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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Chris_NJ

  1. Chris_NJ

    Do you count calories ?

    I am not a calorie counter per say. I am more of a guesstimator on my calorie intake. I just make the right choices and don't go over board.
  2. I quit drinking and smoking 3 years ago and lets say Extra Sugar Free gum is my new best friend! That and sugar free ice pops rock ! lol:p
  3. You can do it if you want to do it. Trust me just look at my ticker. I have lost well over 50% of my excess weight in 7 months. Just eat right and exercise. Walk walk and walk some more.
  4. Chris_NJ

    Milestones, Anniversaries, SVs and NSVs

    Merry Christmas to you to Brew ! Good to see your still alive and kicking.
  5. Right now its tied 17 republican votes - 17 democratic votes. But one Democratic vote is from a non voter lol So we win so far ! :scared:
  6. Chris_NJ

    US Sanctioned Torture

    Please indulge us with your infinite wisdom.
  7. Ah such hostility's. I love it LOL . :heh: And Merry F**king Christmas to you to !
  8. Chris_NJ

    It's not working for me

    Just wanted to quote that again ! :clap2:
  9. Chris_NJ

    US Sanctioned Torture

    What we do or shouldn't do either way should not be published in the media for the world and our ENEMIES to see. This only emboldens the enemy. I have to look but there was a video out there filmed in Iraq of captured insurgents. The funny thing is they were crying and begging to the Americans. What they were crying about is they were about to be given to the Iraqi authorities. Makes you wonder why? Because crap like this is in the media and the public eye during war and shouldn't be. Just like when our congressman making asses of themselves saying we are losing a war. This is a war and people are getting soft in this country and it makes you sad. Imagine if the people during WW II acted like people these days.
  10. Chris_NJ

    US Sanctioned Torture

    If these were soldiers of another countries military we would not be doing this. These men are not and are not covered under the Geneva convention. Our troops have been captured by terrorists and were mutilated and murdered. I personally don't worry about what others think about the US. We have to do what we have to do to protect our citizens first. This is not the first time our image was not pristine in the eyes of people and will not be the last. But when they need help ask who they call first. Yup the damned if we do and damned if we don't USA.
  11. Chris_NJ

    "Religion of Peace" Update

    Its a Canadian prison. He will be out in a couple years probably. :eek:
  12. I am all about just annexing Canada and taking all there maple syrup and oil ! LOL
  13. Chris_NJ

    US Sanctioned Torture

    The ones that are getting the psychological problems are not ones I could care less about but the ones that the terrorists may go after will have more to worry about than that. We need to remember that the ones they do things like this to are the same ones that would love to kill anyone of us the first chance they got. Ask Berg or Pearl how humane they treated them.
  14. I am still waiting for them to move. I even offered to drive some of them. :eek:
  15. Chris_NJ

    US Sanctioned Torture

    In certain curcumstances I feel we have to do what we have to do. Do we kill these men when we use these techniques ? No. Is there long term physical problems caused by this? No. If it gets information out of terrorists who do not follow any rule of war then so be it. Be sure there techniques will kill you in the end.
  16. Chris_NJ

    Drinking and the band

    I myself have not had a drink in 3 years and a beer in over 7. I see nothing wrong with drinking but I just choose not to. I quit smoking and knew to do that I should not drink because I would want to smoke. So now I just don't do either and its been so long I could care less anymore. I just think if someone is trying to lose weight and get healthy they should limit there intake. Not saying someone should quit but don't over do it by drinking all the time because its not going to help your progress.
  17. well that could go either way. they may start a war one week a month LOL :eek: Well at least I know mine would HAHA
  18. Nice knowing yah ! :biggrin1:
  19. Wt........Current......Chall. Goal...........To Go Chris_NJ................247....................242.............230..................12
  20. and 7 v 6 rep winning. thats subtracting the non eligible voter.
  21. Chris_NJ

    "Religion of Peace" Update

    At least she didn't name her teddy bear Mohamed. BRB Going to try an look up how many Christian honor killings there are compared to Muslim ones..... Back, yup no comparison.
  22. I used to take Nexium and Toprol for my BP. I just got in a regiment that when I woke up to brush my teeth I took my meds. Thankfully I lost enough weight that I no longer take anything now. I have never taken vitamins. I get enough from what I eat.
  23. Chris_NJ

    "Religion of Peace" Update

    Not saying there isn't but welcome to 2007 and modern society.
  24. Chris_NJ

    "Religion of Peace" Update

    AFP: Father killed daughter for not wearing hijab, her friends say

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