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Everything posted by Chris_NJ

  1. Chris_NJ

    World has gone to PC

    Santas warned 'ho ho ho' offensive to women - Yahoo! News
  2. Chris_NJ

    NFL Network and Cable TV battle!

    Its ok its the Cowboys and no one cares about them anyhow :heh: :biggrin1:
  3. Chris_NJ

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    I think I just threw up in my mouth. :sick
  4. I myself have no problem drinking as fast as I want. I can drink as fast and just like I always have.
  5. Chris_NJ

    Learning to be this size...

    Do my Hawaiian shirts count into this equation? They hide my concealed handgun so well
  6. Chris_NJ

    World has gone to PC

    Talk about throwing a huge spin on things I posted. Everything I posted was relevant to a comment and a response you posted. None of those comments were blatantly posted as you have them laid out. Lets see we had a thread about the Iraq war and call me crazy but it has nothing to do with Israel and ( drum roll please) in walks you into the conversation and Israel suddenly is dragged in. What would that make you think? Yep you have a thing against Israel. Thats what I would think. Considering Israel has nothing to do with Iraq war and the US being there. So intern I put you in the blame Israel crowd. Easy assumption I think. The site I agree is not a very pro Islam site and I am not a big fan of it. But I ask you to find me a pro Islam site that is going to have a list of all Radical Islamic terrorist attacks that happen. You won't. Thats why that link was posted and trust me I am not on there mailing list. Poor me syndrome. Yes I put anyone that uses there own beliefs as a crutch and thinks anyone out to get them for it in this class. Don't matter what race, nationality or religion. IMO that poem was dark and demented. Nuff said. I have never heard a baby speak like that so anyone who wrote it and enjoys it imo needs help. "So anyway when the joke was posted immediately after Chris so warmly welcomed me to the forum I was a bit upset to be generalized as a terrorist in the joke." So when did I call a Terrorist? WOW to this comment. I ask to revert back to the poor me syndrome again.
  7. Chris_NJ

    how do you track calories

    I myself just guesstimate my calorie intake. It is not an exact science for me like some. I figure ok 1 serving is 100 calories and I eat 3/4 it I had around 75 cals. Just keep a rough estimate in my head throughout the day.
  8. Chris_NJ

    World has gone to PC

    I know you searched Dunham on youtube lol I KILL YOU ! HAHAHAHA LMAO
  9. Chris_NJ

    World has gone to PC

    Cheers! Something we can agree on !
  10. Chris_NJ

    World has gone to PC

    Laughing at a joke makes you a bigot hahahahahahaha Every single person that has ever been to an Eddie Murphy show , Jeff Dunham, Carlos Mencia show or any comedy show is a bigot then in your opinion. You crack me up. Please get out of your imaginary utopia you live in because reality is so much nicer. I am not the one who posted the joke. I am just the one stating that people need to laugh at life sometimes. I recommend you unwind a bit and do it. Its ok to do once in awhile. Your anger is pointed in the wrong direction. I suggest you just move on.
  11. Chris_NJ

    World has gone to PC

    Don't be arrogant. I totally did the wrong thing when I assaulted that man. It was wrong. I agree to that. You need to get off my back. You obviously have some serious issue with me. Get over it. Stay the heck out of my threads and I will gladly stay the heck out of yours. The point I was making is that people like you are trying to make me out like I am some bigot in which I am not. Please clean up your own backyard down there in Australia before you complain about anyone else. Or did you forget about the mob riots on the beaches? We never had mobs of 5000 people attacking Muslims in this country.............
  12. Chris_NJ

    World has gone to PC

    Don't be arrogant. I totally did the wrong thing when I assaulted that man. It was wrong. I agree to that. You need to get off my back. You obviously have some serious issue with me. Get over it. Stay the heck out of my threads and I will gladly stay the heck out of yours. The point I was making is that people like you are trying to make me out like I am some bigot in which I am not. Please clean up your own backyard down there in Australia before you complain about anyone else. Or did you forget about the mob riots on the beaches? We never had mobs of 5000 people attacking Muslims in this country.............
  13. till Turkey day !! Someone just asked about the total so far.
  14. Chris_NJ

