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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shuckybucky

  1. shuckybucky

    Is my band too tight?

    I do have a very sensitive stomache and always get diarrhea after a fill and have to do liquids for a day. I did fly out after my fill to work and then two days later flew home so I am hoping its inflammation. How long should I wait it out?
  2. shuckybucky

    Is my band too tight?

    It wasn't my regular doctor but another doctor filling in and he made the comment that my band was really loose and he put a full ml. Flying definately makes the band fill tight. After my fill I flew to Austin for work and then back home so it could still be trying to adjust...... possibly
  3. shuckybucky

    Is my band too tight?

    My band holds 8ml and I have 3ml in it (I believe thats what they said). He does it under xray (where I drink the chalky stuff) and then I have to drink water before I go. I felt it was harder to get the water down before I left but thought it was because I just flew in and got a fill so thought my band was tighter because of that. Normally when I fly home my band gets really tight but seems to loosen by the next day.....not this time
  4. shuckybucky

    Vomiting Hell

    I just had my third fill Saturday and can't keep anything thicker than water down. I do ok with water, tea, coffee, and broth, and premixed shakes but home made shakes, creamy soups, malt O meal all make me vomit. I don't know anyone that does fills in my area and really don't have the money to fly back to Dallas (since I just returned from there). Not sure whether to just wait and only eat clear liquids until my next appointment in 1 month or go back. I guess as long as I get the shakes in and keep myself from vomiting there really is no harm.
  5. shuckybucky

    Is my band too tight?

    Is there ever a point when you have a fill that you can't eat solids? or should I always be able to eat solid foods just in smaller portions? I have some people tell me this is normal and just wait it out but IDK if thats their version of normal. I will try to get in touch with my dr tomorrow..... I need someone that does fills close to me because I'm going to go broke.
  6. shuckybucky

    so darn confused

    I have been reading about the lap band and saving money. I am so confused about wether this will work for me. I'm 35 years old 5'9 and 235 (it's hurts to even type that:(. I work out about 3 days a week on cardio and have a trainer 2 days a week for resistance training. I have not lost a pound (I have actually gained about 10) in the 3 months with him. I didn't know I had to work so hard to stay fat!! I do have a lot of muscle and carry my weight well... People are shocked that I'm even over 200. My trainer says don't pay Attention to the scale because I'm building lean muscle weight and he's totally against lap band. Has anyone had this situation where they already exercise a lot prior to lap band? Since I work out so much then it has to be nutrition so will the lap band be a benefit to me? I would love to lose 65 pounds but even if I lose less but don't have to fight so hard not to gain then I would consider it a success. I'm not getting any younger and how long can someone spend so much time working out? Any advice would be helpful.... I'm very nervous about this.
  7. shuckybucky

    so darn confused

    I opted not to tell anyone other than my husband and my best friend that had the surgery a few weeks before me. I didnt want to deal with the judgement and harrassment from people. I had originally told my parents and sister that I was checking into this surgery and they made rude and hateful comments and told me I'm obsessed with weight and will never be happy with myself and I'm not fat so I would be wasting my money so I never brought the subject up again. I had the surgery about six months after that conversation. I plan to tell them when I have lost the weight and they make their first comments about me looking good..... If I never lose the weight then they will never know
  8. shuckybucky

    so darn confused

    Hi Cesar, I would never try to talk you into anything and am suportive of any decision you make. I had my surgery in March and I have no regrets. I lost 9 pounds on the liquid diet and had the same concerns as you but I came to my decision by realizing I would never be able to stay on a liquid diet forever and I'm getting older and my metabolism isnt going to get any better. I have only had one fill so I dont have much restriction but I feel like I can let go of some of that obsessing over food and calories. I still have to manage my portions because I dont have good restriction and you will definately have some mental and emotional issues because your mind will know you cant eat something but you will still want it and try to have it. I have almost completely written off any fast food because it is a waste of money due to the small portions I can eat and most fast food makes me sick. I havent lost enormous amounts of weight (like my best friend has) but I have freed my mind and spirit of the constant calorie counting and obsessing. I am back to working out 5 days a week and feel great (I have had to make some adjustments to keep my energy level). I feel great and I honestly feel like this was a good decision and one of the best tools I will ever have. When I actually have restriction I anticipate dropping weight quickly but even if I dont I can promise I won't gain anymore weight and that makes it worth it. I hope you come to a decision that brings you peace my friend.
  9. shuckybucky

    What's the skinny????

    Whew!!! I don't want to show up on Friday for my post op and the doctor wonder why I haven't lost 50 pounds. I have realized some places I messed up but I'm trying to correct them (like 1 cup portions) this week I have felt hungry most of the time. Hoping the fill helps that.
  10. I was banded on March 11, 2011 and have no fluid in my band. I go for my post op on Friday and will probably have a fill. I have lost close to ten pounds (I didnt weigh pre op on my own scale so I wont have the real numbers until I get on their scale). I was just wondering if I should be worried about not losing much weight before my fill? I havent really been working on it since I am not realeased for anything other than walking (and thats sketchy as I thought I could walk all I wanted but my best friend had it done 2 weeks before me and said they told her no more than 20 steps at a time). One of us is confused so i have been walking briskly but for only 30 minutes a day ( its been very hard because I was working out several hours a day prior to surgery.... It takes everything in me not to start running on that treadmill). I thought until my first pre op appointment it was more about learning to eat with the band and tracking protein (nutrition) but I see so many posts of people losing massive amounts of weight prior to their first fill... should I have done more or focused more on weight loss?
  11. shuckybucky

