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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by skinnymom

  1. Congrats - my prayers for you are for a healthy baby and healthy mother. Are you banded and pregnant or just pregnant. I myself have 5 children and also loved being pregnant and would maybe do it one more time - after the specified waiting time after being banded of course. Have you thought about doing the cord blood? Good luck with the pregnancy and the upcoming sono!!! congrates and good luck - keep us posted!

  2. Just wanted to update everyone - Firstly, I wanted to thank everyone for their support. cant beleive how supportive the people on this site are!! I am now four days post op and am doing alot better. I must have had a stomach virus (must have been caught in the hospital) after 24 hours and some compazine I felt alot better. Still haveing some pain and difficulty with bad stomach aches after eating (my husband laughs when I say eating - because its really drinking LOL) but I am going to the doc tom for an esophogram and a checkuo to make sure that everything is going okay. Thanks again for the great support!!!

  3. I'M HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here I am on day 12 (2 weeks) from surgery. My first post-op check in is tomorrow afternoon... But I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HUNGRY! I want to start gnawing on my arm! I am still on full liquids (suppose to be for another week yet) but I am going to BEG BEG BEG the nutritionist tomorrow to advance me to mushies, bc I am starving! I can take in a lot more than I should at this point too. I started off being full after 4. oz. but now I can easily do 12-16 and probably more if I tried. I am pureeing chili and Soups and all sorts of stuff I probably should not be yet. HEEEEEEEEEELP!? Is anyone else in limbo between surgery and a fill and not quite on mushies and just famished????

    Also, the last 3 days I've gained weight... which is depressing! I was down almost 18 lbs. Now I've gained 3 of those back. ICK!

    Any words of wisdom would be GREATLY appreciated!!! :)


    :hug: Hugs,


    hey Jess

    sounds like you are doing great. I am four days post op and my doctor only requires 2 weeks of full liquids and then 2 weeks of mushies. I am sure he will let you progress to mushies!! good luck, and dont worry about the re-gain - it was probably just Water weight - or is it possible its that time of the month - Water retention?

  4. Hello Everyone! I was banded on Dec. 26th, and so far things are going wonderfully! With the pre-op diet they had me on, I have now lost a total of 43 pounds in the past month! I'm doing the happy dance now! Can't wait to hear from lots of you.

    43 lbs - thats unbeleivable - I am so happy for you!! I only lost 11 lbs between the pre-op and the surgery on 12/28. good luck and keep us posted!

  5. Skinnymom---I think that's where your port is. From what I understand the muscles get sore having something foreign around/in them. I think it gets better as time goes by---at least mine has. I occassionally can feel it, but it's not like in the beginning.

    offerRocker - thanks! at least that sounds encouraging - so glad to have such good support.

  6. Hey all I wanted to post a update as I was banded on 12/28/06 by Dr. Joya in Puerta Vallarta, Mexico. Everything went very very smoothly. I had a great experience there and with the staff.

    I am not quite a week out and of course on the clear liquid diet for a few more days. It is very wierd to hear my tummy rumble as it's hungry and I take a few sips of Water and that just goes away....kinda cool! :biggrin1:

    The hardest time for me was my family and I went to my parents for New Years Day and my mom was celebrating Christmas then since she and dad were out of town for Christmas and my mom made her traditional Christmas dinner and Desserts. Imagine everything you love in food on one table and then a whole other table filled with sweets and treats and you get NONE and everyone else is enjoying. That was tough but I made it and didn't touch a single thing!!! :clap2:

    'm pretty happy with how things are going and can't wait till this Thursday as I can weigh again since it will be my 3 week marker from when I started the 2week pre-op diet.

    The lbs are coming off and I am feeling GREAT!!!

    Just wanted to share.


    hi ene

    I was banded the same day as you and you sound like your doin great - I am so happy for you. I still have some discomfort - but its getting less. How long do you have tobe o liquids - my doc says two weeks - a week and a half to go.

  7. Hi, I'm Charelene and I was banded on Dec 22nd by Dr. Earl Fox in Auburn, Washington. So, far things have been going okay. However, I have pain on my left side, not near any incisions. I was wondering if anyone knows if the band can cause pain?

    Thanks for any information you can give.

    hi coatham - I was banded on 12/28 and I have that horrible left side pain - below the surgical site - dont know what it is either - going crazy from it though!!


