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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by EdmontonGal

  1. EdmontonGal
    Surgery was Tuesday. I got home from hospital Wednesday. By Friday I was drove nutty.
    My lady friends MamaG and Bestie were available Friday night.
    MamaG was home alone with hubby away at work and Bestie had gone over to the GTeam Headquarters to help get the 2 babes to bed so that the three of us gals could have a movie night. It sounded wonderful!
    This was the first time I had a chance to recount the whole surgery experience with my ladies and let me tell you, NO conversation EVER has ANY holds barred! We didnt even get to the movie. The ladies made me laugh way too much and way too hard but it was great to be out and catching up and feeling normal!
    I shared all the gritty details of my surgery, my worries about the surgery, thier worries about it and EVERYTHING else.
    I got home at MIDNIGHT and snuggled in to bed, sore but in fantastic spirits. Thank Goodness for friends!
    Today was my Grandfather's 90th Birthday party. We drove the 2 hours each way to my hometown to be there. There was about 90 people present including all of my Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Siblings, Nieces and Nephews. Without ANY intention, I fessed up to most of the very important people in my life. I couldn't stay all day, it was a little too much for me 4 days after surgery but I did my best to soak up every minute with them all. I felt badly for not being able to stay the whole day and it just came out, naturally.
    I had been so nervous about telling anyone really except for the 5 most important people in my life. I was determined not to tell them and open myself up to judgement and feedback of anyone. EVERY response was positive. Everyone had noticed how much hard work I had done in the last year to get to where I was before surgery and EVERYONE congratulated me on my past success and my future success. I left feeling tired, but so much stronger without the weight of keeping something so huge in my life from these people who were such a huge part of my life!
    All in all, a great day 4 and 5. I'm still experiencing gas pains in my shoulders, my incisions are tender from all of the ghing over the last few days and I am having a super hard time getting my protein quota in daily BUT it will only get better!
    Take care all! Celebrate all successes BIG AND SMALL!

