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Everything posted by Chris_NJ

  1. Chris_NJ

    unwanted sexual advances by boss

    I would also keep a log of what happened. Maybe tell someone also.
  2. Chris_NJ

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 95 CONDEMNS THE SADDAM HUSSEIN REGIME FOR ITS CONTINUED BRUTALITYTOWARDS THE IRAQI PEOPLE But we are the ones killing thousands? You have that mixed up. So are we the ones killing innocent civilians with car bombs? If a country that has fought for freedom and stands for freedom can not stand up against tyrany then we are not worthy of being what we are.
  3. Chris_NJ

    Fred Phelps and Westboro Church

    Here is a FOX News interview with Snyders father and Phelps. Phelps gets a new one in this interview! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3PyoUPcobA]YouTube - Shirley Pehlps-Roper on Fox News[/ame]
  4. Chris_NJ

    Fred Phelps and Westboro Church

    Here are some articles of a lawsuit that is filed against them by Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder's father. Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder
  5. Chris_NJ

    Fred Phelps and Westboro Church

    These people are sick on all points. I think that the funeral protesting is just the most sick thing. There is a major lawsuit against them by a family who's son died and they protested at the funeral. I will look up the information and post it if anyone wants me to.
  6. Chris_NJ

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    and thats what liberals would think. Libs like the break down of moral society.
  7. Chris_NJ

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Nope I am a Govt contractor. I will be doing a year there. I just have to decide when I want to leave. Either Dec or Jan. Probably in January after Christmas or the GF will kill me. I wish I had joined the service when I was younger. Most of my family are former Army and Marines. Who knows I still may one day when the weight thing is fixed totally.
  8. Chris_NJ

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    LOL Maybe he is just making bunny ears behind someones head.
  9. Chris_NJ

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Watch what people are cynical about, and one can often discover what they lack. - General George Patton
  10. Chris_NJ

    i'm cheating.....already

    Just go out and get yourself a box of sugar free ice pops ! They help me when I crave sweets.
  11. Chris_NJ

    Brett's still going strong

    We shall see in 2 weeks ! The rise and fall of Romo ! GO BIG BLUE ! :biggrin1:
  12. Chris_NJ

    What kind of eating disorder do you have?

    The normal fat people kind. You know the one that makes you like food LOL
  13. Chris_NJ

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Confucius Says........ When we see men of contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.
  14. Chris_NJ

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Please take off your tinfoil hat and breathe in and out.
  15. Chris_NJ

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    And the dems want us to be like Old Mother Russia !
  16. Chris_NJ

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    it all depends on how you want to spin it.
  17. Chris_NJ

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    Kudos and thank you both for your service. I am proud to say we can have these conversations without repercussions. I have my opinions and appreciate yours on the situation. I have not been there yet and will be there in January. Until then I will stand by my opinion unless that changes while being there for a year. Who knows they may change by the time my year is up. Either way again Thank You for your service!
  18. Chris_NJ

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    It was a decision that over 80% of the population agreed on doing. Now when things don't go as planned and look tougher peoples minds change. I agree we may have rushed a little quick into it and should have spent more effort in Afghanistan but we are there now and nothing is going to change that fact. I don't believe in cutting and running as some would suggest we do. I think that we are there and must see we do our jobs until Iraq can fend for itself. Do I think we will ever totally leave Iraq. Highly unlikely. I think we will have some presence there for years to come. Just ask Korea, Japan and Germany. The oil is not the reason. After 9/11 we all felt threatened and felt we needed to take action against anyone who may threaten ours and our allies stability. So we carried a big stick. If Saddam would have complied with the UN none of this would have happened. He didn't and now he is dead. I honestly feel there were weapons over there. I think the were moved to Syria in the build up to the war. To anyone who thinks they couldn't have just ask yourself how we are constantly finding weapons from Iran over there. The borders are very porous and things get smuggled through all the time.
  19. Chris_NJ

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    :boink: I support the troops and there mission. Bring them home when they are done.
  20. Chris_NJ

    California fires vs. Hurrican Katrina

    Quote: Originally Posted by SSDiva The evacuations in NO were a suggestion. The local Government could have used those buses that were photographed under Water to evacuate the residence. Presidents Clinton, and current Bush knew those levies wouldn't hold, but neither alloted the appropriate monies to THE ARMY CORE OF ENGINEERS, because this is a Federal Government entity. The Superdome to wasn't set up for all those people, so when everything else started to fail they were forgot about. Things were so desperate there, that a lot of the police officers were making up the rape stories...they came clean weeks later those who were still around. I just think that it boils down to nobody in power cared about those low-income, poor people, not even the media who called the Refugees. Browny doing a heck of a job, Condi buying shoes, Bush doing photo ops... Five days... So no blame on the Governor or the Mayor? I guess your just one of the blame Bush crowd. FEMA can not activate without a Governors request. She dropped the ball on it.The Governor played politics with her request. Heaven forbid a democrat ask the republican president for help. I will say FEMA was in no way prepared for what they were up against but there is no way to prepare for such a magnitude. What amazes me is how screwed up the N.O. mayor is and they reelected the bum. I guess you get what you ask for.
  21. Chris_NJ

    California fires vs. Hurrican Katrina

    Agreed. The local and state governments failed to initiate proper evacuations and a plan. N.O. would have been fine if the city had used the moneys the govt had been giving them for years to repair the levys. That is what caused major problems. California also has been dealing with these types of major fires forever and have a good plan in place when needed.Plus after Katrina people have learned from the mistakes made.
  22. Chris_NJ

    Good restriction is ....

    AMEN !!!!! I am always saying the same thing to myself every time I hear that.
  23. Chris_NJ

    What interests do you have that most people think is strange?

    Just a military history buff. I love reading books and studying about wars and things of that nature. My GF gets aggravated when I control the TV remote because its always on the history channel or the military channel.
  24. Oh so GW had sex with and intern and played hide the cigar also? THEN LIED UNDER SWORN OATH. Thats the kicker right there. Its not the fact that he committed adultery on his wife(not that I blame him) its the fact he then lied under oath.

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