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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shuckybucky

  1. Thanks I did call the surgeons office and it was an oversight. I was supposed to have been scheduled again at 6 weeks and thats when we go over Vitamins.
  2. shuckybucky

    Former (or current) band folks

    Yup that is how I lost weight too. I told my sleeve surgeon that I haven't felt healthy since 6 months after getting the band. I am happy with the sleeve but do you also worry that now you are able to consume food (and its probably 3 x the calories we were getting with the band) that we may gain rather then lose? That is what I worry about and I am not sure how many calories I really need since my body has been used to very few. I haven't lost much since getting sleeved but I don't have much more to lose.
  3. shuckybucky

    Gym Question

    I also carried more weight in my hips and butt. I only worked on nutrition and cardio and toning in the beginning. I did eventually lose those areas and now that I am closer to goal I added back weight lifting. If you have a gym that offers less mills classes they are great. Body combat is a way to get cardio and toning together. Body pump is great for adding muscle and I do spinning classes. It really is what you are comfortable with. I get a better workout in a class then alone.
  4. shuckybucky

    Former (or current) band folks

    Me too!!! I would go through stages where it was all I could do to go to work. There were times that I slept 18 hours and was exhausted when I woke up. I would lose track of days because I was sleeping so much. I would go for days without eating anything because I had no appetite and it was so unpleasant to eat. My memory was horrible also. Tests never revealed to much except my thyroid was hyperactive. It was so bizarre that my lab never revealed anything but when I went to the hospital in January everything was altered. I feel much better with the sleeve.
  5. Oh and on your second question. I set several small goals after my first WLS because I knew that I would give up before hitting a big goal. I would hit my goal and set a new one. Don't worry about what the doctor says because ultimately it will be up to you and your body. Good luck with your journey
  6. I had my revision January 25,2013 and I think my husband said i was in surgery about 3 hours (that may include recovery). I had to stay 4 nights/5 days but I had a lot going on. It was not a scheduled surgery but I began having pain that wouldn't go away and you could feel a not in my sternum. The surgeon told me to go to hospital and he would have orders waiting. End result my stomach was completely prolapsed through my band but my band had not slipped. He admitted me and took me in for surgery 6 hours later. I was actually glad I stayed that long because I got enough pain medicine to stay comfortable and I had a lot of nausea so the IV meds were wonderful. I was very sick so this isn't the case for most. The band had been prolapsed for a long time and I was severely dehydrated and vomiting blood so getting medication and rest was exactly what I needed.
  7. shuckybucky

    I hardly have any Protein HELP

    Can you describe what the isopure tastes like? I want to try different Proteins but you know how expensive they are and I don't want to waste money and product.
  8. shuckybucky

    I hardly have any Protein HELP

    If you like tuna that is a great way to get a lot of protein with low calories. I mix a can of tuna with 1 boiled egg (chopped) and some mayo. That is about 32g of protein and only 170 calories. You may not e able to eat the entire amount at once but if you have a few bites at a time through the day you will get it all in. Tuna seems to be something that I can eat without any problems so I can usually eat half of it at lunch and then I take a few bites through the rest of the day until it is gone. If you are okay with fish then that is going to be one of your best sources of protein (salmon, tuna, etc.) and turkey. Just make sure you eat your meat (protein) or Beans before anything else to get your protein. I have a friend that had WLS and didn't follow anything she was supposed to she is 2 years out and weighs more now then when she had surgery but also has lost a lot of hair. If she pulls her hair back she looks bald in places. This woman had beautiful thick hair! I have been concentrating heavily on my Proteins and trying to find a good combination for me.
  9. shuckybucky

    Unjury Unflavored

    I can taste it based on your description. Protein has a distinct taste that will probably always be there. I got my hair done a few days ago and he made a comment about my hair being thin and fine. I used to have very thick hair. It isn't balding but I don't want to get to that point so I have got to find ways to get enough protein.
  10. Give yourself a break. Besides all the fluids you are given during surgery it is your bodies natural response to slow your metabolism and hang onto all nutrients when there is an injury (your body doesn't know the difference between surgery and injury) and fat cells are one thing your body will hold on to until it is sure everything is okay. You are in the stage to concentrate on healing and learning about your new life and not so much on the scale.
  11. shuckybucky

    Unjury Unflavored

    I am definitely going to try the unflavored. I looked up some recipes and one recommendation is to mix it in mayo/miracle whip and then make your chicken, egg, or tuna salads. Lots of possibilities. I had no idea they had unflavored protein.
  12. shuckybucky