  2. EdmontonGal
    I slept like a baby the night before my surgery. This for me, was a confirmation that I was soo ready for this! In fact, I felt like I was so ready, that I didn't need anyone to come to the hospital with me the day of. I just figured that my bestie and my Mr. would meet me in my room when I was all wrapped up! The bestie had another plan. She had been through a few knee surgeries and insisted that I would want the company in pre-op. I didn't agree and felt bad for most of the 3 hour wait for taking up her time when I knew I would be calling on her after the surgery for her support. About half an hour before the scheduled time, a nurse came in. She put on some TED stockings and we all had a great laugh at how hot they were. Then she whipped out the IV and the Heparin shots. My bestie let me squeeze the hell out of her hands while the nurse had 2 failed IV attempts and stabbed me in the tummy with a burning dose of blood thinner. Heparin Sucks! If it wasn't for my know-it-all bestie, I may have just gotten up and ran out then. Thank Goodness for friends!
    Soon after, it was time. They wheeled me up to the op waiting room. It was weird being lined up side by side with strangers, all in the same stockings and sexy blue hats! My nurse came out, got the IV in and told me that her daughter had the same name as me and was the same age. She promised to treat me like her own. Ahh, the comfort. She then took me in to the op room where all the tools were splayed and ready to go. My nerves kicked in big time but I had no time to think about it. I was moved onto the table and given a warm blanket and then OUT!!!
    2 hours later I woke up in recovery and was quickly on my way to my room. I was wheeled off of the elevator and there was bestie! She beat me to my room. I was happy to see her! She read quietly while I spent the next few hours in and out of awareness. Soon, she tagged in the Mr and was off. Mr. took me for a few walks around the unit and I was feeling pretty good besides the tightness of the gas but walking sure helped allot! Before I knew it, all visitors had to leave. I cried. I felt alone and scared and I HATE NEEDLES AND HOSPITALS! Mr. hugged me and told me he would be back in no time. I was convinced that I could sleep all night and would be getting up when he arrived in the am.
    I couldn't have been more wrong! I was awake all night. Between the crazy roommate I had, the IV machine beeping all night and the nurses hellish doses of Heparin I might have slept for 4 hours in total. At 6:00 am when my surgeon came in, I was prepared to do cartwheels to prove that I was ready to leave. This wouldn't have been a good idea I know but the hospital was not helping me recoup! They said I was doing fantastic and could leave at 9:30! YES!!! I survived the hospital stay!
    Mr. arrived and I wasted no time getting packed up and out of there! The nurses were fantastic - don't be fooled by my negative recount of the hospital stay!
    Being that we have had about 4 feet of snow here in the last 2 weeks, the ride home wasn't grand either! The ruts on the road made for a horse and cart type ride. It was hellish. Mr, as bright as he is, had brought me a pillow to splint my tummy with on the way home. Smarty Pants. I was sooo thankful!
    We got home, greeted the lonely pup and snuggled in on the couch to catch up on the sleep I had missed out on in the hospital. I took some pain meds, ate some shakes and applesauce and walked... then did it all over again. Walking sure does help with the gas. My neck and shoulders were VERY tight from the gas too, the walking helped more than the Gas-X strips by far!
    I slept decently last night at home in bed!
    Today, I am feeling better. There is less pain but still allot. I have had to concentrate on how to get all my protein in. My dietitian wants to see me eating about 80 grams per day. At first I thought it would be impossible but ,mid-day today, I already hit 29 grams! Skim milk powder in everything helps and the chocolate soy milk with 6g per cup is great too! I even made the bed today. I hope to sweep the floor tomorrow but wont push it! A little bit of progress daily is all I am looking for and more than happy to get these days. In short, Great friends and being prepared will make the surgery process all that much easier! Even if you think you are tough (like me).. you still need the support!
    Keep up the hard work you guys! A big shout out to Martha too!!! You'll be home soon lady!
  3. EdmontonGal
    :xena_banana: I am so ready!!! I filled the pantry and fridge with everything on my dieticians shopping list, Ive got my box of kleenex, heat bag, Gas-X strips and blanky ready and waiting near the couch along with the FANTASTIC INFO for reading that was sent by TOMANDER. (My shout out!!) My laundry is done and the house is clean. Ive cleared my schedule of everything non-recoup related and I've got my bag packed for Tuesday morning to take to the hospital...... and still another 2 sleeps.
    I am going to busy myself over the next 2 days by concentrating on my post-op diet and pre-op exercise regiem and making sure that I didnt forget to do that thing Ive already done but keep reminding myself over and over not to forget to do it!
    I'm psyched to get the hospital stay over with and probobly more worried about that part than anything else. I do not do sleepovers and the Mr. cant stay at all!

    This too shall pass and soon enough I will be back at home, back to my kicking ass and taking names... 1st on the list is MUFFINTOP!
    CHEERS and Good luck to those who share the 18th as thier BandBirthday! And to the rest of you all too!
  4. EdmontonGal
    I'm a 28 year old, hilarious, confident, easy -going, loyal professional female. I've been overweight for as long as I can remember and although I faced the same teasing that the rest of the "fat kids" experienced, I've always loved my life. I've always been healthy despite my weight. I've always been active in sports, camping, hiking and all else outdoors and because of this, I was in denial about how my weight was a major health concern.
    Now, 7 years in to a relationship with the love of my life and my best friend<3, I am at the place where I want to become a parent. A healthy parent! With diabetes having deep roots in my family, my family Doctor told me that I was almost guaranteed to run in to related issues with pregnacy at my weight. So, the journey began.
    I live in Edmonton. Edmontonians are lucky to have an awesome program here called Weight Wise, offered out of the Royal Alexandra Hospital for FREE! I was referred by my family doctor and was on the waiting list for 2+ years to get in. Finally, in September 2009 I got THE call. It was my time to do this! All of this. Time to change my life!
    I met my nurse, my dietician, my psychologist and Dr. Sharma. He is the Scientific Director of the Canadian Obesity Network, as well as the Chair of Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta. A whole team, just for me! Just for my health!? AWESOME! Bring it on!
    I attended 10 modules offered by the clinic. The facilitators are a mix of Psychologists, Dieticians and Nurses all coming together to teach the participants about all aspects of obesity and give each of the attendees a "bag of tools" to make the changes in lifestyle to maintain healthy weight loss and adress the emotional components of eating. All of the modules took me about 8 months to complete and I scheduled them mostly at my own convienence.
    The education component was the hardest to buy in to. I thought that after living my entire life being overweight, that I knew why I was fat, how I got fat and how to lose the weight. I didn't.
    I also attended an emotional eating support group at the request of my dietician. I thought that I wasn't an emotional eater because I dont cry in to a tub of ice cream when I am upset. I was wrong. Social situations and stressful situations are my most vulnerable triggers. I learned allot through the group and made some great friends too.
    A year and a half later, I have lost 40lbs (leisurely) and been approved for my selected Lap-Band Surgery. All at no cost, besides parking at the clinic!
    Gastric Bypass and the Sleeve were a little too permanent and drastic for me but the options were given, provided I committed to the program and was successful!
    Here I am, 6 sleeps away from being banded. I am nervous, excited, anxious, scared and most of all committed to changing my life.
    World, be prepared for the same old Jen, with a smaller ass!
    Good luck to all of you! :grouphug:
  5. EdmontonGal
    This weeks weigh in: 175.4lbs. Down .6lbs this week.
    I went to a step class Friday. It kicked my ass and I loved every minute of it. Trying to use the toilet or climb stairs on Saturday SUCKED but it was that good good pain. I sweat my ass off through a tank and a t-shirt! GOOD STUFF! Phew!

