Exactly the way I feel..you've put it into words. Gosh I thought I was the only one who felt this way. I just went on a mini vacation with my sons and we had to eat out the whole time we were there,,it was very difficult for me. I really didn't want to ask the boys to share with me (even though one offered once) so I'd buy off the menu for myself and there would be so much left over,,and then I felt like I over ate and hated the way I felt,,physically and mentally. I felt a little like I did pre sleeve..I hate that feeling of guilt, shame and feeling stuffed. I either threw up or felt like I would everytime I ate. I'm not too good at the sleeve life yet,,I'm trying but it's so hard,,kind of depressing. I'm usually an up beat person but I'm feeling more and more down everyday..or maybe I won't feel this way tomorrow. The mood swings are getting to me. I sound like a mad woman to my family and probably to you all as you read my post.