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ang in ohio

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ang in ohio

  1. ang in ohio

    Tired of being miserable

    I am 10 months post op and have lost a total of 38 pounds (including my pre-op weight loss). I lost the first 30+ pounds within the first couple of months and have been losing and regaining the other 5 pounds for the last 6 months. I am so frustrated. I have had SEVERAL fills and one unfill and now have about 8.8 CCs in my 10 CC band. I feel no restriction but cannot eat anything healthy. I experience PBing after nearly every meal so I don't understand why I haven't lost more weight since I can't keep anything down. I know that the lapband is a tool and not a miracle cure for obesity. I do not have any misconceptions about my role in my weight loss journey. I have learned a great deal about portion sizes, high Protein amounts, not drinking before, during, or after meals, etc. but what's the point of any of this if I can't eat healthy foods. I am tired of living like this. I have decided that I would rather be fat than be this miserable. I am looking for advice about how to approach my doctor about having the band removed. I am scheduled for another fill in 2 weeks but really don't want to wait that long to get this process started. I know that I am going to have a struggle getting my insurance to cover the removal since I have not had the band for 2 years and don't have any obvious symptoms of slippage / erosion, but I have to do something. I have mentioned my frustration about what I can and cannot eat at each of my fills, but I have a feeling they don't truly appreciate how miserable I have been. Also, my surgeon is not known for his bedside manner. He can be very condescending and demeaning. I can only imagine what he is going to say when I tell him I want to have the band removed. Any suggestions about how to get started would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your compassion and advice.

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