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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wasamkins

  1. Let's see I was banded December 27th of 2010. I have since then lost a total of 87 pounds and went from a size 18/20 pants to a size 12. Every thing was great in the first year until around October 2011 that is when everything went down hill from there. I woke up one evening and was in the most excrutinating pain I seriously thought I was having a heart attack. I had shortness of breath, nausea, sweating, massive pain in my chest, shoulder/back area was hurting so bad. I threw up 2 times all the while trying to call my bff which she had to rush me to the emergency room. After arriving there they hooked me up to all kinds of machines, took blood, had a cat scan/mri done to see what was causing the pain. After 3 hours in the emergency room I was diagnosed with a gall bladder spasm with bladder stones which can mimic a heart attack. Needless to say it had to be removed due to my rapid weight loss. You see I lost all that weight in less then 7 months with diet & exercise. So while I was in the emergency room one of the nurses asked me about my surgical scars on my stomach and I said I had a lap band done and she said well that would explain your gall bladder issue. They see alot of patients that come in with some sort of problem relating to the lap band. Well so about 3 weeks later I had the gall bladder removed and thought great I can get on with my life. Well that was easier said then done. I had started dating the most wonderful man 2 months prior to my gall bladder removal and well everytime we were together I noticed that I was getting bladder infections all the time (5 of them in a 4 month time frame). I couldn't figure out what was causing them. I tried cranberry juice to cranberry pills and an assortment of medications and nothing was working. Finaly my doctor referred me to a urologist and come to find out I had a prolapsed bladder in which with having the rapid weight loss made my vaginal walls weaken and made my bladder drop in which why I was getting uti's all the time because I wasn't able to empty my bladder completely out or the other. So in January 2012 I had a bladder mesh sling put in to raise my bladder back up. That healed up nicely except that I now have Incontinence (leakage) and am waiting to see if my insurance company will pay for the $250 each week visit that I need for 12 weeks to have an electrical current shot up my leg to my bladder to strengthen it to stop me from having leakage. And mind you I am only 38 this is something child bearing women or older people get not people my age. So now on top of the ever growing medical bills that are my responsability after the insurance paid. I am selling my house to pay off the medical bills..and wondering if I should sue my lap band doctor because of all of this as none of this was ever discussed in the class nor in any of the meetings prior to my surgery. I am looking to have it removed because who knows what else will happen. I have kept my weight off and I am happy that I was able to lose the weight but not happy that I had to lose organs and have to live with this current issue I am dealing with now. Has anyone else had any major problems which required additional surgeries to remove or fix other organs after having a lap band done?
  2. Hi all..hopefully someone can help me. I was banded on 27 December 2010 (christmas present). Well to date I have lost 97 pounds and now weigh 140 (haven't been like that since my 20's). Well I started dating my bf early last year and we got to talking yesterday and he comes out with that he wants to have a kid with me but not right now like in the next year. We are very much commited to one another so bringing a baby into this world is great and would be the first for both or us. And my being 38 I would like 1 or 2 before I hit 45. It would be a first child for both of us. My concern how ever is this, can you get pregnant and still have the lap band in? Or does it need to come out? I haven't been filled since January as we are very active and I have been eating the healthiest of foods so no need to get banded right now. I am not sure if my insurance would pay to have it removed since they paid for it to be put in. I have had some health issues due to the lap band..(gall bladder was removed in October it spazzed out on me and had my bladder raised back up to its orginal position inside my body this past January). My bf thinks I should have it removed which I have been thinking about. I lost the weight that needed to be lost. I too occasionaly have to make the food come back up..even though I am chewing & eating slowly & not drinking with meals. If I am not getting all the nutrients that I need how would a baby get what it needs from me? I do take a lot of Vitamin supplements. Thanks in advance for any replies! Michelle
  3. Well that is good to know. I don't think I could go through another surgery..had enough to deal with from the recent ones I have had. I will have to talk to my dr about the options when that time comes or should probably do it before hand so I am aware of it ahead of time. I thank you for answering my question. )
  4. wasamkins

