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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by collins33

  1. collins33

    Where are you from?

    Arlington, Tx
  2. This may sound dumb but when is a lap band card issue? I never heard of this. Sorry!
  3. collins33

    The End of Summer Challenge

    I'm a day late and I'm not happy to say I gained a pound. I'm at 175.5 spent the weekend with the kids before they went back to school and snacked when they did. I will be back on track this week.
  4. collins33

    The End of Summer Challenge

    Checking in at 174.5lbs.
  5. collins33

    The End of Summer Challenge

    Hello everyone I know I'm late but I'm down 1 lb (178lbs).
  6. collins33

    The End of Summer Challenge

    Name, real or screen~collins33 Age - 31 Weight on Aug 1st - 179 Goal Weight for August 29th~170 Exercise Goal for August~Do more Dietary Goal for August~to eat before 7pm Personal Goal for August~Be happy Date Banded~12-29-10 Total Weight Loss Since Banding~41 lbs
  7. collins33

    Freedom Challenge

    I'm late checking in but I'm 179lbs now. I'm down 5lbs.
  8. I was banded on December 29th, 2010 and I've lost 41lbs. Only 49 more lbs til I reach my goal.
  9. collins33

    Freedom Challenge

    Name, real or screen~ collins33 Age~ 31 Weight on July1st~ 184 Goal Weight for July 29th~ 176 Exercise Goal for July~ More running Dietary Goal for July~ Adding more protein Personal Goal for July~ Staying off scale Date Banded~ 12-29-11 Total Weight Loss Since Banding~ 40lbs
  10. Well I decided to keep it to myself. My brothers are Marines and my mom compares me to them alot. She believes that if my baby brothers could go thru being Marines then losing weight shouldn't be too hard. She fail to realize that I've been on diets and pills to help but the weight always seem to find its way back to me....lol....My husband is the only person who knows about it. It's been tough but I take it one day at a time. I don't want anyone to judge me. I've seen how people react when one of my friends had got the band and I don't care to go thru the same judgement. We know that it's not easy but in fact even harder with the band. We have to watch even more closely on what we put in our mouth. The ultimate decision is on you....everyone have their reasons on why they keep it private. This is just some of many for me. Besides I'm doing this for myself and not for anyone else. Good luck on your journey!
  11. collins33

    Period during surgery

    Yeah just let your nurse know. That happened to me when I had my surgery. My nurse just told me to leave my own panties on. You'll be okay!!! Good luck!!!!
  12. collins33

    Where am I going wrong?

    I feel the same way I was banded on Dec 29,2010 and lost only 36 lbs and at a stand still. I workout daily in this Texas heat..... Just hang in there we've came so far just to give up.
  13. collins33

    am I too tight?

    Sounds like you're too tight. I would have to talk to the nurse or doctor or just go up there if it's not too far and see what could be done. Good Luck!
  14. collins33

    am I too tight?

    Are you making sure the meat isn't too dry? I was having the same issue and I had to get my band loosen yesterday and I feel better today so far. But time will tell because when I got my 2nd fill I was doing ok then 3 weeks later I was feeling tight. Like you, I chewed my food and timed myself. You maybe too tight....How long ago was your fill?
  15. collins33

    going the wrong way

    When you see him he will be surprise to see you since its been awhile just let him know why it's been so long before you returned. Also you should use that comment as a tool to push you forward and work harder to lose the weight you gained back.
  16. I just read your blog and I feel the same way too at times. I go for my 3rd fill next Monday and I plan to talk to him about getting the sleeve if I don't like the results by my 1yr anniversary. I'm hoping he would be willing to do it and my insurance will pay for it. But for now with the band I'm going to make the best of it and go with the flow. I hope you plan to do the same.

  17. collins33

    16years and being banded

    Being a mother and knowing what I've been thru during my childhood days I do agree to what you're doing. Its nothing you're forcing your daughter to do it's something your family agreed on and seem to know what is expected if she have the surgery or if she don't have the surgery. As I could see it it's something she wants and being a mother I know we're willing to do whatever to help ease the pain. Good luck! Keep in mind people are going to talk but you and your family know what's really going on.
  18. collins33

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Why am I fat???? Well like many I ate because I was depress and alone. I did have friends but not many when I was younger. My parents got a divorce when I was 3 and at that time I knew my mom didn't want us(me and my brother) because she was too young. That wasn't a feeling it was something that was told to me by my mother. My dad was a truck driver and had to do what he had to do to provide for my brother and me so he wasn't around much since he was driving cross country. My grandparents raised us so that was a plus! My mom was living her life and came in and out of it when she could fit us in her schedule. My dad missed all of my birthdays until I was 13 but was there for my brother's. That's where I felt like I was alone......not wanted! As years went by they would wonder why I'm the person that I am and little that they know it's because of them. As I started to date I began to eat because my boyfriend was eatting even if I just ate before seeing him...stupid me I finally thought I fell in love with my son's father so I gained that "love" weight. But 2 years later we fell out of love because I wanted something more of my life and he didn't. I started to lose weight and the smallest I got to was a size 14. Yay! But it didn't last long becasue I once again fell in love and began to eat for every little reason....parties, drinking, eatting late. Then I got pregnant with my daughter. Now having 2 kids of my own and know the feeling of being alone and fat I chose to live a better and healthier life. My daughter is slightly overweight and I chose to help her before it's too late and not yelling at her. Becasue I know that could hurt her in the long run where she would turn to food for comfort. This is one of the many reasons why I chose not to fat any longer......
  19. Sorry to hear that your friend would do that but that just shows that she/he wasn't really a friend. This is the one of the reasons why I haven't told many people about my journey. My boyfriend and 2 friends know but they are very supportive. I rather keep it to myself so I don't have to deal with the negative responses I feel like I have other important issues to deal with like trying to better myself. Hope things get better for you!
  20. I guess I was lucky in a way that my doctor saw that I had gall stones before my band. So a month before I had my band I got my gall bladder removed. Candieeee I'm kind of surprise your doc didn't suggest to take your bladder out before your band. My doc wouldn't even do my band unless I took care of the stones first just to make sure I wouldn't have complications down the road. Well I hope things get better for you.
  21. collins33

    why hide lapband?

    I'm one of those people who have been keeping my surgery a secret. I think mainly because my family are the type of people who would think I gave up when in reality I didn't because it's just as hard! My mother is really the person who I really don't want to tell because I feel like she compares me to my brothers who are Marines and younger than me. Only my ex and 2 of my friends know about my surgery and they are very supportive of my decision. I know one day it will come out but honestly I'm happy the way it is.
  22. I'm happy for those who've been able to loose alot of weight fast but I'm also jealous too. I've been working out daily, walking, jogging, workout videos, Wii I've also stopped eatting red meat. I eat more chicken, lean turkey meat and fish. I do get my daily protein like we're suppose to. I'm just at a stall but I'm not giving up.....no way! Once again congrats to all!
  23. I also do the pure protein shots but I freeze mine and eat it like a freeze pop. Of course to do this I have to pure it in a cup before freezing. It doesn't taste too bad.
  24. collins33

    For The Ladies

    I do agree....and it sucks! I lost 3 lbs last week and now that my cycle is coming I'm so bloated.....
  25. collins33

    Dance Central, Just Dance and Zumba

    I'm like you I have the Wii but would like the Kinect. I'm just waiting to see what other games they come out with for the Kinect. I do have the Biggest loser, Just Dance, Just Dance II, Michael Jackson, Wii Fitness, Zumba and Country Dance (I believe that's the name) and they are fun. I also get my kids to do this not realizing that they are working out a little....lol.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
