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Posts posted by jcinabita

  1. Today is my 8th day post op. I guess my stomach is not swollen any more because I am eating a lot more than I think I am supposed to :hungry: . I have my first post op Dr. appt.today. Maybe I'll get a fill, I hope so. I don't like the idea of going through this and having the same appetite as before. I've lost about 25 lbs. with the pre-op diet and this past week of not eating very much :clap2: . I don't want the progress to stop now.

  2. keep a bag of m&m's handy. Just a few will bring your sugar level up in very short time. I also am diabetic using glucovance only and watching my diet. After two days on pre-op diet I was taken off glucovance because my sugarlevels were bottoming out. So far so good. No more glucovance since. Dr. says that as I progress diabetes should be a thing of the past. Hope you have good luck.

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