    Work has been crazy and although my daily eating habits are just fine despite being out for work dinners almost every week night for the last week and all of this week too. At one of the dinners, I tried a few bites of a hot dog A HOT DOG!!! I haven't had a hot dog in forever. It smelled horribly delicious at the table next to us and I wanted mine with mustard. Tons of mustard. I had a bite and it was all good. Not quite what I imagined it to taste like but I settled on the compromise that since it was not a 10 out of 10, I would only have a few small bites and leave it alone. Well, I did have a few small bites while keeping up the conversation with a few folks. I must have been distracted because on my 3rd bite, about an 1/8th of the way in to this guilty pleasure, I felt a funny swallow. It was too big. I was going to get stuck at a work dinner. FABO!
    I quietly (couldn't talk) excused myself, went straight to the bathroom and was horrified to see 5 little girls playing around in and out of the 2 stalls. There was a line up! I could not imagine letting these innocent little darlings watch me lose my lunch into the garbage can, but it was coming. I couldn't open my mouth to tell them to hurry or get out of the way... so I waited swallowing hard, rocking the cold sweat and pacing. Finally, they left and I went straight in to the stall and effortlessly just spat it right out. Not to go in to TMI but this piece of hot dog that was causing all of this, was the size of a small pea. My vitamins are bigger than this. WTF? Lesson learned. Farewell hot dogs... I will miss you but my ass will not. Apparently, I have tricked myself in to believing that they taste a whole lot better than they really do.
    This weekend the hubby and I are hitting the slopes at Marmot Basin. A whole weekend away together... alone! I don't know if we have ever done this. I am really excited about us being able to share another hobby! I love the Rocky Mountains and I love Jasper, Alberta almost as much as I love the ocean. There is something to be said about a heard of elk greeting you at your door in the morning and the surrounding views of the Rocky Mountains. When I was younger I used to dream about building my own little cabin way up there in the bush with a zip line just for me to take my trips to town for supplies. Although I still love the idea, I know that I would never survive! lol.
    I love the outdoors and am so fortunate to live where I do. The promise of this will get me through this week!

    Check out one of the Travel Alberta Commercials:

