LAP-BAND Patients-
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Everything posted by SarahGirl
Hey, everyone! Okay so...it has been quite some time since I've written one of these. A lot has been going on. I took about a year to deal with some personal issues. I've got a pretty intense past with self-injury and bulimia. Things came to a really bad head last year and I put my Lap-Band journey on hold to deal with those more-pressing issues. I went to a Lap-Band seminar tonight and it was amazing. I'm kinda switching gears in terms of hospitals, surgeons, and all that fun stuff. But now that I've had a year to reflect, re-evaluate my life, where I am, and where I want to go, I ultimately had a lot of time to grow up and realize that I've gotta get my crap together and it's time to get this journey really started. It's been a really hard road to get where I am. Literally and figuratively, it's been all blood, sweat, and tears. I'm finally at a place where I'm ready to do whatever it takes to really get this process started and I can't wait. So yeah... I think that about wraps it up for now... I'll see you next time!! Stay Beautiful!! Byeee!!
Hey, everyone!! know that it’s been some time since I’ve been on here. The past year of my life has been interesting, to say the very least. I thought I should explain why I’ve been MIA for like ever. Uhm...I suffered a major injury in March that entailed an epically dislocated ankle in 2 places (My talus bone, which connects your tib/fib to your heel, and also my tib/fib) Because I clearly couldn’t work out or anything else, I had to think of creative ways to keep my weight under control until I was medically cleared to hit the gym again. I’ve got a pretty intense past with bulimia and I had been struggling with it for about a month or so prior to the injury, but I gave into the little voice inside my head that said to revert back to those habits. Now then, where my Lap Band journey comes into play…. Once my ankle was healed and I was able to walk and start the muscle rehab process, I realized that Lap Band would have to wait until I got the bulimia under control. With the help of therapy, I was able to do just that. I am proud to say that starting in January, I will be back to working on my Lap Band process and getting that done. My fight with my eating disorder is something I will always struggle with but I know that I’m taking the right steps and I’m making the right decisions regarding my care for that. So yeah…I tried to make this as short and sweet as possible so yeah…until next time..Byee!!
Hey peeps!! Okay so I know that it's been a minute since I've posted anything and in fact...as lame as this sounds..I don't even remember what my last post was about. haha..enough rambling.. Uhm..so I had my first appt about a month ago which was more or less the kick-off on this party, where I was told that I've got to lose around 80ish pounds before I'm considered for Lap Band to prove that I'm totally committed to this... Bring. It. On. I had my 2nd appt. today.... anddd...I'm down 1 inch all around and I lost half a pound....Well, you gotta start somewhere. hahaha Kind of a let down but I'm grateful...I was misreading food labels and over-indulging waay more than I should have... so my mom (God bless her) had to help me and show me how to do it properly. I will say that even though it is a bit of a pain having mom saying "eat this, not that"...there are times I am soo grateful that I have the support system I have. The silver lining being that I didn't gain weight from my mistakes... Now that I have some knowledge to read labels properly, I plan on rocking the next weigh in which is about a month away. What can I say? I'm driven and this is something I really want and I'm stopping at nothing to get it. This is going to sound soo juvenile but I got this idea from watching a girl from the MTV show "I Used to be Fat" where she went into a little boutique...I can't remember if she actually bought like a pair of jeans or whatever or if she just asked for a cute little bag to take with her...anyway...she put whatever it was on her wall and used that as her motivation to lose weight where she could fit into the really cute skinny girl clothes... I thought that was awesome so I kind of stole her idea...I have a good friend that works at a Hollister in Tulsa and asked her for a shopping bag or whatever..she gave me two so I have one hanging on my dorm room wall and another hanging on my wall at my parents' house. It may sound stupid but other than wanting to lose weight for myself and to get healthier, by having something tangible to work towards kind of gives me that fire to say "forget the chips and cookies...I'm good with cut up veggies and maybe an apple thrown in to liven things up" Wow...this is long..okay so I'm just gonna end it here. hahaha. Peace out, Girl Scout!! Bye!
Hi everyone!! I know that it's been some time since I've posted anything but I just wanted to give an update!! Okay so as you may or may not know...The past couple of months, I've been waiting to hear. Well, in a few hours, I head for the first appointment to get this party started... It's very surreal. It's been a couple months since I've heard so I'm nervous, excited, and scared a little bit all at the same time!! I'm 20 years old so I'm hoping that once it's all said and done and the weight starts to come off, hopefully I'll still be young enough and my skin will still hold some elasticity in bouncing back. Mehh...I'll be happy either way. :-D This is so corny but at 3:41am, Sarah gets really weird from lack of sleep. hahaha. Anyway, I'm very excited and I'm looking forward to posting on this thing once again when I know more after my appointment in the morning!! Talk to you later, peeps!! Byee!
