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Everything posted by Chris_NJ

  1. Chris_NJ

    What are your problem foods?

    Pasta is a definite no nowadays. Thats fine though because its got to many carbs but being an Italian thats tough to deal with.
  2. Chris_NJ

    The Belt of progress...........

    :biggrin1: Thanks ! All I have to say is walking and more walking. I walk 3 - 5 miles a day . I have been mixing in jogging with the walk now though and lifting weights. Between that and eating proper foods the weight seems to be coming off pretty fast. It has slowed down a little bit but still coming off.
  3. Chris_NJ

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Tom Harkin's Iowa Steak Fry - Photo Essays - TIME Here is the original link from Time Magazine...................
  4. Don't they deserve the respect of the Commander in Chief? To not think after there sacrifice that they don't is plain crazy. No one is stopping anyone from moving out.
  5. More wars have been started by Democrats...........
  6. Chris_NJ

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    The picture is was featured in Time Magazines Oct 1st issue.
  7. Chris_NJ

    Broke 200lbs we are down 356lbs

    WOW Way to go ! You guys ROCK ! :eek: :clap2:
  8. Chris_NJ

    Let's start a mythbusters thread...

    Great thread ! Thanks for that link ! :clap2:
  9. Chris_NJ

    Big Day Tomorrow... 10/26

    Its all on you and how you manage pain. I would say the first couple days were the worse for me. The main pain was gas. To help get rid of it the best thing to do is walk and it will help expel it. Other than that it was just soreness. Good Luck with your surgery !
  10. Chris_NJ

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    I just love how peoples hate for our president shines through to every facet of politics and base everything on that. Look outside the box please. These 2 things have nothing to do with each other.
  11. Chris_NJ

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    An opinionated statement is just that. Take it for what it is. When something is a fact then it is a fact. I see this thread has ruffled a few feathers now have we? Fact is, he was disrespectful to a large sect of people in a nation he so badly wants to be president of. No one can dispute that.
  12. Chris_NJ

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    If the person running for president of the US doesn't have the intelligence to properly attend to the flag of the nation they want to lead then they are out for personal gain only and could care less about the country and what it stands for. Just my opinion.
  13. Chris_NJ

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    USFlag.org: A website dedicated to the Flag of the United States of America - Flag Etiquette
  14. Chris_NJ

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Huh? If a president is not a patriot then they have no need apply for the job.
  15. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f80/obama-forgets-salute-flag-43829/
  16. Why lib Dems scare me loosing core family values way to socialistic for me not strong enough on national security willing to demoralize our country and military for personal gain want to hand out my money to illegals George Soros controls them Move on, controls them willing to bargain with terrorists want to raise my taxes want to take away my gun rights there against the patriot act (which works obviously) Flip flop on decisions they make just to appease a poll Need anymore?
  17. Chris_NJ

    I don't understand (goal weight rant)

    :mad: I am lighter than my High School weight. I was like 280 in HS.
  18. Chris_NJ

    I don't understand (goal weight rant)

    I originally had my goal set to 250 lbs. I figured I was 389 and that would be tough to get to. Well its been less that six months and I am only 5 lbs from that and have lost 134 lbs. I reevaluated myself and set my goal to 200 lbs now. I see 55 more lbs as completely achievable. If I make it then so be it. If not I will be just as happy at 220. I see nothing wrong with people setting long term large goals. IMO it just forces them to motivate even harder.
  19. :biggrin1::nervous I was duped ! I came in looking for pics ! :guess LOL
  20. Chris_NJ


