I met my goal, so tentative date is May17th, pending insurance approval!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