    Former (or current) band folks

    I was banded for 2 years and had to have a sleeve in January. It was done as an emergency surgery and I didn't know if I would be coming out with the sleeve or just removing the band. I never had nausea but I had vomiting and not the productive burping that everyone talks about. I thought it was productive burping though. My band had probably been prolapsed for a year. When I finally sought help my entire stomach was prolapsed though the band and it was cutting off supply. My stomach was bleeding and dieing off. My labs were ridiculously out of whack and I had to have 2 units of blood. My surgeon has no idea how I made it as long as I did or without major symptoms like esophageal ulcers and passing out. The sleeve has been so easy and low maintenance. I wish I had know. About the sleeve 2 years ago and just done it from the beginning.
  13. I have been having a hard time with hunger and portions. Most days I eat 2 - 3 bites and that's it but yesterday I ate an entire lean cuisine (small one with just beef tips and broccoli) and I felt so guilty afterwards. Then I look at the box and the entire meal was probably 6 ounces and only 160 calories. I did over eat because I felt that sensation in my throat and its my fault for Letting myself get so hungry and eating fast. I was a band revision also (1/25/13) and I have not lost much weight since my revision (6 pounds) but I also realize I was almost at goal weight when they did the revision and I was so sick for so long with the band that I was living on Popsicles so I'm probably consuming 3x the calories now. It's going to take my body some time to adjust and me some time to get my nutrition back together. I am so happy to be able to eat some meat again. I do not eat bread or pasta because I'm to scared to even try them. I have started working out again which will also increase hunger so I have to find a way to pull all of this together.
  14. I started drinking healthwise beverages when I had my lap band. They have coffees, hot chocolate, and flavoring a to add to water (like crystal light) and other protein foods. They have 0-1 carb and low calorie. They don't pack the same punch in protein that some of your shakes do but it is a refreshing change for people stuck in a rut or who have strayed from their protein drinks. There are several flavors to chose from and last I checked it was about 7$/box. With summer heat coming on it is a nice change and you definitely get all your water in with them. Just wondering if others have heard of them? I seem to have been given a whole list of protein supplements that are never mentioned on here and at the same time I wasn't told about the proteins that are popular on here. One thing I can say is do not buy the Bariatric proteins that some of the dr offices sell.... YUCK
  15. My surgeon specifically says no ensure. They are considered weight gainers.
  16. shuckybucky

    It makes my stomach turn!

    My surgery was unexpected so I wasn't prepared but I had to stay in hospital first 4 nights. I finally started getting ice chips down on night 3. I could not tolerate anything else. About 2 days after going home I started getting power aide slush down but it would take all day to get 8 ounces in. I could also do skim milk (its thin) with carnation instant breakfast mixed in but could not handle the other protein drinks. By the time I could get to soft foods a scrambled egg sounded like ribeye. You will make it!
  17. shuckybucky

    Unjury Unflavored

    Why do y'all use unjury over other brands? I have never tried it but I have used Jay Robb since my first WLS (recommended by surgeon). They have good flavors and high protein and an unflavored one. I was just wondering how you chose which protein to use. Lately I have just been drinking muscle milk because I'm so burned out on protein drinks.
  18. I'm not sure. When he did the revision I was so dehydrated that I couldn't go into surgery without fluids and a lot of potassium and I was so anemic that I had to get 2 units of blood after surgery. Even with the band I had to take multivitamins, calcium, and vitamin D. The only thing I have been told to take is Prilosec.
  19. I was sleeved January 25,2013 and I have not been told any vitamins or supplements (other the. Protein) to take. Is this strange that I'm not on anything after a sleeve? I also have no follow up with surgeon (since I already had my post op visits and was cleared) so I won't be placed on anything.
  20. shuckybucky

    For those curious about getting your DRANK on...

    I went to the PINK concert last Friday and then to the club. I had 2 Malibu and diet coke ( first soft drink since surgery) and I felt a heavy buzz. You definitely should be conscious about your drinking after the sleeve. I could see how someone could get very drunk very fast and then have the vomiting or dry heaving. It also seems like soda loses its carbonation when mixes with alcohol. IDK if that is factual but it didn't bother me at all.
  21. im 37 and 2 weeks out. im extremely tired. im usually that person that bounces right out of surgery. i had a hysterectomy in September and only took two days off. mine was done as an emergency so i was very sick going in and there were complications. i also had to have a blood transfusion and spent 5 days in hospital so i guess it's all caught up to me. i told my surgeon this time kicked my butt
  22. shuckybucky

    Sip pain medicane . Yuck!

    you must have hydrocodone. i would dry heave after taking it. you can call your dr and get something else or pills, take it back to pharmacy and see if they can add flavoring, or chase it with something sweet or salty.
  23. I was supposed to have a cup of milk every hour on liquid diet and only water, popsicles, and broth. the things that saved me were powerade slush from sonic (non carbonated ) and we have Bahama Buck's here. They have an entire sugar free/carb free menu for shaved ice.
  24. shuckybucky

    I'm worried

    i am a believer in have what u want but be accountable for it. i will have a slush once in a while but the calories still count. my friend eats more then she wants to admit. we went for a weekend last month and she bought Snacks (chips and candy) for the car ride. she got up all night long and ate junk food. it was so weird that we were on such opposite ends since we both had a lap band at that time.
  25. shuckybucky

    I'm worried

    she frustrates me but u can only lead the horse to Water. she is always going to start her diet on Monday. sorry but having WLS is well beyond the "diet" mentality. i eep telling her to get the band deflated and quit torchering herself but she doesn't want her dr to see her weight gain. sorry about spelling but I'm on my kindle and cant figure out how to turn off this auto word stuff.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
