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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by missmeow

  1. missmeow

    How will this be different?

    My advice is to get into counseling and work on your food issues and then bring your husband in. Sometimes you have to barter and go slow if you want to keep your realtionship. Maybe do this for 6 months and in the meantime employ some of the things you will need to do with the sleeve so that you aren't shocked or depressed if you go through with it. No more than 8 oz per meal or 4 oz per snack, 80g Protein per dsy, 64 oz Water, chewing your food to mush, eating over 20-30 min timeframe, etc. I say this because you seem to want the fix but aren't too sure. Setting patterns ahead of time will help. Also keep in mind that about 75-80% of relationships fail after WLS, so if you want to stay married your spouse needs to be with you on this
  2. Some allow you to drink right up to your meal. Water exits pretty quickly but if you drink after, you risk over filling and puking or pushing everything through faster and getting hungry or dumping. Better to just wait the 30 mins before drinking again.
  3. missmeow

    panni or baby?

    Kids first so you don't have to do it again or get marks all over your new belly.
  4. My team says yes, especially if it allows more water. Keep in mind that you can drink faster and the ouchies from that.
  5. missmeow

    Veteran question about salads

    In france they have small portions with several courses eaten over a long period of time. Our RDs would call it grazing but the philosophy is that the meal is for socialization and enjoyment of flavor rather than scarfing large volumes as quickly as possible. I think it is very sleeve friendly.
  6. missmeow

    Dumb move

    So about two days ago I was working and mindlessly drank too much. Not quite a chug but about 4-5 drinks, not gulps, in succession. It literally felt like I got kicked in the gut by a donkey right sbove my belly button. I did not barf, but it was real sore like "do I call the doc and go to the ER" sore. But I waited it out. It also gave me gas like crazy bad huge farts. I would have preferred to barf over that pain. I have taken it slowly since then and backed myself to Protein Shakes and softies. The area still gets a bit sore. I think I put a good strech on that little pocket above the pylorus or caused a ginormous spasm, I don't know what, just guessing. I can eat solids, drink fine, no fever or tach so I know its just my body being mad at me for being stupid and careless. In any case, I thought I would share that you don't always barf if you overdo it.
  7. missmeow

    Veteran question about salads

    Have you ever made creamed spinach? You know, when you add like 3 huge boxes of spinach to get maybe 4 servings of the final product? Therein lies your answer. I hope to be able to eat spinach again. Its so full of good stuff.
  8. missmeow

    Just ate a Wendy's cheeseburger!

    Normal weight people deal with their food choices daily. Unlike us fatties who generally follow the "go big or go home" mantra, people who keep their weight normal have a cheeseburger once in awhile but don't make it a habit or they don't supersize it or skip the milkshake. One of the reasons I got this done was to relearn that balance I had before. I can have a cheeseburger. I just have to make adjustments to my activity or eating to make up for it. Unfortunately, so many of us have dieted for so long that we have gotten in the habit of on the wagon off the wagon so we're either strictly dieting or eating out of control. IMO, you can't break that cycle if you have a bunch of "never agains".
  9. missmeow

    Last Supper Syndrome?

    I did this, gained all of my"for insurance purposes" weight loss back. I was so sick of eating and being stuffed I embraced my pre-op and flew through the two weeks quickly. I lost the weight gained and with all the drinking and mini meals I feel like I am always satisfied.
  10. missmeow

    Just ate a Wendy's cheeseburger!

    Personally, I ditched fast food years ago and once its out of your system, it is so gross when you do indulge. That said, I'm a everything in moderation person. I prefer homemade burgers and Cookies, etc and have promised myself that if I want it, its made at home from scratch. So good and not addictive or full of additives snd fake flavor enhancers.
  11. 217/218 on surgery day. 201 today. I had a stall from about 1.5 weeks to last week when I finally got my very late cycle. So not as fast as the rest of you but lost about15-16lbs on the pre-op so overall about 32lbs down since 3/4/13.
  12. missmeow

    Seeking Buddies 5'2" & Under

    4'11 HW 252 SW 218 CW 201 I had a 3 week stall and this is the first week of loss. I went from 233 to 218 on the pre-op and was 2 weeks late on my period post-surgery. I blame those two factors for my stall.
  13. Ive been doing ok. Eating lots of yogurt, cottage cheese, and soup. I have in the last week been really feeling my sleeve, like inside my stomach. Its like it feels sore and I get these weird half-hiccup/ half-burp spasmy things and its like I can feel the entire line. I'm not sure if its bad heartburn or my nerves are waking up. It doesn't hurt to eat or drink. So other than feeling and it feeling weird, Its not keeping me from eating or going on with life
  14. missmeow

    VSG Urban Legends

    If you eat a strawberry the seed will get stuck and grow a tree.
  15. This whole debacle reminds me of teenagers and a team Edward va team Jacob debate. I know the pro-Mexico contingent is strong here and that's great for them. But there is no fing way I would go there for surgery. If something goes wrong, you're on your own. There are too many variables and considering how rabid people get over the issue it really makes it hard to know how many have had bad experiences who are afraid to talk. Hmm. Sorry you had a difficult time. I hope you are able to fibd an affordable bariatric program at home for your nutritional follow-up s.
  16. I have this. When I open my mouth you can hear them snap crackle popping. This only ever happened to me previously with champagne and no I haven't had any carbonation- just some serious bubble throat. It isn't foaming or eating too much or fasy either. Its weird.
  17. missmeow

    Guilt and what to do?

    No one is entitled to know your personal business. If she was indirectly asking you, that's a chickspit way of doing so. If she doesn't want to be your friend over that, then let her move on with herself. Sorry, but if you had a hemorrhoid removed and didn't reveal it was a hemorrhoid removal and not wild butt sex was the reason you were walking funny, would it even be a question? No. Let her be. If she asks again, straight out tell her it's not her business how she lost weight and leave it at that.
  18. missmeow


    A glycerin supository will soften the chute enough to get things moving if it hurting that bad. Then you can work on the fiber, etc.
  19. missmeow

    Vegetarians unite

    I don't cook it but I have been mad craving Korean tofu pot. Yummy goodnesd. You should be able to find a recipe onlibe
  20. I went back at 2 weeks and I've been tired too. I think its the recovery and low cals. The body just needs time to adjust. I'm hoping to be full speed at 6 weeks since that's when everything is supposed to be healed. It's gotten better each week though.
  21. WLS is done to prevent disease and health issues later on but can also cause health issues in the here and now such as leaks, infection, malnutrition, etc. I knew this going in. I didn't do it for longevity because the fact is that I'm not going to die a fat person this year but WLS sure could have done me in. WLS may save some people's lives in the short term but for otherwise healthy people like myself, its a risk. A big one. I think surgeons should be open about it but that isnt going to happen in a for profit health care system. Ask me in a year if I regret it. I'm still far too early out to tell. I did have a great surgeon who was open and no complaint s there. Everything has gone well but I'm too early out and haven't hit roadblocks or frustration. Maybe I won't, but its too early for me.
  22. missmeow

    Los Angeles, CA

    Eat your louis burgers now coz its going to be awhile before you can do em again :-P
  23. The liquid diet was easy. Ive done optifast before and the liquid diet I was on was much easier.
  24. missmeow

    Words that should be banned from VST

    Loose vs lose (already addressed) Tummy--You're not 5. It's a stomach, fantastic tube of awesomeness, whatever you want, just not tummy. This thread is pretty funny.

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