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Everything posted by Chris_NJ

  1. Surgery cited as possible cause in West death -- chicagotribune.com Makes me nervous about ever getting a TT. I am sure the death was from other than the actually TT though.
  2. Chris_NJ


    Someone who sees my point ! WOOHOOO there is hope :whoo: Except for the Pope Mobile LOLOLOLOL Man I want one of those !
  3. Chris_NJ

    World has gone to PC

    Another complaint I have is how you can't even say Merry Christmas without offending someone. No more Christmas carols in schools. What is wrong with people these days? Say goodbye to the manger scenes in towns because all that is bing taken away these days. I can see how some may say that they are not being represented so go ahead and expand on it but don't take away others traditions.
  4. Chris_NJ


    Like I said PC world gone wild when someone can't take a joke. I am FAR from a racist and I am sure Derrick is. He made an off collar joke and thats all it was. So since 9/11 we are not allowed to tease a certain religion. Persecuted? Are you seriously kidding me? So I guess you have never heard all the jokes about Catholics and there priests. Give me a break people. I can point you to a thread NINA that states the Rants and Raves section is not for wussies and besides Muslim is not a race its a Religion. He didn't call them Sand"insert N word". Now that would have been screwed up and I would have agreed. With all the religion bashing some in this thread have done they should have no room to comment. Besides he just used satire on whats going on in present day society. Facts* -Some Muslims have more than one wives in certain countries -They do stop for prayer 5 times a day -Many do spout off anti-Jewish hate (Iranian President, also where car may be built) -Lately there are an awful lot of them using the excuse of Jihad to blow up themselves or there cars to kill western people. Unless people have not watched the news EVER. So break it down a bit.
  5. Chris_NJ


    I think people need to lighten up a little and take a joke once in awhile. Or is the world so PC we can't do that anymore out of fear of repercussions? Anyone who doesn't think the idea of this car is funny really has no sense of humor. Its like making a car for Catholics that have built in holy water cup holders and a built in pedophile protection from priests. This coming from a Catholic who can laugh at himself.
  6. Chris_NJ


    <br /> <br /> She has the poor me syndrome :eek: FOXNews.com - Report: Car Company Considers Vehicle for Exclusively for Muslims - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News
  7. Chris_NJ

    Cute website for cat lovers!

    meet my new addition to my family. here is a pic of Smokey with my GF. She tricked me an brought him home with her tonight from work. He is a few months old. He is scared to death it seems. She adopted him from a vet that a friend of hers works at. Supposedly the cat was a wild cat that was hit by a car and dropped off. Now I have him. LOL He must be a liberal or talked to you Laurend because he bit me when I tried to grab him from under the couch HAHAHA:biggrin1:
  8. Chris_NJ

    If money were no object...

    Here is a clip its funny as ever. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iMd8Pm-2EE]YouTube - Jeff Dunham and Bubba J[/ame]
  9. Chris_NJ

    How Many Have Lost 100lbs In 6 Months???

    LOL I get that question a lot. I will post what I just sent someone else who asked me. A lot of hard work. I work out like 6 days a week and eat healthy. My work out consists of walking 3-5 miles a day at a fast pace. On my 3 mile days I lift weights and the 5 mile days I don't. I generally lift 3-4 days a week. My diet consists of a lot of grilled chicken and veggies. I stay away from the pastas and carbs as much as possible. NO SODA OR SUGAR drinks LOL. I drink nothing but Water with crystal light. No need for empty calories. When I get the munchies I just have a sugar free ice pop. They are only like 15 calories. I try and keep my calorie intake between 800 to at the most 1400. I switch it up a lot to trick my metabolism. Remember what works for me may not work for others.
  10. Chris_NJ

    Stretched Pouch....PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!

    Thats what I figured or at least go on liquids for a bit to give it a rest.
  11. Chris_NJ

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    It was me who called her anti-Semetic. Let me rephrase that to a better way. I feel she is part of the " Blame Israel for all the worlds problem crowd" considering this whole thread is about the Iraq war and not Israel.
  12. Chris_NJ

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    And your anti-Semite hate? Please answer for it. You post on another thread about how you hate being stereotyped but yet you follow suit with anti-Semite posts and a sick poem about dead baby's? Don't preach to the choir when you need to clean up your own back yard. I don't hate Muslims I just wish some would stand up and realize that pointing fingers at other faiths when there own extremist sect is killing so many innocents. You say its lies well then prove it. Has Iran been killing people who are gays lately? Can woman vote yet in some middle eastern countries or even drive a car ? Be glad you are a convert in this country. Were all 19 9/11 hijackers Muslims? Are not suicide attacks on a daily base done by Muslims? Prove it is all I ask.
  13. Chris_NJ

    How Many Have Lost 100lbs In 6 Months???