    Spinach Wraps...or Any Wrap For That Matter

    I would love to be able to eat bread..but every time I try well it gets stuck and I have to make it come back up. So I just dream of eating it. )
  5. I am not going to sue anyone I am more upset at the fact that none of this was ever mentioned in any of the classes I went to. If I would have known that I was going to lose my gall bladder and have a prolapsed bladder I wouldn't have ever had the lap band done. I am thankful that I did lose some weight and still mainting it. I wasn't obese maybe just a bit overweight as I weighed 190 and am 5'10. I did it because I was pre-diabetic and didn't want to get diabeties. My insurance covered about $18k and I have to cover the rest but with the additional surgeries that I have had I have had more medical bills pile up and now am selling my house to pay those off but I guess I do what I have to do. I am thinking about having it removed but not sure if I want to undergo another surgery..I know my bf doesn't want me to have to do that either. I don't have any kids so that didn't cause my prolapsed bladder..it was due to my rapid weight loss and that came from the urologist himself. I guess if my insurance doesn't cover this electric shock therapy that I need to fix my leakage issue then I will appeal and if be pay out of pocket but really don't feel like forking over $3k but have no desire to wear a pad the rest of my life either.
  6. Hi Rachel... Sorry for the reply being so late I just realized that there were responses to my posts. Still learning the ropes here in this website. So you should be banded now how did that go for you? You feeling better now? It has been almost two months since I was banded and it has been an experience to say the least. Yes I know of the frustration you have with your friends and family I to have had that with my friends some saying that they think once the hype wears off on this that I will regret what I have done (this being said from a friend who doesn't have weight issues) needless to say I don't really talk to her much anymore especially not about my weight loss surgery. And then the others that have weight issues I think maybe are a little jealous but are still supportive. My parents and other family have been 100% supportive of my decision. I have only been overweight for the past 10 years other than that I never had a weight problem but I don't see this as an easy way out, its something that had to be done at least for me due to being diagnosed as Pre-Diabetic that scared me to hear that and weight is one of the hardest things to get rid of. So write back when you can I look forward to hearing about your outcome and how you are dealing with this. Michelle :Dancing_wub:
  7. Hello my name is Michelle and I was banded on 27 December 2010. So far things are good. I started my liquid diet 10 days prior to having the lap band installed. That went good and now I am still doing the 4 week liquid diet and go in for first band adjustment on 3 Jan 2011. I am still hurting in one spot of my left side as I was cut in 5 different spots on stomach. The major one being where the band was placed. Due to it being still sore my whole left side of ribs/back/stomach are hurting so bad. I have been taking the pain medication but it only helps for a bit. How long does something like this take to get over? I almost feel like I have a broken rib as it hurts to breath in really deep. But I don't have anyone that I know that had the lap band done. I do have a a friend on the other side of washington that had the more dangerous one done the gastric that is not adjustable. I would love to have someone to talk to about this and to share my thoughts/feelings about my lap band journey as well as talk about yours. I have my friends and some think that I did the right thing and then there are the ones that think I have lost my mind and told me that once the novelty wears off I will regret I ever did this. Mind you these are my friends that are on the larger size. But I accepted them by not how big they are but how we connected on a many number of things so why can't they accept me on wanting to change myself so I feel better about myself and get my life back. I have a feeling that some of them will start to resent our friendship because I am going to drop the weight and want to do more stuff and not just hang at home. I have never been overweight growing up it was just in the last 10 years that I ballooned up to the current weight I am and needed to have a change in my life. I received some not so good news in which is what started this whole plan to change my life. I was diagnosed as a Pre-Diabetec and other issues were devloping. Starting Weight as of 12/16/2010: 231 pounds Date as of 12/30/2010: 219 pounds Goal Weight: 145 pounds I plan on joining the gym when I can fully walk again without any pain. So if anyone is interested in helping me with my journey as a mentor or if you just want someone to share your story with I welcome anyone. Thanks for reading my story. Michelle
  8. Hi wow I didn't know I had any responses to my post I left. I am so confused in this website and the mail system is even difficult can't seem to open conversations. So anyways how have you been since your operation? I have been doing great at least I think so and the doctor that did my surgery. I have lost a total of 24 pounds so far. So I have 56 more pounds to take off. WooHoo so far so good. I had my first fill up on the 3rd of February that was weird. I didn't know what to expect. He put the needle into the port and filled it then made me drink a cup of Water and there was nothing so filled it up more and drank another cup of water. Could feel something a bit different but water still went down so he put in more saline and then the water went no where it sat in my tube and I guess by the look on my face and some noise I made he took some of the saline out and the water went down. That was a weird feeling. So far I have been on liquid Protein Shakes and eating stuff blended up really good. I have been on solids for about two days and well let's just say that when he says you have to chew, chew, chew he means it because I have become an excellent "lets gag that back up" person. I am only supposed to eat 3 - 1 oz meals a day and drink my Protein shakes. It depends on what it is like say: cottage cheese I seem to eat more than an ounce of that at a time. I honestly think I need filled up a bit more, so will be sure to do that at next month's fill up. I have also noticed that food I used to eat I can't stomach it now. I loved to eat chicken and for some reason chicken does not agree with me anymore.....bummer. I do however like Cod & Halibut and that being flaky I have no trouble with that at all. I wanted to try the baby food thing but just couldn't bring myself to do so. Like you said in your message that you have people that are supporting you or saying they are glad you had this done. Well I have had a mixed support as an example: one friend I confided in I told her I was doing this and then a month later when I told her when my surgery was she was like "I was hoping you would get over this, and you will come to realize that once the hype wears off you will realize how much of a mistake this was to do it"... I was like WTF?? She really has no idea what its like as she is skinny and has always been skinny. Well I can say is we don't talk like we used to I def don't tell her about what I have been going through, all that went out the window with that comment she made. My other friends are half/half, some being overweight themselves say they are happy I did it but some of the comments they say I wonder just how glad they are that I did do this or are jealous? I don't know I don't really talk about this to anyone anymore (except my parents) and the friends I made on here. Because we all know on here where each one is coming from. So how has it been for you since your banding? You been doing good? Qustion for you on your cut marks do you have scars from them? Mine are scar's they didn't go away. Look's like I was in a knife fight. LOL Well I look forward to having someone new to talk to about our expeirences in this journey if you would like. I will be sure to come into this site more often and hopefully figure out how this all works. Take care
  9. Well it has been almost two months since I was banded. I have lost a total of 24 pounds which is great. I know the first 20 is just water weight but I already feel a difference.

