Dear John,
knock off what you are doing...stop worrying, please...drink atkins shakes, eat diet Jello, cup a Soup, chicken cream, wont hurt you..let your tummy heal, it will and fast too....just keep drinking Water at intervals, and keep your Protein to a miimun...stop fretting,no need to tell anyone............
you can do it, and you will do it...
i as banded on luly 31, on liquids for two weeks, then mush, mashed potatoes, squash, diet jello etc., now regular food, only a little bit...hang in there, do not give up on allof this bandstuff...........calm down.
there are many people who understand exactly what you are going through....relax..your tummy is healing now, do not force food it has to heal the band placement has to heal etc...then you will be back to normal..... if ou would liketo email me.