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Everything posted by rudeetina

  1. rudeetina

    July 2013

    From the album: 2013

  2. rudeetina


  3. rudeetina

    Aug 2013

    From the album: 2013

  4. I'm not really a fan of Walmart but they took extra care to take care of Prea when she got a flat. She went from a 2 hour wait to twenty minutes. Put her in front of everyone else to fix a flat she had. Kindness with a smile goes a long way.Why get angry and distracted with frustration - what's done is done its your reaction to the unforeseen hurdles that count. That is the KEY!!!Don't forget to brandish yours today - you never know what you will get in return.Have a fantabulous day FB.

  5. GLAD tomorrow is Friday. Hanging with the girls and dress shopping for Saprea. Gonna be fun fun fun...

  6. Hanging with the girls. Getting ready for another work week. Glad I'm on vacation next week.

  7. OMG.. I hate yard work... Tell me why the trimmer beat me up.. That thing hurts.. My legs look like I was mauled by pissed off cats.. Think I will talk my nephew into doing the back yard.. IMO!!!!

  8. Enjoying the rain at home watching TV with my youngest baby girl. Love days like this.

  9. Bummed Dr. K is retiring. I am scared of finding a new Dr and the quality of service I will get with a new one. Dr. K is great and love him. He will be missed.

  10. At home getting ready for another work week. Already looking forward to the log Labor Day Weekend. Good Nite ALL.

  11. Don't you love a productive day at work. I sure do. Tired myself out. Feels great to be me though. I work with wonderful people and caring agents at Kentwood.

  12. Great weekend with the kiddos...Thinking about Wellington Lake for the 4th. The kids would love it. Fireworks off the water... Yep were doing it. We'll have to put Prea in a bubble since she hates bugs.

  13. Great day, awesome workout tonight. Legs feeling like Jello but it was all worth it.

  14. To all the single mothers who are daddy's to. Keep up the good work. Hands down to you ladies.

  15. Great time today shopping with my girls. A woman can't have to many shoes.

  16. Wonders why Life and Love have to be so damn complicated. Take your blinders off true love could be right in front of you!

  17. Enjoyed Ladies ladies night out.. Need to do it more often guys. It was great catching up - thanks for listening. Mike you rock my friend.

  18. Ended up working today. It's all good got a lot of stuff done at the office that I was putting off because I am so busy during the week. I really must love what I do. YOU KNOW IT!!!!!

  19. Can I function on 4 hrs sleep. Went Crazy cosmic bowling with the kids last-night. Didn't get home till almost 3. The things we do as parents for our kids. At least I knew where they were last-night and they stayed out of trouble. I also found out you can't bowl a 220 with long fingernails. Hmmm will I cut them NO!!! So guess I will never bowl a 220 again :-)

  20. Great birthday dinner for Saprea, her face was priceless when they came to sing to her. I love those surprise it's for you moments. My baby girl is 17 - she has become an awesome young woman. Happy Birthday Baby. A rare GEM indeed.

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