  10. Hi welcome I saw that you started a personal conversation but for the life of me I have no clue how to open it or find it. It won't pop up into my mail. I am so lost on this website. So I will leave comment here. So welcome to lapband talk. So you are banned now? I know there is so much to understand about having this done. Everyday is a new experience for me. If you need a buddy I am available.

  11. Hi I recently had my lap band done (27 December 2010) and I was told what I could and couldn't eat from the doctor that did the lap band. But reading on here and looking at receipes its like everyone is doing the total opposite of what I am or will be doing. I was told we can't drink any milk (soy,lactose) or have anything related to milk or eat any sugar for the rest of our lives. Now how is that possible to avoid those two things when sugar is in everything. I can understand maybe limiting your sugar intake to 3g and under. But we are allowed to have: non fat cottage cheese, not fat cheese...okay there is milk in both of those so not sure or understand why we couldn't have milk. I want to do the right thing and eat the right items but am a bit confused. So does anyone suggest anything without milk based products or sugar? I am in my 4 weeks of just liquid stage right now and figure I should be able to start my pureed food items on or around 31 January 2010.
  12. wasamkins

    Lap Band Diet Questions?

    Hi thanks for your comment. The doctor that I went to is in 3 cities away from me so there is no one local to go to. But I have been reading the packet of info he gave us and I should be able to do this. I don't mind the liquid diet so much I have to be on it for a full 4 weeks and then the next 4 weeks are pureed food and liquids. I don't know about the whole blending everything to a consistency of almost like liquid that will be in a challenge in itself. The thought of blending turkey makes me want gag but if it has to be it has to be. After those 4 weeks of liquids/pureed food then I will start my 4 weeks of small meals. I took on this responsability to get healthier and lose the weight so I am going on with it no turning back now. Besides I don't want to waste the insurance companies money they spent for me to have this done. Its not so much of the milk I can't have I don't even like milk enough to just drink it, I only used it in Cereal. But I do have to say I have seen improvements since before this and after this procedure: I don't have any acid reflux attacks, upset stomach issues nor do I have uncontrolable belching, and I lost some weight 12 pounds to be exact since I started my 10 day liquid diet before the operation and just after it. So that is something to be proud of. I haven't weighed this much since last year so its an inprovement.
  13. wasamkins

    protein shakes

    I use the premeire protein shakes from costco. They have chocolate flavored and I think they tast just like a chocolate shake. They are around $24 for a box of 18. They are spendy but they are good. They have 30 g of protein.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
