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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Chris_NJ

  1. Chris_NJ

    6 Month Bandiversary !!!!!!

    Thanks everyone ! I work out like 6 days a week. Mostly cardio 3-5 miles walking minimum. I recently kicked in jogging and weight lifting 3-4 days a week with it. I try to keep between 800-1400 max with the calories and switch it up every so often to play tricks with my metabolism. Generally I try and keep the carbs to a minimum and stay away from crap foods. I eat lots of grilled chicken breast and veggies. My weight has slowed a little the past month but I am noticing my clothes are fitting better.
  2. Chris_NJ

    Damn bitch scale....

    Have faith !!!!!!!!!!! Do the liquid thing for a few days and you will probably drop the few lbs fast. :biggrin1:
  3. People always say Iraq was better off before the invasion. Well that depends on who you ask over there. I am friends with an Iraqi and talk to him daily from there who happens to be an interpreter for the Marines. You ask him and he will say your crazy. You ask one of Saddam's Bathist supporters and yeah they hate it now. hmmmm I wonder why. Ask a Kurd if they are happy about Saddam being gone.The US isn't the ones causing the problems over there. Its the foreigners from the rest of the middle east using this country as a staging area against us. The mass civilians are not being killed by Americans. They are being killed by fellow Muslim extremists. The question is .............. Who is it better for? Thats like saying not to fight WW2 because people may have died for freedom. Remember freedom is never free.
  4. Chris_NJ

    Damn bitch scale....

    I was never a fatty I was just big boned !!! NOT ! Don't you just hate scales. I know mine has been jumping up and down the same 2 lbs the past 2 weeks !
  5. Chris_NJ

    Milestones, Anniversaries, SVs and NSVs

    night before to present day !:clap2:
  6. night before surgery<------------------------------------------------>Tonight
  7. Chris_NJ

    Cheeseburger= 20 minutes, WOW!

    I couldn't agree more Jack !
  8. Blackwater is a private security company which employs mostly former US special forces military personnel. They are hired for protection of things like civilian food convoys, guarding political figures and dignitaries. There were even hired during hurricane Katrina for humanitarian assistance. They do those types of jobs so our troops can do the jobs that need to be done like civilian security and rooting out terrorists. Private security contractors have been used for years and now its just a big deal due to the news media. Blackwater themselves have been around since 1997. Here is some more information on them... Blackwater Worldwide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  9. Chris_NJ

    What's your BMI when you were banded?

    Mine was around 55 and now its around 35. My Dr told me he wanted me to get bypass also. It was my decision not his. So I chose Lap-Band and I am happy I did. IMO Dr.s look at Bypass as a guaranteed loss as where Lap-Band you need to work harder for it. They seem to like there stats on patient weight loss better then patient choice sometimes.
  10. another reason I love the US system........... FOXNews.com - Canada's Expectant Moms Heading to U.S. to Deliver - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
  11. Chris_NJ

    So who would you like to meet?

    I plead the 5th on the account it may incriminate me ! :bounce:
  12. Chris_NJ

    Halloween candy EVERYWHERE!

    I made my GF take all the left over crap to work with her.
  13. Name...........Chall. Start Wt........Current......Chall. Goal.............To Go abckids..............303.........................3 03...........270..................33 alwayscurious........245......................245. ............212...............33 Amelia40...............270.................... 270................240..............30 areellady...............232....................226 .5...........212...............14.5 argon..................162...................155.2 ...............142.............13.2 Ariel....................207.................... 199 ..............182................17 aussie_jode...........212......................212 .............190..................22 BabygotBack..........164.....................164. ............145..................19 Babygrl1234...........215......................201 ............190.................11 Becky42................253.....................248 ...............220...............28 bekafina.................225.....................2 25.............199................26 Cherrybomb...........311....................306 ..............291................15 chickatee..............203.....................196 ..............175................21 chocolate_snaps......344....................342... ...........299................43 cQQlgirl..................225...................21 8................185..............33 Chris_NJ................284....................252 .................250..............2 cindyluhu...............194....................194 ...............180.............14 dacer123...............243....................239. ..............223................16 Denise...................170....................17 0...............155...............15 Denise..................244.....................24 4...............220................24 Desertbunnee.........232....................207. .............180................27 DonnaD................185.....................185. .............170................15 eclipse..................215.....................2 12..............199................16 faithmd................303.....................303 ............ 283...............16.7 glindab................ 277.....................269...............250..... .. .......19 gonnabfree............231....................231.. ..............205................26 Guinessgirl77.........241...................241 ..................210..............31 gweniper..............253.....................228. ...............223...............30 hf2havefun...........240......................240. ..............210................30 ihadenuf................216....................216 ................190................26 itsjustducky...........317....................317. ................297...............20 james2539............235.4.................235.4 ................220.............15.4 jfran……………………….212………………………202……………………..196………………6 jglong54...............206....................206. .................195.............11 jadrad7.................224....................224 .................200..............24 jazzystouch...........246......................246 ...............220...............26 Jeni 85.................237....................229..... .............207..............22 joisey....................307....................3 07................290...............17 josiebies...............188......................1 70................165................5 JulieNYC................155.....................14 9.................136..............13 Kaelin's G-Ma.........272....................272............. ......220.............12 KarenG................. 240.....................225...................215. ...........10 katalin.e................230.....................1 79.................150..............29 Keekahari..............230......................22 2..................215............7 Kellymovingon........207......................196 .................187............9 Kimmie.................296.....................287 ..................270.............17 ladydi............. .....233.....................228.................2 08...............20 legster..................261....................24 0................228...............12 LeslieLee...............216.....................21 6................186...............30 LifeLover..............289.....................275 ..............259................16 LilMissBandAid.......276.8...................276.8 ............265...............11.8 lisa_in_toronto.......180......................180 ................160...............20 losingjusme...........273.....................266. ...............238................28 luvinke..................225.................. ..223..................195..............28 maddog.................230.....................230 ................205..............25 marcar35...............277.....................265 ................250............. 15 mcgreen...............236......................220 .................210..............10 METALBAND...........187.....................179... ..... .......167..............13 momlambert..........207.....................198... .............185................13 mpalen.................229.....................229 ................200................29 Peache8887...........330.....................306.. ...............275..............31 pmmegm..............248.....................248... ...............228..............20 Rainer..................298................... 272..................258................14 robgoblin87............279...................279.. ................250...............29 SC2VA..................233.....................233 ..................200..............33 sdakotaRN.............254.....................254. ................225..............29 Short C................. 166....................166.................146.. ............20 Soniacan...............198.5..................198. 5.............175.............23.5 Stacy73.................259.....................23 8...............230...............8 Sunny112..............215.....................157. ...............140...............17 Suzzzie. ...............349....................326......... .......320................6 sweethot143..........197....................188... ...........175.................13 tanderson..............231.....................231 ...............199................32 teacher.................236.....................23 6.............200................36 ToniaPatt …..........286……….....……......283………......... 243.… ........…40 UK-Lady...............255.....................223.... ...........210.................13 Wannabthin...........231......................222. .............211................20 want2beme...........225.....................225.. ............195................30 wen.....................288......................2 84..............255................29 Whosyadaddy.........388.....................369... ...........335................43 3 more down ! 2 more to go !
  14. Chris_NJ

