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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bugwitch

  1. File under the heading of no sh*t Sherlock. Though they refer to the band and bypass as the primary WLS's performed it is a logical conclusion that you should wait 12-18 months post-op to try and have a baby. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20979355
  2. What, are you suggesting we have open and honest discussions about female health, fertility and contraception in this country? Surely not. That's such crazy talk.
  3. bugwitch


    Do you reward yourself when you reach certain milestones? I've been debating what I want to do/get myself and have a rather long list of things. Which includes no less than 3 new tattoo's and one touch up/addition to an existing one. But, what else? Surely there are more things in life than tattoos? Then I remembered...yes! There is bellydance. Well, I never really forgot as I always seem to be thinking about it in one form or another...but there are so many shiny, awesome costumes that I have wanted, but can never find in my size. What are your rewards. Do you reward yourself?
  4. bugwitch

    Lmao Literally

    Actually, it's "No see um". They are the family Ceratopogonidae which are part of the Order Diptera which are Flies. Bees are in Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, ants). I know you don't care...but the nerd in me needed to get that out there. My tattoos are fine. I have since gotten a new one and she is gorgeous! I still have 30ish pounds left to lose. I've been stuck at the same darn spot snce October. Grr.... I want more tattoos!!! Gotta lose that last 30!
  5. I might be interested in some stuff for crafts. If you have any unique beaded and/or sequin items, chiffon skirts, brocades, etc. I could use them for my costuming items. Anything fit the bill you think?
  6. Why do cats purr? It's not because they are content...it's because they sense you are close enough to an attack.

