I was banded May 6th 2008! The worst part was the day before having to be on liquids and the cleaning out meds made me sick. As far asa surgery goes I was scared but when I woke up I did great. I was sore but not the worst surgery I have ever had by far! It was hard the next few weeks on liquids , then soft foods, then learnign what full was! I lost 100lbs the first year! I got pregnant and I am now starting back over. I was refilled about a month ago and I have lost 20 lbs. It is something that you have to work at if you eat the wrong things or eat to much you will know! I have had a hard time learing to chew my food up better and not eat certain things. But I can tell you it is worth every bit of it. I am no longer on any blood pressure meds and was able to get pregnant and have a wonderful baby boy. Things i never dreamed would be possable. I am a little discouraged having to start over but I know I can do it. Just becareful not to get a fill that is too much! Always drink soemthing before you leave from getting a fill. If you have any problems at all tell them I promise it does not get any better. Just because the band is tighter does not mean that it is better! Good luck!