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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rmaxwell01

  1. rmaxwell01

    So Freaking worried!!!

    I have posted on here about a similar topic, but this time I think I may be screwed... I keep a very tight band, and get stuck pretty often. However, last night I drank several margarettas (first time I have drank in 2+ years) and ate pretty soon after...EVERYTHING went down. Woke up this morning, and everything is going down, this evening , everything is going down...this has NEVER happend. i feel no pain, no sickness, and if I drink after I weat, I can feew a little bit of tightness/restriction. Did my band slip? Did I enlarge my pouch? My husband is home from iraq for two weeks, and I DO NOT want to make a doctor run if not needed , or to worry him, but I am FLIPPING out!!!
  2. rmaxwell01

    So Freaking worried!!!

    I have posted on here about a similar topic, but this time I think I may be screwed... I keep a very tight band, and get stuck pretty often. However, last night I drank several margarettas (first time I have drank in 2+ years) and ate pretty soon after...EVERYTHING went down. Woke up this morning, and everything is going down, this evening , everything is going down...this has NEVER happend. i feel no pain, no sickness, and if I drink after I weat, I can feew a little bit of tightness/restriction. Did my band slip? Did I enlarge my pouch? My husband is home from iraq for two weeks, and I DO NOT want to make a doctor run if not needed , or to worry him, but I am FLIPPING out!!!
  3. Hey all... My husband went with me to surgery November 24, 2010, at which time I weighed 260lbs. He left for Fort Hood and later Iraq less than a week later. Fast forward six months, I am a size 10-12 and weigh 170. He is coming home for R&R in a month and I am so nervous about what he will say and feel. I have a lot of excess skin on arms, thighs and stomach, and know that even though I have lost nearly 100 pounds, I am not pretty when naked. I have also drastically changed the way I eat, dress ( not sexy wise, but less baggy), and behave (becoming increadibly shy since surgery in order to avoid questions). He is a meat, potatoes, and bread man, all of which I have given up. He loves food, and I am scared that when he comes home for good, I will struggle to keep the weight off. We skype 3-4 days a week, and he knows that I have lost a lot of weight (not the actual number becasue I choose to keep that to myself), but I know that seeing me in person will be very differnt that on a computer. I guess that what I am looking for is anybody who has ever experienced this for themselves. I have been averaging nearly 10-15 pounds a month weight loss, and so I think I will be around 160 when he comes home, which would put me even smaller than I was when we started dating over ten years ago. He thought I was beautiful before the weight loss and we have always had an amazing marriage, but I am very nervous about his reaction. Will I be disappointed? Will he not like the person I have become? Any advice or similar stories that you have to share would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!! Becca
  4. Thanks for your quick response. It sounds like you have been down this road before. I was just skyping with him and talking about these very issues, and he said all will be ok. As for you questions, I am 5'6'' and my goal weight is 135 - 145, but don't know how realistic that is because I am very muscular, etc, but we will see... I told my husband that after we have out next baby, I want a tummy tuck and boob job...so needed!!! My advice is to become a work out fanatic. I work out for 45 minutes each morning before work (4:30am) on the elliptical machine, and then again after my daughter goes to bed, usually around 8:00, on the elliptical machine again for an hour. I am a teacher, so I am on my feet all day, and have a toddler I am always chasing after. I am a stong believer in Protein shakes (50 grams a day minimum)...love Nectur in lemonade and fuzzy navel...for Breakfast each day, zone and cliff bars for lunch, and healthy dinner. I do not eat bread, Pasta, and limit fat to 25 grams a day. I keep a food journal and my motto is "If i eat it, I write it." and that helps hold me accountable. Also, my doctor scares the S**T out of me! He is very strict, and a know it all, but I need that push, not somebody who will hold my hand!! Best of luck as you continue losing weight.
  5. Let me tell you everything!! i really need help from any individuals who have had band slippage before and know first hand what to expect. I was filled around March 1, 2011. I have been stuck basically since this time. I am always having to throw up to relieve pressure (please, do not judge). Anyway, I do not have the type of job where I can take off anytime I want to, and my husband is deployed, so getting to the doctor 45 min away and home in time to pick up my daughter from the sitter is increadibly difficult. I plan on trying to get there sometime this week, but I am afraid that it is too late. I was eating dinner, and was stuck, then suddenly my stomach started making those "bubble" noises, and I was no longer stuck. Since that time, I am able to eat just about anything with minimal issues involving the food getting stuck. I am terrified that those noises were the sound of my band slipping. I have learned my lesson...I will make an appointment this week!! I feel no pain, no reflux, etc. I am eager to get up in the morning and see how feel; restriction is usually worse in the morning. Anybody have any suggestions or help they can offer?? Please do not judge...I already feel terrible the way it is.
  6. rmaxwell01


    I tried getting help a few days ago and did not get much of a response, and the situation has changed a bit as well. I have tried to research this topic online, but cannot find a similar story/website. I recveived my third fil around March 1, 2011. Since this time, I experienced daily vomitting, as well as getting stuck often. Never with Water, only with food and the choices I made (bread, not chewing properly, eating too fast). This was a daily problem until saturday evening, when I felt like I was super stuck. Then, my stomach growled loudly, and the food passed through, letting go of all pressure. Since this occured, I can basically eat anything and do not feel stuck. I am not getting hungry ( think that is restriction) and have no reflux. I have a bit of port pain, but have had a slight buring feeling since day of surgety, and with me worrying, it is hard to determine if it really hurts or if i am imagining this feeling. Could I have suffered a slip?? I called my doctor, who put me on an all liquid diet for 24 hours, and soft food for 24 hours after. I am looking for anyone who has experienced anything like this or knows annything about this. I know that this is a common question, but i cannot find anywhere on the internet or this site that explains going from too much restiction to basically nothing over night. Any help is greatly appreciated. I need to also add that I have been highly stressed and was on my period last week (when my band was the worse). Thanks in advance!
  7. rmaxwell01


    Thank you so much for your response!! You have made me feel so much better. When you said you learned how to "cheat" the band, was that just this one incident, or was this a problem afterwards for a while? Also, did you go from having too much restriction to not enough afterwards? Again, thanks for your response!
  8. rmaxwell01


    dum bass...there was no response.
  9. I was banded in November 2010, but have not had any problems since my third fill, march 2011. Sorry to confuse. I emailed my doctor, and will try to get in sometime this week. Thanks for responding...I have no one to talk to, and cannot find infiormation in the internet besides reflux, pain, etc.

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