    If anyone ever wants to come visit Canada for a BOOBS tour - let me know! lol. Sadly, I will not be making Chicago this year. I had hoped to but with the wedding in April (38 days until departure to be exact) and an awesome week-long road-trip with the Besties to Vancouver Island in July, I won't be able to afford it. It doesn't help that September is black out month for all of the field executives at work either. Maybe 2013!
    More news; My Mom had decided to have Bypass surgery in May after the Mexico trip. She has started a blog and when she figures out how to send me a link, I will share it with you all. I am really excited for her and she has worked really hard at all of this for a while now. She is down 30ish lbs so far and I only see her working harder and harder. Allot of the work has been on her own and she has even been trying to motivate some of the girls that she has met through different nutrition and psych classes that she has attended. I am proud of her and cannot wait for her to tap in to the wonderful world of support in blogland! Stay tuned!
    Take Care all and please keep your fingers crossed for me to escape the weekend without injury!
  6. EdmontonGal
    Now that I have your attention... lol.
    I woke up last Tuesday with an extremely sore back, neck and shoulder. My shoulder has been bugging me for weeks. Well actually months when I look back. I think that it may have something to do with my drooping bust! Anyone else out there face shoulder or back problems with the shrinking and sagging boobies? In true Jen fashion, i kept denying that I needed to have it looked at and I waited until it was unbearable. I couldn't even turn my head. I made an emergency call to a nearby acupuncture and massage clinic since Sparms Bestie had popped in last week and recommended the place. The Dr. called me back shortly and could slip me in shortly. Grand! Except for the fact that I had never have had acupuncture before. I have a huge-ish tiny little fear of needles. When I was a kid it was horrible. I would be completely put under at the dentist and would have a tiny needle poke in my fingers at the clinic when they needed to take blood samples. Thanks to the Pre and Post-Band process, I have been getting over it slowly. I decided that if I could go through with fills that acupuncture couldn't be too terrible and I was DESPERATE!
    He gave me an assessment by checking my pulse in both wrists and taking a look at my tongue. I then undressed and lay on my side on the table. He came in and inserted the first needle in the back of my neck. Not too bad at all. I can handle this. I barely felt the needle go in. He then began to twist the needle around asking me if I felt anything. All of the sudden, ZING! He hit something. It was almost like a little shock and I could feel my body almost immediately let go. He continued on to my shoulder, arm and leg. He then applied a medicinal herb to the tips of the needles and lit them with a torch and left me for 20 minutes to relax while the needles warmed my nerves. I could feel the release. I was thankful.
    He then came back in and wanted to try cupping. Hmmmm, cupping? Yes, cupping. I think it sounds like a dirty thing. lol. But I accepted. He then took small pieces of cotton, lit them on fire and threw them into these softball sized glass globes. He immediately stuck them one at a time to my shoulder, arm and back. As the air cools, a vacuum is created and your skin is sucked into the globes. He applied 5 and again left me on my side for about 20 minutes in the cozy, dim room. I could feel the tension melting! It was amazing! I finished the session with a fantastic aggressive massage and headed off to work with some relief and some pretty big hickeys! I only got one picture and it's not a great one but at least you get the point.

    Anyway, i went back again on Friday and felt pretty decent over the weekend but woke up with some pain today. I will definitely go back!
    I got one work out in last week before the shoulder knocked me out and spent the entire long weekend camping on the river eating GARBAGE! I had licorice, a hotdog, chips and some drinks too! All of that and only one pound gained. I weighed in today at 183lbs. The loss of 80lbs didn't last very long but I am a lucky lucky girl. Camping really brings out allot of my old habits and this weekend I didn't win the mental battle, nor did I try too hard either. Regardless, I am getting back on the elliptical as soon as I finish here! I did not put my pj's on when walking in the door to curl up and watch the latest Love in The Wild that I PVR'ed with the attention seeking pup. I got dinner together, checked in by blogging and am now on my way to finish up the last of the camping laundry and finally - GET MY ASS IN GEAR!
    I leave you with a shot of one of my favorite places ever to camp;


  7. EdmontonGal
    Weigh in day: 187lbs. The scale has not moved.
    So I am back into the swing of things for 3 more days until I hit the road to go camping again this weekend. This weekend will be purely a social event without ANY work included or even thought about! The weekend in Jasper was Amazing! We met 50 New Canadians from all over the world and provided them with thier first camping experience. I truly have had a renewal of love for my job. I forget sometimes when I am stuck behind my desk under mountains of paperwork. The real ones are much much more amazing!


    In bandland, things are at a steady pace. I have been lacking in my exercise routine with work being so busy. My food choices were terrible this weekend travelling in a van with 3 young adults for 800km. I was easily influenced and all to quickly made the foolish excuses in my mind that all of the junk that we packed was really for them. Pffft, I'm not kidding anyone! I got home later Sunday evening and had a grilled chicken breast with salad for dinner. Monday, grilled shrimp and pineapple skewers with some brown rice. Tonight, stuffed peppers and Turkey sausage. I also got back on the workout wagon lastnight too so I can't complain. I am course correcting! I learnt that at my fancy staff summit earlier this year.
    Last week, Sparms bestie and I were talking about the dating world for people our age and people our weight. The matter of assumption about fat people being lazy came up in conversation and it pissed me off, so I thought I would share. Really, a person like me who has been active and healthy (besides being 250+ lbs)for most of their life is automatically pegged for being lazy. I am and have always been anything but LAZY. I personally, can't stand a lazy person. It is one of my pet peeves and maybe that's why this whole topic makes me angry. I am just curious about how many of you out there have been pigeon-holed into the bon bon eating, soap watching, couch surfing fat girl?

