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Weighted A Lifetime

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Weighted A Lifetime

  1. Hi there!

    I'm a 35 year old married female living in the Seattle area. I was banded in 2004 by Dr. Kuri and his great team in Mexico. Surgery went off without a hitch and in my first year I lost nearly 70 pounds.

    I got pregnant with my first child in 2006, gained all of my lost weight back... went back to fills and fighting to get the weight off again, but never found that sweet spot again.

    I was contemplating a revision to RNY and three days before I was to go in for that surgery my insurance pulled the rug out and said "Ooops! Our bad - we can not cover the revision because you are no longer fat enough".. in so many words.

    Another year went by, my weight was up and down... in the gym starving myself with a trainer I can get it off, but in "real life" not so much.

    During this time I really struggled with feelings of failure, and all things associated with my band not working - the "my fault" stuff.

    I got pregnant with my second (and final) baby summer 2009, and following my hospital stay, I had a bad reaction to a medicine that caused major inflammation in my esophagus and viola! My local fill/follow up doctor found that there was a break in my tubing near my port!!

    So now it all made sense.. no wonder my band was not working!?!

    So now I am scheduled for a repair surgery on Monday 1/3/11, and basically starting over in every way.

    Back to my original weight ((sadly)), and aiming for 100lbs.

    Thanks, and keep well!

  2. Hi there!

    I'm a 35 year old married female living in the Seattle area. I was banded in 2004 by Dr. Kuri and his great team in Mexico. Surgery went off without a hitch and in my first year I lost nearly 70 pounds.

    I got pregnant with my first child, gained all of my lost weight back... went back to fills and fighting to get the weight off again, but never found that sweet spot again.

    I was contemplating a revision to RNY and three days before I was to go in for that surgery my insurance pulled the rug out and said "Ooops! Our bad - we can not cover the revision because you are no longer fat enough".. in so many words.

    My local doc (Dr. Chebli) has been wonderful through it all. Assisting, encouraging, doing everything he could.

    Another year went by, my weight was up and down... in the gym starving myself with a trainer I can get it off, but in "real life" not so much.

    During this time I really struggled with feelings of failure, and all things associated with my band not working - the "my fault" stuff.

    I got pregnant with my second (and final) baby, and following my hospital stay, I had a bad reaction to a medicine that caused major inflammation in my esophagus and viola! Dr. Chebli found that there was a break in my tubing near my port!!

    So now it all made sense.. no wonder my band was not working!?!

    So now I am scheduled for a repair surgery on Monday 1/3/11, and basically starting over in every way.

    Back to my original weight ((sadly)), and aiming for 100lbs as my goal.

    Thanks, and keep well!

  3. Hi there!

    I'm a 35 year old married female living in the Seattle area. I was banded in 2004 by Dr. Kuri and his great team in Mexico. Surgery went off without a hitch and in my first year I lost nearly 70 pounds.

    I got pregnant with my first child, gained all of my lost weight back... went back to fills and fighting to get the weight off again, but never found that sweet spot again.

    I was contemplating a revision to RNY and three days before I was to go in for that surgery my insurance pulled the rug out and said "Ooops! Our bad - we can not cover the revision because you are no longer fat enough".. in so many words.

    Another year went by, my weight was up and down... in the gym starving myself with a trainer I can get it off, but in "real life" not so much.

    During this time I really struggled with feelings of failure, and all things associated with my band not working - the "my fault" stuff.

    I got pregnant with my second (and final) baby, and following my hospital stay, I had a bad reaction to a medicine that caused major inflammation in my esophagus and viola! My local fill/follow up doctor found that there was a break in my tubing near my port!!

    So now it all made sense.. no wonder my band was not working!?!

    So now I am scheduled for a repair surgery on Monday 1/3/11, and basically starting over in every way.

    Back to my original weight ((sadly)), and aiming for 100lbs.

    I'd love someone to help me jump start and share the journey with me.

    Thanks, and keep well!


  4. Hello all,

    It's been a long time in coming for me, and I ready - hopefully! for the final battle with my weight.

    I had my band done in November of 2004 by Dr. Kuri and his team in MX. Lost ~70 lbs, got married, had two gorgeous babies, and somewhere in there my port and tubing broke.

    5 1/2 years later, and back to my original weight, I am starting over.

    Surgery to repair my port and tubing is scheduled for Monday 1/3/11

    I am so ready to win this fight - for good.

  5. Hello everyone, it has been a really long time since I posted but I must say that I was doing quite well until I walked away from the support of this site.

    I am writing this because I met many wonderful people through this site and wanted to let my friends here know that I will be on a reality T.V. documentary called, "What's Eating You" on E!, November 3rd. It is about extreme eating disorders and I was one of the people they picked for the show. I have been baned since December of 2007 and had lost 150 pounds (with 100 still to go) but then gained back almost 50. Since starting therapy on the show, I have lost about 25 pounds of the 50 that I gained back.

    Unfortunately, I got the band but never worked on why I was overeating in the first place. I have a 14CC band with 12CC's of Fluid in and can't really eat a lot, yet I have learned to eat around the band with slider foods. I never really ate because I was hungry but because I get some sort of emotional release or "high" when I eat. The band has really helped me to control the portion size but unfortunately, I did not use it the right way.

    I do believe that without the band, I would have probably been over 500 pounds by now. The band has helped me to be in control, even when I didn't want to be BUT there is a problem when a person GAINS 25 pounds and can only eat 1/4 cup of food at a time.

    I was one of the "cash pay" patients that did not receive proper aftercare and I think that has contributed greatly to my demise. I controlled my own fills and did not receive any follow up care about nutrition, etc.

    I hope that the episode will help others who are banded not to make the same negative choices that I have made. I am determined to battle my binge disorder and I will overcome it but I just need to deal with the reasons I am binging.

    I've fought a similar battle. My band and port broke, and I dove right back into the same behavior as pre-surgery.

    I have a long road ahead, and luckilly repair surgery is next week.

    I'm starting from ground zero. I know we will overcome this addiction.. I have to.

    Thanks for sharing your story :)

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