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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BarbaraSut

  1. BarbaraSut

    Fill on Monday, Unfill on Thursday

    I had my lapband surgery the end of July. I have had a fill each month since then with the exception of December, because I had lost 8 pounds and felt I might be too tight as I was constantly getting food stuck. I went in last Thursday for a fill...received 1 full cc, which I thought was too much. I drank a cup of Water, cup of tea on the way home and thought all was good. That night I could not sleep...constant gurgling...up all night... Friday I went to school, taught all day, and was not able to get down and keep down a single liquid...no coffee, no water ..not even 2 sips of a Protein shake. Throwing up several times...felt awful...decided to drive to NYC (90 miles from me) to go back to NYU emergency room for an unfill....On the advice of the surgeon's P.A., who said that things would probably not get better and that I needed an unfill, I went to the E.R. and had .6 cc's of Fluid removed. I can now eat...I lost 6 pounds between last Thursday and Saturday morning...crazy. So...it is probably NOT a good idea to wait something like this out when it is this bad....you end up not losing weight, b/c you just irritate the band with not being able to keep anything down.

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