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    Actually the one who let him go free was Clinton, but that is a whole new thread.
  15. Chris_NJ

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    :hungry: they are looking for a healthier lap band friendly fish recipe :nervous
  16. Chris_NJ

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    No actually I never brought it into the conversation I just showed a pic of Saddam enjoying 9/11. I hate to tell you al qaeda is in Iraq. So it will be in the conversations. Just be happy you live in a country where you can have your opinions and express them freely. If we had it your way the people of Iraq would be tortured by there government if they spoke like you. 9/11 changed our country and people need to realize that. I hope you are not implying that I am defiling the memories of my friends lost on 9/11. I lost a few friends and a over 300 brother firefighters that day. The time I spent digging holes with my bare hands looking for survivors at the WTC will forever be burned in my head and maybe thats why I feel the way I do.
  17. Chris_NJ

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    yeah we got our last 2 from rescues. we might be going to get a cat or a dog from the spca soon. my last cat that had to be put to sleep was a stray kitten that we found under a pile of logs. my gf is an animal nut. put it this way we has a hamster we spent 300$ on trying to get healthy to only have to put it down. :cry
  18. Chris_NJ

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    Tell that to the Kurds and the Kuwaitis and even though I don't care for them even ask the Iranians Not for nothing he volunteered and what do you think he was being a Marine? Yep he was a government hired gun.
  19. Chris_NJ

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    I guess we are both wrong to each other and that will never change. I never once stated Saddam and Bin Laden were connected so don't try and put words in my mouth. THE SAUDI GOVERNMENT DOES NOT SUPPORT TERRORISM. Thats the difference between Saddam and Saudi Arabia. Can you get that or are you still in denial ?
  20. Chris_NJ

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    So you don't believe the truth then? It only gets old to people like yourself who don't like to hear it. Your point on that is baseless. The Saudi government is not a supporter of terrorism and fights it there. Actually the terrorists hate there leaders also. Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 United States House of Representatives Party Yeas Nays PRES No Vote Republican 215 6 0 2 Democratic 81 126 0 1 Independent 0 0 0 1 TOTALS 296 133 0 3 United States Senate Party Yeas Nays No Vote Republican 48 1 0 Democratic 29 21 0 Independent 0 1 0 TOTALS 77 23 0 Seemed that most did .....................
  21. Chris_NJ

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    But al qaeda was in Iraq. Israel are our allies and Saddam was funding money to suicide bombers family's. Those who support terrorism are terrorists. I feel the same about Iran and Syria. I have a few questions: Do you feel Gays should have rights? I would hope so Do you believe in oppression? I would hope not Do you think people should have never fought the civil war to free slaves? I would hope you agreed in the civil war. Do you think we should have never had the Revolutionary war? I would hope you would have supported it Then why shouldn't we help out our fellow man enjoy these same freedoms? IMO the fabric of American society has lost its guts to do anything worthy anymore. Do we still not believe in "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" anymore? Do we not feel they are worthy of the same things? Are all men not created equal ? By the sounds of people they are selfish and only feel we are worthy of that. Remember this................ EVERYONE BELIEVED THERE WERE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION French, British and Russian intelligence believed it, Bill and Hillary believed it, and even Hans Blix did, plus our own CIA. If Saddam had just listened to the previous 17 or so UN resolutions none of this would have happened. SO BLAME SADDAM.
  22. Chris_NJ

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    cuddles is a sissy name I named the other 3. he is our new comer we got from a rescue a few weeks ago.
  23. Chris_NJ

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Oh yeah ! Well I have 4 guinea pigs ! Junior , Spike , Harry , and cuddles (there actually my GF's but our house sooooo technically mine 2 lol ) oh yeah back to the thread.......... I hate when people do that also.
  24. Chris_NJ

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    :omg: after reading your posts I have come to the conclusion that I am wasting my time.

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