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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by j21stars

  1. Hey all! I had surgery on 3-14-11 and gained weight its only 4 lbs but i have maybe had 1,500 cal. all week because im on the clear liquid diet...also i have had horribal gas... just wanting to know if this is normal, and once the swelling and what not goes down will i wake up one morning and be like 5 lbs down or something? help please?
  2. j21stars


    From the album: me

  3. j21stars


  4. j21stars


    From the album: me

  5. j21stars


    From the album: me

    after surgery.... still working on it
  6. From the album: me

    before surgery
  7. awe! thanks guys you are awsome i will take your advise! im just so excited to start my new journy... and for me it has been way easier than i thought it would be as far as the diet goes... so far anyway... but like you said thismum i am also queen of instant gratification... lol i suppose that part of what got us here in the first place! anyway thank you guys again i feel a ton better already knowing its normal!
  8. j21stars

    1 week postop and still bad gas

    i got banded on monday3-14-11 and i have crazy gas also! my husband is jelious...lol but seriously i think the gas pain has been worse than any of the other pain i have had since surgery... for me nothing has worked getting the gas to stop... today i am going to go buy some mylocon-sp? drops.. they are gas drops for babys but suposidly work really well... ill let you all know how it goes!
  9. So I got my surgery schedualed for the 14th of this month! very excited and nervious! worried about the pre-op liquid diet....

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