    World has gone to PC

    A little about me in a story.... On 9/11 I was home in NJ. I just happen to be an officer of a vollunteer fire department at the time. When the WTC happened me and a few men grabbed our gear and went to NYC as quickly as we could and stayed there for just under a week helping our brother firefighters do what we could to help in recovery. We spent 17 hour plus days digging with our bare hands. I remember coming home from there and just breaking down crying like a little baby about what I saw to my father. You would think after loosing friends that day and what I went through I would be full of hate for the Muslim faith. Just the opposite happened to me. I found myself being kinder and trying to be more understanding of them. A few days after 9/11 happened there was a lot of tension in the area and I would of expected that. I went to a local pub with the guys I went to NY with to have a few drinks which was probably not a good idea to help with post traumatic stress. That night I saw something that drove me nuts and into a fight at the pub. They were having a beat the Bin Laden doll fund raiser that night. IMO that was sick. They had a big doll dressed up as Bin Laden and you could beat it for a donation that would goto the red cross. It wasn't even the doll beating that got me over the top it was the fact the ass on the mic was yelling extremely racial things and it offended the hell out of me. Yelling things about the gas stations and 7 11's and the people that work there and basically inciting violence. Lets say I took the bad route and popped him in the face. I made my point and yelled now you know why they hate us. The point I am trying to make is there is a time and place. His timing and way of doing what they were doing was wrong. He was spouting out hate. I can tell the difference. A joke is a joke and not meant to be hateful. People just need to learn to differentiate between to two.
  15. So far the challenge has lost a total of 529 lbs ! this is without everyone reporting in.
  16. Chris_NJ

    Biggest Loser

    I am sooooooooooo glad ungrateful Amy went. Happy for her weight loss but I couldn't take the complaining and poor me attitude anymore. I am rooting for Neil and Kay.
  17. Chris_NJ

    Learning to be this size...

    First off way to go on the loss ! Outstanding job ! I really don't know if it will truly ever go away. I am still not thin yet but on my way there. The problem I have most is that I still see myself over 300lbs and think I am huge still. I am constantly comparing myself to other big guys in public (quietly). I am always asking my GF if I am bigger or smaller. Its an odd thing and I am sure we are not alone with feeling this way. I just hope with time it gets better.
  18. Chris_NJ

    How Many Have Lost 100lbs In 6 Months???

    LOL I really don't know exactly when I could walk 5 miles in a clip but I would say about 2 months out is was easy. Get comfortable shoes lol. It used to take me over an hour and a half to do it. Now it takes me about 1 hour and 15 minutes or less. You have those days you just don't want to do it but you just have to say to yourself that you didn't get surgery for no reason. I want to prove to myself and everyone else I am not a failure ! My Doc is another reason I push so hard. I wanted to prove him wrong. He pushed for me to get bypass because of the weight loss and I refused. So I love going in and seeing his face.
  19. Chris_NJ


    Its funny you said that. Being my family is of Italian decent (father was born there) years back we would not of been able to buy a home where we lived in NJ. Our neighbor actually showed us her original deed to her home and it stated the home could not be bought by Italians,Jews,blacks and a bunch of other minority's at one time.
  20. Tom have faith bro ! You can do it. Go on Optifast or Medifast now if you can. No one says you can't do the liquid diet now if you want. You can lose all that in no time and fast. It will be tough but it will be worth it. I did Optifast a couple years ago and lost over 50 lbs in less than 2 months. Just I didn't keep it off. You need to do it for surgery so it will be great.
  21. Chris_NJ

    100lb....16weeks...Not Too Shabby!!

    Great job ! It looks and sounds like we are keeping pace with each other ! Sounds like you are following the same work out as well. Walking walking and more walking ! I know how you feel and its great isn't it !
  22. Chris_NJ

    World has gone to PC

    So its ok for anyone else? Your statement makes no sense at all. Hmm a double edged sword? Whats good for one is not good for another? Heinous acts? Your joking right? So you blame the US for terrorism? Wow!Its justified to blow up innocent people just to get a point across? Imagine if Ghandi and Martin Luther Kind went about there struggle that way? Its a joke not many of them are in great taste but usually a satire of what is going on in the world today. Some people do find it funny. Sad some can't laugh at life. Maybe you should get over it and relax a bit. You may cause yourself anxiety if you can't smile at life once in awhile. Please tell me who is cleaning up our mess? You have to be kidding. Your nation was there since day one. Its funny over 30 nations were there at the start of the war. Who is the arrogant one? Childish name calling? Grow up please. No one said you had to like it or even respond to my thread so please move on if you are going to flame or be childish. Please get off your holier than though horse. This thread wasn't actually about Derricks thread but about how the world has gotten to PC today. Its funny tonight I spoke to a friend of mine that I speak to probably a few times a week. The man is an Iraqi interpreter that decided to work for the Marines after the invasion. He presently resides in Jordan after serving 2 years fighting terrorists. He is proud of whats going on over there. I actually sent him a link about that car. He cracked up and said you have got to be kidding me. I then proceeded to tell him about what derrick said and he laughed and said yeah that would be the terrorist upgrade edition. I should get him in this thread. He always posts on a site I help run called Liveleak.
  23. Chris_NJ

    my butt hurts

    Hello fellow NoAssAtalls member ! I am one with the all gut no but syndrome ! :bounce:
  24. Chris_NJ


    I can think of many black comedians that make jokes about whites and Mexicans that make jokes about blacks and so on so your argument is mute.

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