hello to all,
I have an interesting story, I hope I will not bore you. I went to the lapband seminar in early July. I was told at that time there were 3 types of surgeries offered by the practice. The lapband, sleeve and bypass, also that only very few insurances covered the sleeve, but mine was one of them. So, with saying that, I knew I did not want the bypass, but was interested in the band and the sleeve. So, when I had my phsych eval 7/22 , I asked about more info one the sleeve, and one of the office workers informed me that the physicians perform the surgery but the hospital has not okayed the sleeve as of yet. They are in negoitiations, and would take a few months to finalize. So, with that information I have decided to go forward with the lapband. well, yesterday, I went for my pre-op physical with my surgeon and nurse and basicly found out that I was mis- informed by the staff, the surgeons were waiting on the hospitalto set a price on the self pay patients for the sleeve.
He told me I am still able to have the sleeve procedure done on the same day as scheduled, but will have to spend the night.
I am somewhat disturbed but at the same time happy to know I have the option with out rescheduling .. OH, by the way, my surgery is on Tuesday 9/1/09.... and I have to inform the WLS by tomorrow of my decision.
I am so happy I mentioned what I was told.
I liked the fact there was an in between option, I am not crazy about the fills and having a foregin object left inside me...
so, I am pretty sure of my decision, I am 90% there....:wink0:
So, now I have moved on from the lapbandtalk.com to here... but there is sooo much information on that site as well as this one.