  8. :nervous

    Hey guys, my pre-op diet is a flop so far. I am eating better but I am supposed to be doing liquid diet. Ummm not doing so well with that. I know I won't eat Thursday night or Friday since it is surgery day... but I am feeling crappy about how I have done so far on the diet.

    Good for me though, went on a not quite 9 mile bike ride today, so that is something.

    supergenius818 - I was just banded 12/28. you should ask your doctor if you cant deal with the protien shakes, if you can follow a diet that is under a certain amount of calories per day. I am highly allergic to milk and soy and could not be on protien shakes since they are all milk or soy based. So my dietician put me on a very very low cal diet. But I was still able to eat food. I think this would be better for you if you are not keeping with the diet since they have you sign a consent form before you go for surgery that if your liver is too enlarged they would have to do an open procedure instead of laproscopic. the reason they give you this pre-op diet is to de-fat your liver. So maybe a low calorie diet will be easier (not easy because it is very low calorie) but easier than just liquieds. hope this was helpful; and hope all goes well for you. Youll be in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us all updated!

  9. thanks for the feedback. The person who did my surgery was dr. G. Feilding (from Dr's Ren & Feilding) at NYU in New York. I am still in some pain, mostly on my left side but am getting better each day. a little rough at first. I thought the surgery would be a breeze because a freind had no pain with it. boy was I surprised. I actually felt like I was the odd ball out till I found this terrific website!! thanks for all the input.

  10. Hi all

    I was just banded on 12/28 (last Thursday). I was initially a BMI of 37, but because of the 11 lbs lost so far (8 lbs from the pre-op liquid diet and three lbs since the surgery) I am now a 35 BMI. Would love to hear from others when they began exercising. Right now -cant even imagine - too much discomfort!!!!

  11. IHi All

    I was just banded on December 28, just in time for a new year begining. I lost 8 lbs on the pre-op diet and three more since my surgery four dadys ago. Wish I was feeling better though - good luck to all - hope to hear how everyone else is doing

  12. I am four days post op and am also finding pain in my lower left abdomen, which isnt anywhere near where they operated on me. I am also puzzled. Hope that you find t he answer and please let me know. I hope an d pray mine will be gone before 6 months. Your in my thoughts and prayers.

  13. Hi sal,

    I am a new bandit - 4 days ago. I suggest that you research what the pre-requisite requirements are for medicare before April . In this way if there are any requirements that take time (i.e. following a doctors diet for 6 months, logging weights for a year, etc.) you can get a head start on them. By doing this, you will probably be approved for the surgery because your BMI is over 40. Keep your hopes up and let us know what happens. You might also want to try reaching out to richard simmons. Youll be in my thoughts and prayers!!

  14. I was just banded three days ago, and think that I caught a virus. I was so scared that I would throw up, I called my doctor and he put me on compozine suppositories, which seemed to help alot. I am still frustrated because I hink this will slow down my recuperation period. I somehow thought I would be up and running around soon after surgery. I am so upset, but the loss of ten pounds since the pre-op diet and surgery helps keep my spirits up despite not feeling well.

  15. I just had the Lap Band this past Thursday and had t covered by BCBS. If you have any co-Morbid factors like thyroid disease, diabetes (or borderline diabetes), acid reflux or others, then you dont need the one yea. Find out - maybe you can have it sooner. Ididnt have the year long weight and my BMI was under 40. Since I had some of the co-morbid actors, I didnt have to wait. Hope this is helpful and good luck!

  16. I am 34 years old and had the Lap Band procedure done this past Thursday (12/28/06). I was doing really well the first night of surgery and thought "gee this will be a pickle" since then, however, I have had alot of pain when moving around and the gas pain was unbearable. I still kept moving and walking to help pass the gas, but havent had much success. The gas pain is still pretty bad. last night I began to feel like I had a terrible stomac ache and began to feel nausseous. I called my doctor this morning, after suffering the whole night and he said he thinks I picked up a stomach bug and put me on compozine, which seemed to help so far. he wanted me to come back to the hospital, but I HATE hospitals. I am worried that something is wrong and somewhat discouraged that I am not feeling better already. I was looking forward to going back to work on Tuesday. How did everyone else do, am I totally abnormal? When was everyone able to go back to work? Happy New Years to eeryone.


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