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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shuckybucky

  1. I had my revision in January 2013. I have gained 10 pounds since then. I feel like I can eat a lot. In the beginning I couldn't tolerate anything but now I feel like I am always hungry and can eat a lot. I'm confused about wether you can stretch your sleeve out or not. If so could I have done it in this short of time? How do you know if its stretched? I have a hard time knowing when I am actually full because it doesn't feel the same as with sleeve and I get over full easy. I exercise daily so it is totally a nutrition issue. I am hungry constantly and food is consuming my thoughts. I'm so mad for gaining ten pounds but I literally am thinking about food all day. I have also introduced foods back into my diet that I couldn't eat with the band (carbs). I was at goal weight when I had my revision. I just can't seem to stay full all day on limited calories. Anyone else have this problem? Suggestion?
  2. shuckybucky


    I use the fit bit clip on one. It is a good way to track but like everything it can be skewed. I have had it in my purse and it tracked the motion. I have body bug also which I loved but the monthly subscription made me change to fit bit. I can't figure a way to break my calorie burn down by hour (to see what I burned at a specific time of day) and I would like to track my calorie burn during certain exercise classes. Body buff was more exact and recorded everything and you could break your day down. Over all it is worth it though.
  3. shuckybucky

    gaining weight... Is something wrong?

    It's really hard! With the band I physically couldn't eat a lot of foods and over eating was painful. The last year my band was prolapsed so I really could only eat a spoonful here and there. Now I'm on binge!! Yikes
  4. If your a bad chick put your hands up high

  5. shuckybucky


    Why is coffee off limits? Just curious. I had no nutritional consult before or after so don't know these things.
  6. I exercised a lot before my band but dropped it drastically after getting the band. The port site would feel like it was rubbing my inside raw. I couldn't swallow water usually while exercising and was very fatigued very fast. I have had the sleeve since January and I weight train, spin, take combat, step classes, and a high impact aerobic class. I have no problem with the sleeve. Some days I take 2 classes back to back.
  7. shuckybucky


    From the album: Getting my groove back

  8. shuckybucky


    From the album: Getting my groove back

  9. shuckybucky


    From the album: Getting my groove back

  10. shuckybucky


    From the album: shuckybucky

  11. shuckybucky


  12. shuckybucky


    From the album: Getting my groove back

  13. shuckybucky


    From the album: Getting my groove back

  14. shuckybucky


    From the album: Getting my groove back

  15. I had the band for 2 years and did a sleeve revision in January 2013. I vomited several times a day with the band and would wake up to reflux and vomit all night. My band was so bad that it was not productive burping it was full on massive amounts if vomiting. I have only had 2 episodes of vomiting with sleeve. Both times were my fault for eating bread to fast and then becoming terribly full. I had a lot if nausea for first month with sleeve but it goes away.
  16. I'm looking for pants size 9/10 long/tall. I especially need dress pants but also need jeans. Could also use some tops size medium. I have size 12/14talls and large tops to get rid of.
  17. I only told my husband and my best friend when I had my lap band. I had to tell more people when I had the revision because it was not planned and we had to accomodate kids, job, and etc. So I ended up having to tell my manager and my mother and another friend. You will find out that this is NOT the easy way out and in time you might be comfortable telling people you had weight loss surgery. The truth is that you will be losing the weight from diet and exercise. As far a not working out until 6 weeks that is not what my surgeon had me do. I was expected to be up walking the day I got home. I was up walking the hospital the entire 5 days I was in post op (mostly my choice because I was paranoid about getting blood clots). I wasn't allowed to lift weight for 4 weeks but I bet you will be exercising right away. It is your journey so do it how you feel comfortable. I even told a few people that I decided to follow a bariatric diet to support my friend having a lap band (my friend was having the lap band so it was partially true and that explained all the protein shakes. LOL
  18. shuckybucky

    my 1st Body Pump class :)

    Yup you are already addicted. I try to go 3 - 4 times per week and I love when I get sore after.... feel like I accomplished something. Most of the Les Mills classes are awesome!!
  19. shuckybucky

    377696 542543259099055 1130716394 N

    From the album: Getting my groove back

    2/2013 - Went to have a valentine photo for my husband and was asked if my photos could be used in their advertising. Hard to believe that is me!!
  20. shuckybucky


    I have not had a leak but my revision was done as an emergency and unexpected. I also had some emotional issues and a little depression but that is to be expected when your health takes a turn. Anesthesia also causes emotional instability. My revision was my third surgery in four months and I was so weak and lethargic. It seems like it is never going to end but then one day you wake up and feel good. I haven't gone through the ordeal you have but losing control of our health and choices is very hard and you will get stronger in time. Don't give into this moment in your life and keep pushing on. Good luck
  21. I had gone in and had an unfill hoping that would help with complications I was having. The next day I went in for emergency surgery and they did the revision at the same time. I think you would want to deflate the band as soon as possible just help keep stomach swelling down but I guess they can do the surgery even if the band is full.
  22. shuckybucky

    my 1st Body Pump class :)

    Body pump is AMAZING!! The first few times are tough and you will be sore from the neck down. I remember dreading going to the bathroom because it hurt to sit on the toilet. It will help to do some biking or spinning the day after your first class and work that soreness out of your legs. After a few weeks you will be addicted to body pump.
  23. Everything I eat or drink tastes very salty. My regular cheese sticks and lunch meat taste so salty I can't eat them. Got a hamburger patty last night and commented to my husband that its so salty how can anyone eat it. Ate yogurt this morning and it was salty. My ice tea is salty. I'm also getting bumps on my tongue. Anyone else have this problem or is it unrelated to my WLS?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