  7. bugwitch


    Well crap. So, I've been stuck at the same general area since October. Yes, there has been some movement, but it keeps going back up. Before leaving to visit family last week I had finally made it to 202.8 and was there for a couple of days. While away, I didn't weigh myself at all but I was doing fairly well about my eating. Typically, when I am back home, the stress of dealing with family BS makes me eat poorly. Well, when I got back home Tuesday night, I decided to weigh myself before going to bed. Well, guess what...finally onederland! 198.8 I didn't believe it, so I took off the PJ's and got back on. Still 198.8. Awesome! Logically, ince I had just eaten, that must mean I will likely weigh a little less or the same the next morning, right? Well, no. Wednesday morning I decided to weigh myself to see if there had been any change. Yes, there fraking had. 205.8. WTF!?! And tonight, 208!!! I am so f**king pissed right now. Bummed and eating horribly since Wednesday. Damn discount chocolate...I just don't know what the hell is going on. I work out and eat right, there's little to no movement. I eat farily well and don't work out, there's little to no movement. I imagine some of the weight gain in the passed few days has something to do with my period, but still...I'm just so sick of this. I need to go shoot something. Maybe my neighbors who blast their loud music in the middle of the night. Yeah...shooting them will make me feel better... Excuse me...I'll be back later. Okay...I'm back. How weird is it that this constant plateau has me feeling no different than how I felt before I had the surgery? It's as if I am still that 300lb woman who couldn't lose ten pounds to save her life. I look in the mirror or I look down at me and I see rolls. Not "smaller" rolls (because the fat rolls are smaller, of course), but just rolls of fat. I know these feelings will go away or at least die down once my period is over with and the hormones settle, but right now I just feel like crap.
  8. I was going to reply to this last night, but since my initial reaction was one of sadness and a bit of disgust, I decided to go to sleep instead. This gave me a chance to think about what you wrote and I figured out the heart of the matter. It's not that you're eating popcorn way too early, it's that you are doing it against your Doctors orders and are bragging about it. To me, this clearly demonstrates one of two things: 1) A lack of respect for the medical profession and/or 2) You have not spent the necessary time really dealing with your eating problems. There is a REASON the doctors give us dietary guidelines to follow is not always just to jerk us around; there is a point to it, whether you recognize it or not. You are consuming this irritating food far too early and therefore putting yourself at risk of a leak or other complication. Does anyone know what a potential result of gastric leakage is? That's right...DEATH. Yup...you are increasing your risk of death, all because you want to eat popcorn at one week. Yes, the odds of it getting that far that you would actually die from gastric leakage is small...but it's a lot smaller if you follow your doctors orders and wait. Again, see a professional and begin working on your food issues. If you really want this surgery to work, you will need to address the reasons for being fat in the first place. If you do not, it will not work. Best of luck to you in the new year. And to everyone else out there! Be safe and have a Happy New Year!!!
  9. You should not be anywhere NEAR ingesting solid foods before (at the very earliest) the start of your fourth week. 10 days post op: clear liquid 10 days after that: full liquid 7-14 days after that: mushies....THEN you start adding in solid food. I know other surgeons follow less strict guidelines, but think about it...you just sliced apart one of your major organs which won't be fully healed for at least 6 months (minimum length of time for internal organs to heal)...do you really want to shove popcorn (an abrasive and undigestable foodstuff) into it when it is still highly irritated? If you're smart, the answer is "No".
  10. I remember the first time I made up some popcorn on the stove after having surgery...I made waaaayyyy too much! I can eat more now than I could that first time, of course, but there's no way I could have eaten all of that even now. Also...note to self and others...when making popcorn, remember to put a lid on top of the pot...it helps.
  11. Yuck...can't stand Moscato. Way too sweet for me. I prefer a Savignon Blanc...mmm.... But, I has no wine in my home right now. However!....I did have the means to make popcorn. Thanks for the inspiration for a bowl of home popped nom.
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-16344228 "A diet rich in Vitamins and fish may protect the brain from ageing while junk food has the opposite effect, research suggests. Elderly people with high blood levels of vitamins and Omega 3 fatty acids had less brain shrinkage and better mental performance, a Neurology study found. Trans fats found in fast foods were linked to lower scores in tests and more shrinkage typical of Alzheimer's. A UK medical charity has called for more work into diet and dementia risk. The best current advice is to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, not smoke, take regular exercise and keep blood pressure and cholesterol in check, said Alzheimer's Research UK. The research looked at nutrients in blood, rather than relying on questionnaires to assess a person's diet. US experts analysed blood samples from 104 healthy people with an average age of 87 who had few known risk factors for Alzheimer's. They found those who had more Vitamin B, C, D and E in their blood performed better in tests of memory and thinking skills. People with high levels of omega 3 fatty acids - found mainly in fish - also had high scores. The poorest scores were found in people who had more trans fats in their blood. Trans fats are common in processed foods, including cakes, biscuits and fried foods. The researchers, from Oregon Health and Science University, Portland; Portland VA Medical Center; and Oregon State University, Corvallis, then carried out brain scans on 42 of the participants. They found individuals with high levels of vitamins and omega 3 in their blood were more likely to have a large brain volume; while those with high levels of trans fat had a smaller total brain volume. Study author Gene Bowman of Oregon Health and Science University said: "These results need to be confirmed, but obviously it is very exciting to think that people could potentially stop their brains from shrinking and keep them sharp by adjusting their diet." 'Strong potential' Co-author Maret Traber of the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University said: "The vitamins and nutrients you get from eating a wide range of fruits, vegetables and fish can be measured in blood biomarkers. "I'm a firm believer these nutrients have strong potential to protect your brain and make it work better." Commenting on the study, Dr Simon Ridley, head of research at Alzheimer's Research UK, said: "One strength of this research is that it looked at nutrients in people's blood, rather than relying on answers to a questionnaire. "It's important to note that this study looked at a small group of people with few risk factors for Alzheimer's disease, and did not investigate whether they went on to develop Alzheimer's at a later stage. "There is a clear need for conclusive evidence about the effect of diet on our risk of Alzheimer's, which can only come from large-scale, long-term studies."
  13. Woke up to my cat pooping in the living room. Gonna be a great day! :)