    And what do I plan to do about it? Nothing! Continue to workout my frustrations!
    Cheers all!

  8. EdmontonGal
    Week 18?!?! I weighed in at 191lbs this morning. I told you it was the stress and once it was gone, so would the extra few pounds I have been carting around. Another day late blog this week. I may just change to Wednesdays every week!
    Last weekend the Mister and I joined my Dad and his girlfriend for a long-weekend of camping. First trip out of the year! We tried out our new to us 1969 tent trailer. She aint pretty but it was amazing to not have to lug all the camping gear back down to my basement when we got home!
    I walked 2 out of 3 days, minded the snackies the best that I could and indulged in a few beverages too!! I relaxed with Sparms and the Mister, played cards and caught up with my Dad and his girlfriend.... PERFECTION! Now back to life and what a busy week to try to jump back on the wagon!!!
    In trying to jump back on the wagon, I have to get back to routine. My routine is as follows:
    Breakfast: 0630hrs: 3/4 sunnyboy cereal + 1/4c Blueberries + 3Tbsp soy milk. (When it is done cooking, I add skim milk powder and benefibre to it. I make a big batch on Sunday and put it in the fridge in individual containers. still and individually portion for the week.)
    1030hrs: 1/4 cottage cheese + a few veggies OR 1/4 c greek yogurt + 1/4 c fruit puree unsweetened
    1230-1300hrs: I used to eat spinach and veggie salad with a small can of tuna daily.. until I found what the suggested amount of tuna consumption is. SCARY! Now I take leftovers. Most chicken breasts are 5 or 6 ounces of meat. I usually save about half or so from dinner and take the salad, grains or beans that are leftover.
    1500 hrs: I usually have a cheese string and a few pieces of broccoli or snap peas for the ride home. An apple, celery, carrots. Protein and fruit/veggie.
    1800hrs: I like to make a good meal for dinner that the Mister and I can sit down together to enjoy. We do schedule Friday as out eat out night and that keeps me cooking during the week most of the time. I get home from work at 3 or 4, start dinner and get on the elliptical then off to the dog-park. I like to do the elliptical when Mister isn't home because I feel like when he is in the house, the time passes slower. I am wondering what he is doing upstairs and it just makes it difficult to get in my zone! Once I am in the house and done everything for the day, I want to relax. I can not put off exercise to this point. It will just NOT happen! After dinner, I do the dishes and put the leftovers in the fridge for lunch tomorrow. This is the ideal schedule and routine for me. I thrive in it! I just wish I could master longer runs with it! It will never end... I may just have to accept that.
    Here is a super easy and tasty chicken recipe. Hummus stuffed chicken.
    2 skinless boneless chicken breasts
    1/4 c hummus
    1/4 c light feta
    1/4 chopped kalamata olives
    1 Tbsp pepper
    2Tbsp chopped tomato
    non-stick spray
    tin foil
    Butterfly chicken breasts and pound them out. Mix hummus, feta, olives and tomato.
    Spread 1/2 mixture on each chicken breast. Roll up chicken breast, sprinkle with pepper, roll it tightly in the tin foil. I cooked these on the BBQ on medium heat for about 40 minutes turning every ten or fifteen minutes. I am crazy about chicken being SOOOOO done that I think you could get away with less time. I served the chicken with grilled curry cauliflower and roasted asparagus and yellow pepper pasta. TASTY!


    Take Care,

  9. EdmontonGal
    FINALLY! The scale moved. I weighed in at a nice 192lbs this morning. 70lbs down from my heaviest and 32lbs since surgery. Things have slowed allot lately and I know exactly what is causing it! I found this post this morning when catching up and certainly can relate! lol. I am just 4 months out and i should be thinking this way still. I am not, and I still do not have restriction so.... I plow on!

    i-want-to-be-baby-bandster-again c/o my idol - LAP BAND GAL!

