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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by im2crazy44

  1. http://myjourney2theskinnyme.blogspot.com/

    Hey you, Come follow me you can find out about a lot this way.

    Hope I can help!

  2. A Little Frustrated.... 1st fill was 3 weeks ago and still NO weight changes UGHHHHH!

  3. good luck to you too

  4. HI JUZMEJNEE WELCOME! Yeah i live in the oc, where do you live? Believe it or not my process is still going on. I am APPROVED thank the lord and I have officially started my pre-op diet (which by the way im hungry) lol just waiting for a surgery date within the next 2 weeks. SO im excited about that. Let me know if you need anything or have any questions

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