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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shuckybucky

  1. It is so. I wasn't happy when I got that message but life goes on. No I didn't say anything out of line but I guess I responded and I shouldn't have. I also used sarcasm
  2. shuckybucky

    Trying to stay calm

    This is what the doctor does for a living. Why would she not make adequate notes? As far as I know you can always appeal the insurance decision if they deny it and submit more documentation. Physicians can make clarifications to their notes or add documentation. That's an odd thing for the doctor to say.
  3. I responded strongly but not cursing and nonsense. I got an email for engaging in it from the site administrator. A little slap on the hand I guess.
  4. Just no purpose in that kind of nonsense. I do have the 9 scars to prove it really happened and the massive medical bills... Lol
  5. shuckybucky

    This is a crazy journey!

    I never had to go through all of this because I was private pay for my lap and and then my revision was done as an emergency surgery (so it wasn't planned) but I did work for an insurance company and while they all have their own rules and guidelines but the surgeons know the criteria. Just go with it and do everything they tell you. I can also tell you if you are denied go through their appeal process because a lot of times it gets approved the second time around. I may wish I had gone through all the hoops as I now have about 60,00.00 in medical bills from the revision and insurance hasn't paid any of them.....YIKES!!!
  6. You must have misinterpreted that. The person meant have a lovely day and God bless you. Lol
  7. I can say I my very first post on here was responded by someone very aggressive and mean. She called me a liar about having my surgery and that no dr would do my revision in same surgery as removing my band and that they couldn't have nicked my spleen because it isn't near my stomach (to sum it up). She then started a new thread with the caption I call BS on this and a link to my story. I even posted operative pictures to prove I wasn't telling a lie. I couldn't believe her response to my story and it made my first experience here upsetting but to be fair she did apologize later. Just unnecessary for someone to deal with that while trying to heal and deal with the emotional changes after surgery. I have also had some very kind people since then so just like anything take it for what it's worth and move on.
  8. Did you have a lap band? I had a revision in January and I can eat pretty much anything. Pasta, bread, and rice make me feel very full and nauseous so i dont eat them. Potatoes in any form (mashed, baked, french fried) do not go down well. feel like it sits in my chest so i avoid potatoes also. I eat all meats okay (haven't tried steak but summer is coming) but the portion size is very small. Tonight I baked chicken nuggets and was able to eat 1 1/2 nuggets and a spoon full of peas....that's it!! Some people say they do not get hungry but I am hungry a lot.
  9. I don't think it is ever to late but it seems the key is keeping up with your protein, journal your food and being prepared. Focus on your nutrition just like you did in the beginning. Get out if the "diet" mentality. So many people feel "I cheated on my diet so I might as well eat what I want today and start over tomorrow". Start over the minute you realized you made a poor choice. Good luck
  10. I have had a few drinks of soda. It burned like heck!! My tastes have changed and I miss the convenience of soda but not the taste so much. I have also had alcohol.... Who can go to a PINK concert without alcohol (not me). There is no way you are going to cut out every bad food/beverage item but you do have to have it in moderation. Good luck with your journey.
  11. Preach it!!! Somebody's bar b q'in?
  12. shuckybucky

    Gym Question

    I took water aerobics for years and I never saw anyone in there with a perfect bathing suit body. Actually it was the opposite because most of the participants were very obese. This is the one thing anyone at any weight can do because you can move to deep end and have no impact on your joints or shallow end with very light impact. You can use the water resistance or use water weights and you can get a great workout in the water. The gym can be intimidating when it comes to our bodies but trust me people are in their own zone and rarely notice people around them. Don't worry about your body and just take the class. This journey is about letting go of excuses, getting out of your comfort zone, and taking care of yourself for a change. Throw on your swimsuit and whatever cover up you feel you need (t shirt, short, etc) and get to that class. You will be surprised at how GREAT you feel after.
  13. Ok without going into the whole story I had 3 surgeries in 4 months with the final one being lap band removal and revision to sleeve on 1/25/13. I have been extremely sick for the past year (due to lap band and side effects and surgeries). Basically for the past 6 - 9 months I was living on popsicles and iced tea. I was severely dehydrated and required a lot of fluid replacement, 2 units of blood, and large amounts of potassium during my 4 night stay for revision. This leads me to my question. I did lose a lot of weight in the past year but I was definately in starvation mode and I rarely excercised because I had no energy and spent so much time on restriction due to surgeries (prior to the past year I worked out 5 - 6 times per week). Going from having your body in that starvation mode to now being able to eat and taking in more calories (because it isn't painful) should I really eat the amount of calories that myfitnesspal tells me to (1200/day)? I tried to figure my own BMR but I came up with a little over 900 so I don't know if I messed up. I am within 10 pounds of my personal goal weight but have been at 260 since leaving the hospital so I have plateaud. When taking your body from a starvation mode to normal is it expected to plateau? I just do not know what I should do or how many calories to consume. I am back to working out 3-4 days per week. Alternating cycling classes with bodypump because I am so weak and had so much muscle wasting I am really lifting a low weight and the effects linger for days. I'm not even sure if whey protein is the best for me at this point or if I need a longer acting protein. I am 5'9" and 160 pounds fand 37 years old or anyone that can figure a correct BMR. Anyone been through this? Did it take a while to start losing weight again? I don't have a nutritionist and would want one that understands WLS anyway.
  14. shuckybucky

    What is correct for me? Need advice

    That would be great if you don't mind. My email is shuckybucky2002@yahoo.com
  15. shuckybucky

    What is correct for me? Need advice

    okay I'm taking your advice and keeping the 1200 calories. I assume I was in starvation mode because all my labs were bad, my thyroid was running high, my muscle became flaccid, my hair was falling out, I was lethargic (at best). I could literally sleep for the better part of 48 hours at a time ( surprising how little you need to go to the bathroom in this condition) so no need to wake up. My stomach lining had actually started bleeding and my spleen was inflamed. Of course the previous 2 surgeries didn't help over all but they did allow me to keep correcting my Fluid and elecrolytes enough to prolong what inevitably happened. I have no instructions from my doctor, have not seen a nutritionist, and was not told any vitamins to take. The surgeon that did my revision is not my original surgeon and I think assumed I already knew some of this or I just got lost in the cracks from being an emergency "non patient". I have made an appointment but with spring break it isn't until March 28th. I'm really trying not to gain but I am definately not losing. I have been very hardcore into diet and exercise in the past and I don't want to get to that exhausting all consuming spot but I need to figure out where to start. Thank you for responding. This has helped a lot. I definately track my Protein and do not let that slack even if it means going over calories to get it all in. My hair is getting thicker and healthier so I know I am on track. I only use whey protein at this point but have considered casein for longer acting energy source.
  16. shuckybucky

    What is correct for me? Need advice

    The problem is my doctor didn't give me any advice to follow. My revision was done as an emergency and it is not the same surgeon that did my band. I only had instructions for what to eat but no calorie limits and no Vitamins. I'm completely winging it.
  17. shuckybucky

    What is correct for me? Need advice

    yeah I didn't think it was right so didn't pay any attention to it. This calorie business is tricky!! Now that I can eat even tuna fish is a delight
  18. If your luck is like mine it would be high fat and your liver would swell....lol

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