    I have 5 . 3 trible type with some sculls, a lizard, and an Italian flag. 2 on left fore arm , 1 on right fore arm , 2 on right leg
  21. Name...........Chall. Start Wt........Current......Chall. Goal.............To Go abckids..............303.........................3 03...........270......................33 alwayscurious........245......................245. ............212.................33 Amelia40...............270.................... 270................240................30 areellady...............232....................226 .5...........212.................14.5 argon..................162...................155.2 ...............142...............13.2 Ariel....................207.................... 199 ..............182..................17 aussie_jode...........212......................212 .............190..................22 BabygotBack..........164.....................164. ............145..................19 Babygrl1234...........215......................205 ............190.................15 Becky42................253.....................248 ...............220...............28 bekafina.................225.....................2 25.............199................26 Cherrybomb...........311....................306 ..............291................15 chickatee..............203.....................196 ..............175................21 chocolate_snaps......344....................342... ...........299................43 cQQlgirl..................225...................21 8................185..............33 Chris_NJ................284....................255 .................250..............5 cindyluhu...............194....................194 ...............180.............14 dacer123...............243....................243. ..............223................20 Denise...................170....................17 0...............155...............15 Denise..................244.....................24 4...............220................24 Desertbunnee.........232....................207. .............180................27 DonnaD................185.....................185. .............170................15 eclipse..................215.....................2 12..............199................16 faithmd................303.....................303 ............ 283...............16.7 glindab................ 277.....................269...............250..... .. .......19 gonnabfree............231....................231.. ..............205................26 Guinessgirl77.........241...................241 ..................210..............31 gweniper..............253.....................236. ...............223...............30 hf2havefun...........240......................240. ..............210................30 ihadenuf................216....................216 ................190................26 itsjustducky...........317....................317. ................297...............20 james2539............235.4.................235.4 ................220.............15.4 jfran……………………….212………………………204……………………..196………………8 jglong54...............206....................206. .................195.............11 jadrad7.................224....................224 .................200..............24 jazzystouch...........246......................246 ...............220...............26 Jeni 85.................237....................230 ..................207..............23 joisey....................307....................3 07................290...............17 josiebies...............188......................1 70................165................5 JulieNYC................155.....................14 9.................136..............13 Kaelin's G-Ma.........272....................272............. ......220.............12 KarenG................. 240.....................227...................215. ...........12 katalin.e................230.....................1 79.................150..............29 Keekahari..............230......................23 0..................215............15 Kellymovingon........207......................196 .................187............9 Kimmie.................296.....................287 ..................270.............17 ladydi............. .....233.....................228.................2 08...............20 legster..................261....................24 0................228...............12 LeslieLee...............216.....................21 6................186...............30 LifeLover..............289.....................275 ..............259................16 LilMissBandAid.......276.8...................276.8 ............265...............11.8 lisa_in_toronto.......180......................180 ................160...............20 losingjusme...........273.....................270. ...............238................31 luvinke..................225.................. ..223..................195..............28 maddog.................230.....................230 ................205..............25 marcar35...............277.....................268 ................250............. 18 mcgreen...............236......................220 .................210..............10 METALBAND...........187.....................179... ..... .......167..............13 momlambert..........207...................204.5... ............185..............20.5 mpalen.................229.....................229 ................200................29 Peache8887...........330.....................306.. ...............275..............31 pmmegm..............248.....................248... ...............228..............20 Rainer..................298................... 273..................258................15 robgoblin87............279...................279.. ................250...............29 SC2VA..................233.....................233 ..................200..............33 sdakotaRN.............254.....................254. ................225..............29 Short C................. 166....................166.................146.. ............20 Soniacan...............198.5..................198. 5.............175.............23.5 Stacy73.................259.....................23 8...............230...............8 Sunny112..............215.....................157. ...............140...............17 Suzzzie. ...............349....................334......... .......320................14 sweethot143..........197....................188... ...........175.................13 tanderson..............231.....................231 ...............199................32 teacher.................236.....................23 6.............200................36 ToniaPatt …..........286……….....……......283………......... 243.… ........…40 UK-Lady...............255.....................223.... ...........210.................13 Wannabthin...........231......................222. .............211................20 want2beme...........225.....................225.. ............195................30 wen.....................288......................2 84..............255................29 Whosyadaddy.........388.....................369... ...........335................43 A few more down ! Only 5 more till goal !:whoo:
  22. Chris_NJ

    Pass the Dutchie?

    :rolleyes My age is showing........... You don't know the group "Musical Youth? " :faint:
  23. Chris_NJ

    Drinking Lots of Alcohol

    I agree ! TROLL ALERT ! :mad:
  24. Chris_NJ

    Pass the Dutchie?

    How is that any different than smoking a cigarette with the band? I can't see why not. The munchies may suck though ! :tired
  25. I am a Republican and not ashamed to say it. I may not agree on all my party's actions but the Democratic party is so out in left field they scare me. I would say I am a more liberal Republican. I am not a fan of abortion but at the same time realize sometimes it needs to be done. I am also not the one who has that choice to make. I also see nothing wrong with gay and lesbian rights. I don't think its right that me and my "soon to be" wife have certain benefits but a gay couple who have the same love and affection don't. I am also very supportive of our military and our combat actions.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