    This post of mine is not on a TUESDAY! GASP! I was too busy hiking up around huge biggish mountains with Sparms. We went out on Monday for a Tuesday morning work meeting. We hiked 4km on Monday afternoon and 4km yesterday on our way home. I thought about quitting once. Then I thought about how proud we would be of ourselves at the top. I thought about how there was no way either of us could have done this 2 years ago. I thought about my determination through all of this. I thought about how great my ass must look to Sparms as she climbed behind me and that finishing this climb would only make it even nicer. I also thought that there has to be an amazing view waiting for us up there because why else would people put thier bodies through this crazy crazy shit. It was a little scary. The 2 of us, alone, in the middle of bear and cougar (not us lady cougars, real ones who stalk people and pounce from nowhere to swallow you up after shredding your skin with one swipe of thier massive claws) territory.
    Jasper National Park is HUGE! We are but specks in the landscape next to the giant lodgepoll pines, the long winding rivers, the peaks, the valleys... just so so small and insignificant. Not that day. We were not insignificant. We were two fat girls who have come a long way in the last two years. Such a long way that we climbed a mountain, as small as it may be in comparison to the great pyramid mountain, it is still a mountain that we conquered.

    and the view was most certainly worth it all!
    <P style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; CLEAR: both" class=separator>


    Back to reality today. This blog and work took up most of the morning and the forecast is very similar for the afternoon. Tomorrow I will clean house and pack for an awesome long weekend spent camping with my Mister and my Daddy! Who cares if there is a provincial fire ban on right now! Who needs a fire? Not the girl who is capable of climbing a mountain! I am sure I will make it work! I can do anything!


  10. EdmontonGal
    This morning I weighed in at 193lbs. Not a budge from last week. I am a little dissappointed I have to admit BUT I did not gain. I'll take it.... I guess. I'm hoping that I really did lose a few pounds but the stress is weighing me down. Stress gone = POOF - 3 lbs?!?!? Let's keep our fingers crossed.
    I've been fighting the mental fight these days. My meal choices have been decent in most cases BUT I just seem to be hungry late at night allot lately. I am using my herbal tea and novelty water bottle to combat the late night troll that wants me to snack on the Mister's chips and snacks. I have been successful so far but I feel like I may cave at any moment! I keep telling myself that it isn't worth it. That my sunnyboy breakfast will be waiting for me in the morning. That I am not REALLY hungry. Thing is, I think that I am!
    I purchased a soy based chocolate protien powder yesterday. I am hoping that, at 140 cal and 19g of protien per serving, that one of these bad boys might help me feel fuller through the evening. I have been struggling with my protien, especially on the road and the extra help couldn't hurt! Yesterday was my first crack at it but I worked until 10pm and couldn't tell you if hunger was one of the things swirling around in my brain! I will try again today and see how it goes. It seems that anytime that I think that I may be in control and getting the hang of this, the signs tell me that I need to work harder! More exercise, less waivering and this too shall pass... right?!
    This week the sun is here and the temps will stay in the 20's !!! We are off to my hometown on Saturday to celebrate my Grandparent's 65th anniversary! Grandpa is 90 and Grams is only a year behind! Sunshine, Family and Country Roads!!! Next week, Sparms Bestie (we work together too) are on our way to Jasper for a meeting! HELLS YES! ROADTRIP to PARADISE!


    Take Care All,

  11. EdmontonGal
    I've been on a ride these last few weeks. To me it feels like months but looking back on the facts, it's only weeks. I've been on the road like crazy, there's been occasion after occasion and I hit the road tomorrow again until Friday. Me, the open road and GAS STATION FOOD! I have a late meeting tonight and am not sure that I will get all of my snacks for the road together but I will try! I have fresh veggies waiting to be chopped, individual yogurt and cottage cheese cups to fill, turkey sausage to cook and eggs to boil. This is great road food and it keeps me away from the jerky, chocolate, chips, licorice and pastries that I used to love so much. My pretty new water bottle has proven to be worth its weight in novelty and this steers me clear of the road stop coffee that always has those great flavored creamers! Sounds like a great plan huh? Now to deliver it! Wish me luck!
    I weighed in this morning at 195.6lbs. Not a budge from last week. this can be directly attributed to the 3rd Annual Besties Trip to the Cabin!!! I don't mind! It was WELL worth it! 2 whole days with some of the most beautiful women in the world. Games, Fireworks, FOOD, DRINKS, Campfires, Giggles, Chats, a Hookah (Imagine Arnie Schwarzenegger (yes the last name was in spellcheck, wtf?!) saying that one, cracks me up) and the GLORIOUS SUNSHINE! It was hard to leave Sunday. I love these gals! They are my cheering section, my counsellors, my confidants and my BESTIES! I do have a great life!

