I was banded on Dec 30th and I too have realized that food was my reason for everything, I even considered calling m surgeon and insisting on having the band removed the other day. If I was happy I needed a reward and trust me I would induldge in rewards that have cost so much of my life, (popcorn and a whole box of entermans chocolate chip cookies) I almost wish I could sue entermanns!!! If I was sad I needed a picker upper..hey if i felt regular there was another reason to eat! righ know I am struggling 2 weeks in and I can't stop thinking of food. Yeah food controled my life and this is so hard but what I keep telling myself and its what I will tell you, everyday we get thru is a break thru, it's like being in rehab right now....I want to bust the doors open, leave and get hight on food but what happens after.....we allowed someone to invade our bodies, put something foreign in it.... so we need to make it count....it's easy to say we will get thru this but just getting to tomorrow is a milestone....one step at at a time..thats all we can do!