Dr Krahn just did my LapBand surgery 12/29/10. Less than a week out, I must say I feel great...no nausea, no pain, the worse I had was a headache from the general anesthesia.
The first time we met, he walked into the room and asked which surgery I was considering and I replied, "I want the LapBand." Then he mentioned how I used to drink sodas and how I like sweets and he asked, "Will LapBand work for you?" And I had No CLUE what he meant by that question, so I replied..."Is this a trick question?" THEN to add INSULT TO INJURY, he politely asked me to pull my pants so that he could examine my stomach area....and silly me, I'm so used to GYNO's asking that question that I'm like...OK! I begin pulling down my pants to my knees....
I'm sure he thought I was a complete idiot. I felt like a complete idiot. He held back laughter for me, and I was his client. Period.
From start to finish, the entire process took 3 months with my insurance coverage through Aetna. The staff was helpful. The forms are thorough because they know what information the insurance companies need BEFORE a problem occurs.
He is a great doctor who gets the job done, and I am SO happy I went through his program, and can't wait to start seeing more results.