    I've set some goals that I want to put out there to help with accountability. I've always shied away from a weight related goal because none of this has been about the scale for me. It's about health and lifestyle change. In spring cleaning mode recently, I checked a few other things off of my TO DO LIST. Set up a savings account for the 30th BDAY Besties Trip next year, cleaned out the closets, got the Mister to fix some things and started a new To Do list. Figures, right?

    1) Food Journal Again! I have never been good at this but I really want to be. I see the value and I will start again this morning.
    2) Lift weights 3 out of the 5 cardio days. Baby Steps!
    3) Get back into PodRunner interval training. 5 Weeks to 5K. I liked this allot and am excited to see how much easier this will be for me 40lbs lighter and a whole lot healthier and disciplined.
    4) 185lbs for my Birthday in June. (10lbs in just under 6 weeks). Easy goals! A clear picture!

    Planting the sweet peas this morning and got lettuce in last night. The cucumbers are started in the house. I am ready summer, come stay for a while!

    Last years sweet peas in early July



  12. EdmontonGal
    This morning I weighed in at 195.6lbs. Up .2lbs. After the 3 meals out last week, 1 night at the bar (including dinner of nachos) with the Besties at the Donnie Dumphy concert, out again Saturday night for an old friends Bday (more drinks) and 3 missed workouts, I assumed that I would have gained more. NOPE! Thank the friggen stars! With all of the habits that I have changed, BOOZE is not going anywhere soon! I do miss beer and cider and gin and tonic but Ive replaced those relationships with gin and diet cran and red wine. I am a red wine WHORE! I love to drink, I love to socialize and I LOVE to have fun! I know, I know, some people would say that you don't need to drink to have fun..... I DO! I am 28 (for another month) and have no children. I want to live it up while I can! I know people talk about the "last supper" allot. This is how I feel about booze. I am going to drink all that I can before I get into MOM mode. The day after my 30th Birthday we will start trying for munchkins. Until then, I will continue to work my ass off, eat well and hope that this continues to balance off my love of liquor and the weight loss! A girl can dream right? Still happy that all I gained was .2lbs!!!! We shall see how this week goes. EASTER is here and that means the 3rd annual BESTIES trip to the cabin! I can not wait!



    After the stressful last few weeks at work, I need this! I need an afternoon in the sunshine with my gals, walking around on the trails, blaring the tunes while having a few drinks and pretending like I never have to return to the city and to working for a living!
    AND TO FOLLOW THE CROWD: the workout sweaty mess glow from yesterday. The elliptical kicked my ass after 2 days off and an upped by 10min program. I had sweat in places that I never knew could sweat!


  13. EdmontonGal
    Week 7 was pretty good! I had a cold that ripped me off of my schedule for cardio but I got two days in before I left for a week in Toronto. I walked allot to see the sights and make it to the different restaraunts that were reserved for us. I still didnt make the greatest choices though! We ate out every night and had pastries and chinese buffets offered in the conference. I knew it wouldnt be good so Sparms Bestie and I picked up a few groceries for the hotel room to be prepared. We had oatmeal and blueberries with soymilk every morning and packed snacks of protien bars and cheese sticks for snacks. There was plenty of herbal tea available too. I did make some terrible dinner choices (not unlike these deepfried pickles) and did cave to a few of the snackies offered. I also discovered something that doesnt sit well with me anymore. POPCORN. I have never been sick at all since surgery. I have not had any reactions to any food or drink... nothing yet. I guess there is always a first. My stomach felt as though it was in knots. Something I dont intend to relive! Goodbye popcorn!

    The Pickles = AMAZING! Snooki knows her deepfry!I
    I did make SOME terrible dinner choices but ate at least half of what I normally would at almost all meals. We also did a ton of walking around the city to see the sights and took advantage of the pool a few nights too!
    Then, the worst of it - the booze. The days were so stressful and the nights so amped by the excitement of being with all of the staff from accross Canada... that I did ingest copious amounts of liquor.