  14. Sure, you can gain it back. As was stated above, it will depend upon your eating habits. If you do not work to overcome the causes of your weight gain to begin with, then you will gain weight. I have been sitting at the same weight for a few months now and I know it has more to do with my stress related eating habits than anything else. Pull myself out of it, get back to something healthy and exercise more, that's what will get me back on track. I met a woman a few months ago who told me she had had the bypass surgery 12 years ago. She seemed happy with where she was (good for her!) but my visual assessment of her classified her as obese, if not morbidly obese. With the sleeve, I doubt we will get back to our morbid obesity stages, but I can see it as being possible. If all you do to get your calories is drink them (mocha's, milkshakes, etc) then no weight loss regimen is going to work for you, whether it's diet or surgery.
  15. ***In case you are wondering...no, I do not have a life. But I do have gift cards! *** Though this was a Tom Cruise film, financed by Tom Cruise, produced by Tom Cruise and staring himself, I was glad to see that he wasn't the entire focus of this film. THANK YOU Brad Bird and JJ ABRAMS!!! The other characters in the story are fleshed out (as much as you can do in standard action schlock) and we get a more rounded view of what's going on. My only real character complaint is that there was not more of Michael Nyqvist. With very few lines and most of his character information being delivered by other characters' expository dialog, as well as his eyes...those gorgeous eyes...he delivers a strong performance which surpasses that of Cruise and most of his counterparts. Simon Pegg is always a hoot and has a solid performance once again. I do worry that he will become a bit typecast, but if this is who/what he likes to play, more power to him. I'm all set for Hot Fuzz 2. As I said earlier...it's standard action schlock but with some nice visuals and it keeps you going. I do not understand why this is currently rating at 93% (if only because people expected so little based upon the previous films). Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy it. It was a nice romp which definitely takes you out of your hum-drum life for a couple of hours. Not many films succeed in doing that anymore. If you are looking for a good action flick, with some great fight sequences, impressive visuals and some decent acting, then check this out. 7/10
  16. The Millennium Trilogy books and original films are a profoundly influential aspect of my life. They forced me to confront and address events in my life which, up until that time, I had only mildly dealt with. With that in mind, I can honestly say I am completely incapable of giving these films an objective analysis. But, I do my best... Two things before I begin my review: 1) Have you seen the original film first? If not, see this version first. If you have, try to distance the two in your mind while watching...it will help. 2) Prior to seeing this I was pondering if this was to be a remake of the original film(s) or an adaptation of the book(s). It is an adaptation of the book. Okay, now that that is out of the way, I'll go into it a bit further. **insert requisite possible spoilers below notification** To explain why I say you should see the newest version first...Typically when someone says this, they are implying that the film to watch first is not as good as the original. To say that would be unfair to the new version and an overstatement of quality of the first. As film adaptations go, I believe both are approximately equal in standing. Both are very good films. Judging by quality of translation from novel to screen, I would actually say the newest version is better. Things that were lost and/or altered in the original were left intact in the new film and did not detract from the story at all. Did it add to it? Probably, if you are one of those who like to see every little detail possible translated on screen. However, I never felt their absence in the originals. The original films have a very secure place in my heart and mind and I partially wish I had not seen them as I spent a significant amount of time unintentionally drawing connections between the two. I did this with the newest Robin Hood film, however, given the immediate alterations to that story, I was able to distance Prince of Thieves from Russell Crowe's version fairly swiftly. I could not do that right away with TGwtDT. Both open similarly however with the newest version we are treated to a sort of James Bond-intro-on-a-bad-acid-trip introductory sequence. Paired with the awesome rendition of Immigrant Song, it worked quite well and fit with the feel of the film quite well. All throughout I liked the music and even felt some occasional homages to the original score. Well done. Visually, there are even some references to the original. I remember thinking when I watched the trailers for it, how I almost thought they were filming in the same locations and trying to mimic some of the original in style and visual. I thought the same while watching the film. However, these are definitely two, very distinct films, both with their own individual interpretations of the same source material. One of the most powerful elements about the original film(s) is its refusal to back away from the realism regarding violence against women. The two rape scenes of Lisbeth being key in our connection with the character. We connect with her in those scenes in a way that I feel has never happened before in a Hollywood depiction of rape. Hollywood tends to glorify the act and make it visually stimulating at the same time diminishing the act and making it seem almost inconsequential to the film. However, no woman, man or child who has been raped will tell you that the act was inconsequential to them. In the original film, we spend the entire sequence with Lisbeth. We see and feel her. No fancy music. No flashy lighting of scene changes. It is her. It is her pain; her loss of control; her suffering which we see and feel. In the newest adaptation, we again in the same place. However, the choice of the director to give more screen time to the rapist, rather than focusing on Lisbeth takes you out of her space and you lose the impact of the rape. It is still intense, do not get me wrong. However, there are some visual angles and shots used during the second rape scene where rather smart choices. My biggest complaint about the film is the editing for the first main chunk of it. It felt rather disjointed in the way it was put together. We are with Mikael, then Lisbeth, then elsewhere, then back. The connecting scenes didn't have a thematic bridge all of the time which made it somewhat disjointed. It worked, but it was a struggle. However, once we make it passed this area, it becomes much better. Those unfamiliar with the book(s) and original films may have a bit of difficulty following along with the same level of enjoyment as I did. Maybe I am wrong, but I recalled thinking that someone who didn't know what was going on, might find the whole thing bizarre. Anyway, that is my quick little review of the 2011, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo film. Overall I still loved it. The two leads were perfect for their respective characters (even more so than the original actors if you are going by novel to film translation standards). 8.5/10 (original is a 9/10 for me) p.s. This film also contained probably the best use of Enya ever.
  17. bugwitch

