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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Chris_NJ

  1. Chris_NJ

    Conservative VS Liberal

    This man says it all.... LiveLeak.com - Why I'm A Conservative Republican 2.0
  2. Chris_NJ


    Point is here is the Attorney General threatening lawsuits and he hasn't even read a 10 page law? Whats he there for ? Sad is what it is !
  3. So from people who actually have read the constitution and want to follow it? Please EXPLAIN how the law is unconstitutional ? Protecting our nations sovereignty is unconstitutional? Shall we all take a trip to Mexico or another country for that matter and do it illegally. Then we will set up shop and ask for free health care, a driver license , not pay taxes and force them all to cater to us. Lets see how far we will get. and see I don't need make all my writing in red to state something. No keyboard warrior here. :redface:
  4. Chris_NJ


    Arizona Immigration Law: AG Eric Holder Admits "I Have Not Read It". LiveLeak.com - Arizona Immigration Law: AG Eric Holder Admits "I Have Not Read It". Sad... :redface:
  5. its sad you actually support this.... nothing like boycotting fellow LEGAL AMERICAN TAX PAYERS for law breaking illegals.
  6. your right look how many voted in Obama... Just because the majority of Americans support this doesn't make it constitutional. Guess we see clearly where you stand... or is this only when it favors your views?
  7. Karma is a REAL B&^*H ! What goes around comes around !
  8. Let's be honest here: a lot of Hispanic people are prejudice of white people also..... Whats this have to do with anything? Why does the race card get pulled out so easily these days? Maybe these kids were just fed up with society these days being so pc and putting down our own country to satisfy other nationalities? The school was wrong enough said. Undue attention was brought to the students and blew this way out of proportion. The sad thing is most Hispanics or non Hispanics have no idea what Cinco De Mayo is about anyhow and its not even widely celebrated in Mexico for that matter.
  9. Chris_NJ


    I dont think they are. you will be fine.
  10. Chris_NJ

    Proffesional Athlete Gets Lapband

    Was banded may 07.. lost most first year. went up and down for a bit but moving down again !
  11. Chris_NJ

    Conservative VS Liberal

    lmao how many of those were planted BS by the left !
  12. Chris_NJ

    Conservative VS Liberal

    LiveLeak.com - Obama speech and tea party coverage. A pretty interesting video for the tea party misinformed basher's. You know they are so violent and racist and all ....well so says msnbc and the left.
  13. Chris_NJ

    Underwear: yeah, you heard me right....

    under Armour boxer briefs are great ! Been wearing them for 2 yrs and love them ! I know you said about the money but you get what you pay for and they are worth it.
  14. Chris_NJ

    EMS/Fire/Law enforcement

    I spent 18 months as a civilian firefighter in Iraq and never effected me one bit having lap band!
  15. Chris_NJ

    Proffesional Athlete Gets Lapband

    Good to see. I like his response though. He stated it was for his future beyond football.. nice to see he looks beyond that.
  16. Chris_NJ

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Never used this program but just wanted to wish you all luck on your 5k en-devours ! I run them all the time and they are fun ! I do half marathons now and couldnt even walk a mile 3 yrs ago. lol
  17. Chris_NJ

    Walking Playlist

    I listen to what ever kind of mood I am in when I run or exercise for that matter. My favorite song when I am running is Eminem - Loose Yourself.
  18. Chris_NJ


    While I don't agree totally with the Arizona bill I do feel something has to be done with it. While I feel we cant just throw them all out we have to find a way to get taxes paid from them or a path to legalization. Its like someone breaking into your home and then you having to feed them. Don't make sense to me!
  19. Chris_NJ

    May bandsters

    May 9th for me ..... 07 though lol Good luck guys !
  20. Chris_NJ

    41 and Getting Banded!

    Way to go on starting your new journey bro ! You can do it ! I was 389 at one point and 215 now so it can be done. EXERCISE is the key to it if you want to shed the pounds faster. Use the band as a tool to help you along the way. Be diligent with your doctor for fills and dont let him tell you no if you feel you need them. If you have any questions just shoot me a pm and will gladly help if I can. Chris
  21. Chris_NJ

    Significant weight loss=Better sex life?

    I would have to say YES ! It has gotten way better in all aspects ! Might even say been told the words ...AGAIN ! :scared2: lol
  22. Chris_NJ

    Health Care

    Well put , noticed no one commented on this though? So whats that going to mean? LAYOFFS ! But hey the IRS gets over 16000 more employees ! Yup bigger govt and IRS people to boot ! LOL
  23. Chris_NJ

    Americans Need Universal Auto Insurance

    Hmmm roads, police, fire, yup state taxes Not federal ! What does work place safety laws have to do with hand outs from the federal govt?
  24. Chris_NJ

    Some progress.

    thanks all ! But my smaller pic is the other one. I was heavier in these.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