    That being said - I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT! I missed weigh in last week and was pleasantly surprised to discover a milestone in 200lbs on the scale this morning. I can live with that!
    I am now in Newfoundland for a week. I am sitting in the warmest, welcoming home that I have ever been in and having my mind unreel from an exhausting and exciting work week in Toronto. I have no motivation. I think I left it in Toronto. I am exhausted but at the same time, feel that my time here is limited and I dont want to miss anything. Walking here is natural, not forced so I am optimistic that I will kick it up a notch or 4 tomorrow. Maybe a hike up signal hill!
    I have to remind myself that it doesnt always have to be all or nothing! I struggle with this allot and find it easiest to explain in food terms. Sheesh, whoda thunk it!? lol/
    If I am eating a bag of chips and get halfway through, I always say to myself, "you ate half of it already Jen, might as well finish the whole thing." In terms of getting off of my schedule, I tell myself, "you already missed 2 days this week Jen, just start again Monday."
    This is the type of thinking that slid me so easily in to my 262lb body. Despite my faltering from the schedule, I am still doing just fine and it is only within myself that I will find the motivation to keep it all going.
    Hoping that you all find your motivation,

  14. EdmontonGal
    UGH - February SUCKED! From Wednesday to Sunday I drove 1500 km for work. I am glad it is over. Just in time for me to fly out to Toronto this Sunday for a week-long Conference. Then... ah, yes then.... I will have one glorious week in Newfoundland. Work has been crazy and to boot I was hit with a terrible cold this Sunday. Monday and Tuesday have been spent "working" from home.
    All of the time spent on the road did not make it easy to keep up with my routine at all! Exercise was fit in by a few short trots around unknown bushland at -30 celcius looking for geocaches (I think thats where I found this damn cold) in 3ft deep snow. I stayed overnight at a volunteers house where she cooked dinner of porkchops, egg noodles and mushroom gravy. This meal is not something that I would usually eat at all so I politely informed her that I didnt eat pork when I showed up with a roasted turkey breast and a salad. I did push some noodles and gravy around on my plate so as not to offend her. She was fine with it. The turkey breast actually made 3 meals for me with plenty leftover for my travel buddy while on the road. We had a picnic lunch overlooking the Grande Cache Moutain View with the turkey tit and some cheese and crackers.

    To my surprise, the lack of exercise and the lack of GREAT food options totally didnt hinder anything. I think it had to do with the amount of stress that I have been facing in the office these days being deminished significantly by the view, but I HIT 60lbs down yesterday morning weighing in at 201.6. This morning the scale said 202.4lbs and I should really count todays weight as it is my Tuesday weigh in day BUT I do believe that the extra .8 of a lb is all mucous that has filled my lungs and sinuses overnight so I am celebrating the success today.
    I have metally prepared myself and Sparms Bestie to be at the gym at our hotel every morning next week for some cardio. We all know what kind of food options are going to be facing me at the conference and I will not cave. I will dabble but not cave!
    On a more positve note, I tried another new recipe.
    FAUX-TATO SALAD - from the Atkins Diet I am guessing. It was passed on to me by a friend and I made my own adjustments to it. It was FAB and even better leftover! It is a heavy recipe with the mayo and the bacon but a nice indulgence for a side salad on occassion. I did not count the calories!
    1/2 head cauliflower cut in to bite sized pieces
    1/4 c diced red onion
    2 stalks celery chopped
    1/2 c ff greek yogurt
    1/2 c lf mayo
    1tsp salt
    1tsp pepper
    1tsp german mustard
    1TBSP dill - use whatever spices you would like!
    1/2 lb turkey bacon (I am sure you could use ff ham too)
    4 hard boiled eggs chopped fine
    about 14g of protien per half cup.
    boil califlower for about 5 mins with lid on. DO NOT OVERCOOK! It shoudl still be sort of firm. Plunge in cold water to stop cooking - drain and set aside.
    saute bacon, add onions and celery until golden.
    Place egg, mayo, yogurt and spices in large bowl and combine. Add bacon, onion, celery and cauliflower. Mix well. Let chill for at least one hour before serving. It had me fooled!
    Take Care All!

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