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LAP-BAND Patients
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About bandiebum

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    Senior Member

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About Me

  • Biography
    Singer, Organizer, Foodie
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  1. bandiebum

    Looking For A Lap-Band Buddy?

    kimclark89@yahoo.com email me! me too
  2. bandiebum

    Need A Lapband Partner!!!

    Hey! Im looking for a buddy too. I live in DC, but i just graduated a year ago, i visit my family in CT once every 2 months. woohoo tristaterrrrr kimclark89@yahoo.com
  3. bandiebum

    Looking For A Mentor

    If you need a buddy: kimclark89@yahoo.com
  4. Do you live in the DMV area? Banded 19 months ago, only 30lb weight loss. Need a buddy email me: kimclark89@yahoo.com
  5. After I eat a bite of food, or sip a drink of Water I get the "water-cooler effect" and gurgley air/silent burp or bubble noises that travel up my esophagus/throat from the food funneling downward into my stomach. {If you don't know what i mean by water cooler effect it's like when you press down on a water cooler noossle so the water can pour out, and then bubbles float to the top of the cooler} 1. Is this the same thing as reflux? When the food is funneling down into my stomach, the water cooler effect happens, sometimes with mini mini burps. 2. Is this just minor reflux? 3. Anyone else deal with this water-cooler action or gurgley air bubble noises/silent burp in the esophagus? -I dont have burning acid feeling or heartburn fyi. I dont have bad cough at night or wake up with sore burning throat. -I do sometimes get really loud hiccups. (My Dr. said it could maybe be from the tube of band tickling diaphragm) -Sometimes (very infrequently) I feel a throbbing pain at the site of my actual band after I eat. But then when I sit up with posture the throbbing goes away. I called into the Dr. office, they said it could be irritation because I take a birth control pill every night before I go to sleep and it probably sits and doesn't funnel down all night long, so it's just irritating. Or they said it could be from bad sleep schedule/stress. -Since I've gotten my band, I cant force a big burp like pre-band life burping. I get little mini inside body burps all day long, they just happen on their own (silent air burps) Fun Fact: The nurse that fills me at my Dr office has a band too. He said CC amounts are really different for each body. He said at 9.2 CC he can eat 2 Big Mac McDonalds burgers, but at 9.3 CC he can barely swallow water. So weird, anyone else like this?! Random Question: How come one day I can eat a large piece of pizza no problem, and another day I cant get down 1 bite of pizza? Besides flying, why do bands do this?
  6. Back on lapbandtalk to discuss my band, and my journey. I miss this website!

  7. I just wanted to know a little more about Dr Kurian, She is the surgeon I chose because she did my seminar. Did you have to stay in the hospital overnight?

  8. bandiebum

    Single Incision Surgery!

    i hate how they sewed my belly button back. i want plastic surg now to fix it
  9. bandiebum

    The measuring question

    my doc said 2-3 cups of food is what ill eat for the rest of my life each day docs are diff for diff reasons- my doc is so strict because she has high success rates
  10. thanks for ur replies yup sex is also a great great work out
  11. yup! thats wat happens , normal
  12. tmi, i bet cum tastes better now that we all arent eating fried shit foods
  13. do any of u have sexual partners that are now afraid to do things cuz they think it will hurt ur band or port?
  14. just type in search mushies recipes or something like that. there are 100 other posts like this one further back in the reel of this forum my tips for mushies: get creative, make food fun, add in Protein powder when u can and incorporate stuff YOU LIKE. depriving urself of things u like will lead to failure later on because perfection is impossible to achieve.
  15. u drink dr pepper? i thought they said soda was b-a-d?

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