    I lost over 130 lbs in 6 months.
  14. Name...........Chall. Start Wt........Current......Chall. Goal.............To Go abckids..............303.........................3 03...........270..................33 alwayscurious........245......................245. ............212...............33 Amelia40...............270.................... 270................240..............30 areellady...............232....................226 .5...........212...............14.5 argon..................162.....................148 ...............142................6 Ariel....................207.................... 199 ..............182................17 aussie_jode...........212......................212 .............190..................22 BabygotBack..........164.....................164. ............145..................19 Babygrl1234...........215......................201 ............190.................11 Becky42................253.....................248 ...............220...............28 bekafina.................225.....................2 25.............199................26 Cherrybomb...........311....................306 ..............291................15 chickatee..............203.....................193 ..............175................18 chocolate_snaps......344....................342... ...........299................43 cQQlgirl..................225...................21 8................185..............33 Chris_NJ................284....................250 .................250...........0 cindyluhu...............194....................193 ...............180.............13 dacer123...............243....................239. ..............223................16 Denise...................170....................17 0...............155...............15 Denise..................244.....................24 4...............220................24 Desertbunnee.........232....................207. .............180................27 DonnaD................185.....................185. .............170................15 eclipse..................215.....................2 12..............199................16 faithmd................303.....................303 ............ 283...............16.7 glindab................ 277.....................269...............250..... .. .......19 gonnabfree............231....................231.. ..............205................26 Guinessgirl77.........241...................241 ..................210..............31 gweniper..............253.....................228. ...............223...............30 hf2havefun...........240......................240. ..............210................30 ihadenuf................216....................216 ................190................26 itsjustducky...........317....................317. ................297...............20 james2539............235.4.................235.4 ................220.............15.4 jfran……………….212………..........196.................196………………0 jglong54...............206....................206. .................195.............11 jadrad7.................224....................224 .................200..............24 jazzystouch...........246......................246 ...............220...............26 Jeni 85.................237....................226.... .............207..............19 joisey....................307....................3 07................290...............17 josiebies...............188......................1 69................165................4 JulieNYC................155.....................14 9.................136..............13 Kaelin's G-Ma.........272....................272............. ......220.............12 KarenG................. 240.....................223...................215. ...........8 katalin.e................230.....................1 79.................150..............29 Keekahari..............230......................21 8..................215............3 Kellymovingon........207......................196 .................187............9 Kimmie.................296.....................287 ..................270.............17 ladydi............. .....233.....................228.................2 08...............20 legster..................261....................23 4................228...............6 LeslieLee...............216.....................21 6................186...............30 LifeLover..............289.....................271 ..............259................12 LilMissBandAid.......276.8...................276.8 ............265...............11.8 lisa_in_toronto.......180......................160 ................160...............20 losingjusme...........273.....................263. ...............238................25 luvinke..................225.................. ..223..................195..............28 maddog.................230.....................230 ................205..............25 marcar35...............277.....................263 ................250............. 13 mcgreen...............236......................210 .................210...........0 METALBAND...........187.....................177... ..... .......167..............10 momlambert..........207.....................198... .............185................13 mpalen.................229.....................229 ................200................29 Peache8887...........330.....................306.. ...............275..............31 pmmegm..............248.....................248... ...............228..............20 Rainer..................298................... 265..................258................7 robgoblin87............279...................279.. ................250...............29 SC2VA..................233.....................233 ..................200..............33 sdakotaRN.............254.....................254. ................225..............29 Short C................. 166....................166.................146.. ............20 Soniacan...............198.5..................198. 5.............175.............23.5 Stacy73.................259.....................23 4...............230...............4 Sunny112..............215.....................157. ...............140...............17 Suzzzie. ...............349....................317.6....... .......320............-2.4 sweethot143..........197....................188... ...........175.................13 tanderson..............231.....................231 ...............199................32 teacher.................236.....................23 6.............200................36 ToniaPatt …..........286……….....……......283………......... 243.… ........…40 UK-Lady...............255.....................223.... ...........210.................13 Wannabthin...........231......................222. .............211................20 want2beme...........225.....................225.. ............195................30 wen.....................288......................2 84..............255................29 Whosyadaddy.........388.....................369... ...........335................43 Wooohooooo after a damned plateau the scale moved ! I am at challenge goal ! :clap2: :bounce: :whoo:
  15. Chris_NJ

    If money were no object...

    Jeff Dunham is hilarious isn't he ? HAHAHA
  16. Chris_NJ

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    You need psychiatric help. You say you belong to a religion of peace? Sounds like you are spewing nothing but anti semitic hate. You need to check this site out and tell me who is killing babies before you accuse anyone else. TheReligionofPeace.com - Islam: Making a True Difference in the World
  17. Chris_NJ

    If money were no object...

    .... I wouldn't be chatting on Lapbandtalk.com LOL:D
  18. Chris_NJ

    What are your favorite, but hated Stereotypes...

    So your saying I can't tell women I am black from waste down anymore :P
  19. Chris_NJ

    Do You? You know use that word!

    :faint: Oh man so your saying I can't sing my DMX and Wu-tang Clan songs any more when working out ! :biggrin1:
  20. Chris_NJ

    How do you decide?

    I asked myself ..... Do I want to die young ? Well I answered no to that question and said heck yeah the risks are worth it! :biggrin1:
  21. Chris_NJ

    Christmas Greed

    I love it. We appreciated it. I liked getting clothes and stuff like that. I got to spend my money on things I wanted plus my parents gave us 300 $ each lol. We had like 20 people over for Xmas dinner every year which was great !
  22. Chris_NJ

    Do You? You know use that word!

    This explains it pretty well [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM9pAhu6Sxk]YouTube - When White people can say the "N -Word"[/ame]
  23. Chris_NJ

    Christmas Greed

    My parents always gave me and my 2 brothers cash and then bought us some things we needed like clothes and necessity items. Stocking stuffer's were always things like deodorant, razors and stuff like that as we got older.
  24. well? Come one what did we do?
  25. Just wow ! I can't believe I have been banded 6 months today ! I just have to say I LOVE MY BAND AND MY NEW SELF !! I would do it all over again in a heartbeat without thinking twice ! I know I posted these in the before and after pic thread but eh I am stoked !:clap2: :whoo: Remember this YOU CAN DO IT

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
