I was banded on 12/31/2010... I know helluva way to start the New Year. So, I'm 2 weeks 6 days post op... The stomach pain itself is gone but I get this excruciating pain shooting under my left breast through my ribs when I am hungry (or at least that is what I am hoping).... Problem is, I'm constantly hungry and therefore constantly in pain. I polished off the Lortab last night just to get to sleep.
The hunger isn't "Oh I better eat..." It's more of my stomach sounds like it's trying to eat itself. I ate lunch 90 minutes ago - 2.5 ounces of tuna and approximately 6-8ounces of chicken barley Soup. It took me almost 30 minutes to eat that and I was full, I didn't drink anything and then within 30 minutes, my stomach sounds like I haven't eaten in a year and I get pain shooting through my ribs. So at that point I decided, I'll eat a yogurt just to top it off because all the swelling is gone and everything is draining through pretty quick. I ate the yogurt while reading some of the posts and wouldn't you know it.... I'm freaking hungry again.... Its not that "Oh I just need to eat" hunger but people standing around me can hear my stomach growling.
I've had 16 ounces of food in less than 2 hours and I am still hungry. If I wanted to starve to death I wouldn't have subjected myself to surgery. I don't get a fill until next week, I am hoping and praying this pain in my side and my hunger go the hell away once I get that fill. Drinking Protein Water now.... yum.
If anyone else has experienced this left side pain with hunger or without hunger, they could be mutually exclusive, please let me know when and if it resolves.........