Hey Everyone!! Okay, so I just wanted to update everyone since it's been a few days!! Uhm..there's really nothing new in my Lap Band journey as far as getting further into the process. I'm still awaiting my lab results. Since I'm going with the cliche 'No news is good news', I'm thinking that everything is seemingly normal. haha. I started a food diary and I've gotta say...you really put your eating habits in perspective when you have to write down everything you eat. Bahahaha. Well, that's pretty much it!! The next post will probably be what the results were and what the next steps are!! Peace and love!! Peace and love!! Sarah :-)
Hey everyone!! I just want to thank everyone for the support the past couple of days. I know that I am VERY early in this journey and that I still have MONTHS before my actual procedure but so far, I am very excited!! Uhm...I met with the doctor today, along with a few people that have had this done and I am really encouraged to continue to pursue it. So far, what's happened is that I got bloodwork done. (It's weird how I can sit down and let a guy shove a giant needle through my nose but yet I was shaking and crying when the chick went to draw blood. haha) Until the doctor at the HELP clinic at the hospital I plan on getting the procedure at receives a referral from the doctor I saw today, it's just a waiting game until I get a call saying what the next steps are. I haven't seen my lab work results yet and I'm still reallllyyy nervous about that. I guess all I can do is wait and see. hahaha. Well, that's pretty much everything that's up to date with me. lol. Talk to you guys later! Byee!! Sarah
Hey everyone!! Uhm..I know this is going to sound extremely superficial and almost irrelevant but.. How do you tell you tell people you're getting Lap Band? My dad and I have a rocky relationship and from past experiences, he does not know when to keep private things private. Sounds horrible, I know. Uhm..My question..I guess.. Is it okay to want to keep this a secret? Is it okay to not want to tell everyone until the time is right? Is that wrong?
Hey everyone!! Okay so...my journey is going by seemingly more quickly. What was ~supposed~ to happen was to not even see the doctor until next week.. but I was on Facebook this morning and my mom came into the room and asked me how I felt about seeing the doctor tomorrow..which would technically be today seeing as how it's 2am here haha. I was like "Okayy.." So I go for bloodwork in about 6 hours. To be perfectly honest, I am terrified because of my own family history. I'm adopted and I've got a brother a year to the day older than me (Weird, right?? haha!) I was told that he is already a diabetic...at 21. Because we're so close in age, I'm sooo scared that the doctor is gonna tell me that I'm also in the beginning stage of being a diabetic at the age of 20. My mom keeps telling me that it's gonna be fine and chances are pretty enormous that everything's still normal. I swear, my procedure date CANNOT be scheduled soon enough!! So that's what's going on at the moment. I'm still really up in the air about when the right time will be when I tell everyone. I wanted to wait until I got an actual date but knowing my dad and from past experiences, our whole family will know by the time this week is over. I swear, our whole church is gonna be told Sunday. **Sigh** Anyway, I'll update everyone when I find out what the next steps will be!! Love you guys!!
Heyy Everyone!! Okay...sooo!! Things are really moving in my journey. The original plan was to wait until next week to even see about my Lap Band. Well, my mom talked to a doctor she used to work with this morning when I was playing around on Facebook and was like, "Hey, hon...Uhm...I talked to the doctor who's going to be the one to refer you to the health clinic for the procedure...do you want to go tomorrow and begin the process?" I was in shock and was like "Sure...." Tomorrow I go to get bloodwork done and then to talk to the doctor. I am sooo scared to get that done!! My biggest fear is to hear them tell me that I'm in the early phases of becoming a diabetic. I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep tonight. HAHAHA! From what my mom told me, this is gonna take a couple of months from tomorrow until my procedure date. I'm really praying that it will be during my spring break but it might be during my summer break. **Sigh** We'll see. hahaha. Well, I guess that there is nothing else to say until whatever goes down tomorrow!! Love you guys! BYEE!
Hey everyone! My name's Sarah and I'm pretty new at this. I'm 20 years old and I'm in my 2nd year of college studying Education. This is going to sound really stupid but I'm not as bubble brained as I know this is gonna seem... I've been overweight my entire life and I've tried everything from Weight Watchers to Jenny Craig. My parents are really big on me losing weight and are on me all the time about it. I was watching MTV's documentary series "True Life" and an episode that happened to be on last night caught my attention, "True Life: I'm Obese" Well...as I was watching, I saw young people my age struggle with obesity and it made me realize.."the health complications they're going through could very well happen to me." I've been researching Lap Band for a few months now and was really up in the air about it. I saw the show last night and realized "I've come to a decision. I'm gonna go for it." I'm going for a consult next Monday and I'm really praying that I get banded...I guess..idk..I'm still really new at all of this..during my spring break. Well, that's about it. haha. Anything else you wanna know about me..just ask!! Sarah out!
"Mom...You know how you always ask me to consider getting that Lap Band thing?" "Yeah.." "I'm interested in it!!" -- Okay so... Is it a little weird that I'm actually nervous, scared, and excited all at the same time to get this thing going? This week is gonna draaaggg on!! I meet up for like a consult...evaluation something or whatever next Monday. My mom has a lot of friends that have already had this so I'm gonna talk with them about what's gonna go down and what it entails. I'm ready for it but at the same time, I'm kinda nervous. I'm like hella afraid of needles and I'm really scared to find out if I could be close to becoming a diabetic. **Sigh** It also seems even more weird that I have MTV's show True Life to thank for me making the move to decide on getting this!! I have like a million thoughts racing through my mind right now so I'm hoping I can get some sleep tonight!! Until tomorrow! BYEE!!