    Surgery and First Few Days after Surgery

    This is day 2 post op. There is discomfort and pain when using abdominal muscles. I walked around wal mart so it's not horrible pain. My throat hurts from the intubation and I have that cough. My stomach is swollen and bloated so it's a little uncomfortable. I had a headache all day yesterday from anesthesia but it's gone today. Not really hungry but your mind does mess with you a little and think it's time to eat. I would recommend sugar free Popsicles... They have been a great way to get fluid and feel like you are eating.
  12. shuckybucky

    Ignorant people

    People are dumb!! Breast augmentations, tummy tucks, and plastic surgery is looked at as fabulous but you mention weight loss surgery and people go nuts. I am a nurse and a bandster (as of today!!!) and most of the people that are the loudest are the most uneducated. I'm not telling anyone other than my husband and best friend and may never tell.... I'm not obligated to tell them and I don't want the comments, or people trying to monitor my food, or should I not lose a million pounds in the first week I don't want those comments either. I'm my experience it is usually other overweight/obese people that have the most to say/harass.
  13. My dietician recommend Jay Robb and my best friend says they are great. They have 30grams of protein for 1 scoop
  14. shuckybucky

    Surgery and First Few Days after Surgery

    I had my Surgery today. I went in at 730 and left facility and 10. The whole procedure took 30 minutes. I was sore when I came out of surgery but had a coughing attack and panicked in recovery so that made me hurt even more. I have been uncomfortable all day (partly because I'm in a hotel) and sore but not extreme pain. I have only had Popsicles and tea and no vomiting but I have taken my medicine for nausea/vomiting. I have gone outside and walked around the hotel and surprisingly you will feel better to walk. I'm exhausted but haven't been able to sleep much. Hope this helps.
  15. I am having my band placed in two hours!! I'm so nervous. Pray for me and my health. Please let this be the tool I need for my weight loss journey.
  16. shuckybucky

    Surgery today

    I made it!!!! Surgery at 730 and left facility at 10. Not to much pain just really sore (as expected). Been out walking and eating sugar free Popsicles thank you for all the prayers and thoughts.
  17. YEAH!!! On my pre op I can have 2 shakes and 1 can/bowl of soup a day. Do you have any idea what kind of soups you can think of making??? Taco Bell soup anyone....LOL... I have survived on sugar free popsicles.
  18. shuckybucky

    Ignorant people

    I have been on both sides of this...kind of. I am an excercise addict and work out several hours a week and did a triathlon last summer. I am still 240 pounds. My 240 pounds looks better than others that have no muscle but the result on my body is the same and that is why I am getting banded. People will run their mouths no matter what. I have not told anyone about getting my band (on Thursday) because I dont want to hear it. I can tell you that this is not the easy way out.... there is no easy way out!!! When my best friend told me she was getting a lap band I jumped for joy because I knew it meant her depression, lack of energy, and low self esteem were going to turn around. I can't believe how people act. I listened to her sibblings harrass her and bring her to tears and basically tell her she was going to die just to lose a few pounds. When I had a talk with her this is what I said "It is completely your decision and I am with you regardless but I can tell you that dieing from the surgery isn't the issue. You are dieing from the weight!!! Having one lap band procedure is hard but the result of not having it at this point is knee surgeries, cardiac procedures, gall bladder removal, and the list goes on. So basically it is time to decide weather YOU are worth it and if YOU are ready to live." She made her decision that day and had her band two weeks ago and she has no regrets.
  19. I am getting my band on Thursday also and I haven't had the easiest time with my pre op diet. I have slipped and felt horrible but the fact is if we had that kind of control we wouldn't be getting this surgery. If you mess up get right back with the program and move on. I have had a triple hard time because I travel for work a lot and spent most of the pre op diet in a hotel and I have not told anyone but my husband and best friend. I have no one to talk to because my husband is overweight and has no desire to lose weight and doesn't understand my decision but he is supportive and my best friend just got banded 2 weeks ago so shes going through this also. My own parents don't even know I'm having surgery!!! I'm going to be in big trouble when they find out.
  20. shuckybucky

    Advice please

    I am 5'9" and 230-235 pounds. I can't seem to get any weight off and I am tired of the struggle so I am considering lap band. My concern is that I actually workout a lot (I actually did a triathlon this summer) and have a lot of muscle. I dont want to lose muscle but I do want to lose weight. How did you do with lap band and working out? Any thoughts or suggestions?
  21. shuckybucky

    so darn confused

    Unfortunately I eat too much and in binging patterns. I will eat perfectly for a few weeks and then eat something bad and then it's like my body just can't get enough. I have gained about ten pounds a year for the last 5 years so I feel like even ifthe lap band keeps Me From gaining more then it's a benefit. What are slider foods?
  22. shuckybucky

    Advice please

    I am 5'9" and 230-235 pounds. I can't seem to get any weight off and I am tired of the struggle so I am considering lap band. My concern is that I actually workout a lot (I actually did a triathlon this summer) and have a lot of muscle. I dont want to lose muscle but I do want to lose weight. How did you do with lap band and working out? Any thoughts or suggestions?
  23. shuckybucky

    All ME

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