    The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2011) Review

    The versions of the originals I have are with subtitles. I tried to watch a dubbed version online and it just irritated me to no end. I agree, subtitles are the way to go.
  18. bugwitch

    March Role Call!!

    I've been in a really bad food slump for a while. I've lapsed back into some bad habits and am working on getting out of them. Also need to get off my bum and start working out again. I've been at about the same weight for a couple of months (plus or minus a couple of pounds). I'm hoping once I get over this weight and stress hurdle that things will get back on track.
  19. bugwitch

    Halloween (Oct. 31) - What will you Weigh?

    Yeah...definitely not going to make my goal. I didn't get motivated at all and this last week has had me in close proximity to Halloween candy most of the time.
  20. bugwitch

    Couch Potato to 5K

    5k at the end of the month. I won't be finished with my 5K training, but I want to do this. It will be my first 5K. I went to the Columbus Marathon today with a couple of friends. They both did the half-marathon. Very proud of them!!! And want to do the marathon next year. But gotta start small.
  21. A new day...freshly showered, gonna have some tea and enjoy it. Later today, a date!!!

  22. Ugh...can I just skip today and go back to bed?

  23. bugwitch

    ricotta cheese?

    With cottage or ricotta, just add herbs and put over something yummy (or eat plain!). Put some garlic and and chives (or insert preferred herb) in a mortar or bowl. Squish down so it's pulpified. Add ricotta. Mix. Nom.
  24. bugwitch

    Halloween (Oct. 31) - What will you Weigh?

    ooh ooh ooh....getting there!! Bit by bit! SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Bugwitch.....293...............209.4.............199...........10.4
  25. bugwitch

    mashed Sweet potatoes

    I would avoid the boxed stuff if possible, but it's not a bad option if you don't know how to mash real potatoes. I prefer mashed red potatoes. Also, yams are good too. To me, they're a bit "spicy" when compared to sweet potatoes. Not spicy as in Thai food spicy, but spicy as in they have spice flavoring-ish.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
