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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kedasmom

  1. My doctor wanted me to have a colonoscopy, so I asked my banding doctor. I told him how sick (because of that nasty stuff you have to use to clean yourself out with) the one I had 10 years ago made me. They said I should be unfilled before I have it. No Way!! I have just got to the point where this band is working for me. I'm not about to unfill it. I'll wait till I'm done losing, if that ever happens. Bonnie
  2. Boo Boo Kitty, You looked like a mom at the bus stop, NOW you look like one of my students at the bus stop!! Congrats. Bonnie
  3. Hi Tracyinks, You look wonderful!! I haven't seen you on a thread since your surgery date got moved to April instand of Feb. I looked at your pictures, STUNNING!! Congratulations. Bonnie
  4. Hi Everyone, I went for another fill. .2 was added to my 2.4. The doctor left it up to me if I wanted more, so I took it. I'm fine today, plenty of restriction. This has been slow, I'm at a 29lb lose. I was banded in Feb. 07. But until this summer I really felt no restriction, and there was no pre-surgery dieting. He reminded me that this is a 3 to 5 year plan, WHAT?:faint:What happen to 2 year plan? He said thats just on paper, slow and steady is healthier. I could be dead in 5 years. I want to see a size 12/14 in this lifetime.
  5. Hello, Went to see my regular doctor today. He was pleased with the weight lose(28lbs.). I'm thrilled, I'm off toprol xl (1 of my blood pressure pills) and lipitor. I wanted off the zoloft but he wants to wait on that. He reminded me that the "Holidays" are only 3 months away, and since I have in the past turned into a basket case during food holidays, I guess it's best to wait till I see how I handle this year. Okay have a good day Bonnie
  6. Hi Everyone, I am at 2.4cc. I have another appointment next week, don't know if I will get a fill or not. Lots of restriction in the morning. small lunch and then at supper I can eat a small meal. If I have had to much at lunch or supper I start coughing and feel like I'm having an asthma attack. The nurse said it's cause I'm full, to cut back. How much do I cut back? It's different everyday. There is no warning. Bonnie
  7. <p>Hello Everyone, Been away for a couple of months, now catching up on this. I am one of the slow losers. 28 pounds since Feb. When the doctor asked how much I wanted to lose, I said to a size 12/14. I Was wearing 22/24, and 26/28. He thought that was reasonable. I wore my pants 24's so tight at the waist I had to unbutton them to sit. I figured if it hurt enough I wouldn't eat more. Now I can take them off without undoing them. Wear stuff I haven't worn in a long time. So I am seeing changes in my health and size, so it's time to stop beating myself up. I told him a size not a weight. NO MORE SCALE!! NO MORE SCALE!!</p> <p> </p> <p> <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/whoo.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Whoo" smilieid="339" class="inlineimg" />Bonnie</p>
  8. Mich, Please don't count on Jan.08, I started April 06 I finally had my surgery Feb.12 2007. Unless it is different for self payers and you are one of them, I think it takes alittle longer than that. I'm so glad I got it done. They tell you it's a two year plan, I'm don't know if that takes in the wait time to surgery and then the losing. I don't know. Good luck. Bonnie
  9. kedasmom

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Hello everyone, I'm up at the campground now, this is for the summer. I got a fill just before I left. This one put me in a place I've been waiting for since Feb.12th. I went out with friends to a pizza shop. Normally I could eat 3/4 of the pizza easily. 1 peice and I was stuffed. What a wonderful feeling. Now I feel like doing something, so I have been out for a walk every morning and evening. I have 2.1cc in a 4cc band. Now I have to wait till I can get to a scale to see if things are moving in the right direction. Maybe I'll see a difference in my clothes before I get to that scale. (I don't have to unzip my pants when sitting anymore:clap2:) Bonnie
  10. kedasmom

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I to like the idea of Amethyst, not sure what I would want, but I like it. Are you using the jewelry as a goal to lose a certain amount of weight or all of your weight? I go for my 4th fill 6/12, (I have 1.8cc) I hope this one gets things moving. Every time I start exercising I end up in PT. Now it's my elbow. Maybe if I got off 30 or 40 pounds I could get more active without hurting my self. 4 more days of driving bus and I'll move up to th campground for the summer. Near Hampton Beach NH. I don't care for the beach or crowds but it's in the woods and a real pretty area. so I'll try getting alittle more walking in.
  11. kedasmom

    February 2007 bandsters!

    <p>CONSTIPATION <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/eek.gif" border="0" alt="" title="EEK!" smilieid="10" class="inlineimg" />. . . This is a good salad that is high in protein and really helps move things along.</p> <p>1 can (15ozs.) black beans, kidney beans and chickpeas, rinsed and drained. Add cherry tomatoes quartered, 1/2 chopped celery, 1/4 cup red pepper, 1/4 cup sliced green olives, chopped green onoin, and a jar or corn relish (which you find in with the regular relish) It has a sweet taste. I also add feta cheese if I have it. I don't usually foam at the mouth with this. I think cause it is all small foods. My family now likes it too.</p>
  12. kedasmom

    February 2007 bandsters!

    A couple of days ago I said Armkam was nuts going a a field trip with kids, well here I am today with a bus load at the fish ladder in Turnersfalls, MA. But I brought my laptop, so I'll catch up on some reading. I go for another fill June 12, that will my 4th. So far I have 1.8cc. Went to a group meeting last night at UMass (Worcester MA) Mostly gastric bypass people. I think there were maybe 6 lapbanders there. It was really good talking in person with someone who has just been banded and someone who is a couple years out. still at 18lbs down, but that could be 18lbs up. Chat again soon. Bonnie
  13. Hello, I'm going to the meeting Thursday night, May 24th. I'll wear a red windbreaker, I wear glasses and have short brown hair. I'll have a friend with me who has a long braid. When you walk in the door I'll try to sit on the right hand side of the room. Bonnie
  14. kedasmom

    February 2007 bandsters!

    ARMKAM Are you nuts. . . going with 5/bus loads to 6 Flags? I just got off my bus run, couldn't wait! Makes me love my own children all the more. They are all out now (34, 30 & 28). Anyway you have a wonderful time. I hope when I finally lose some serious weight that I feel good enough to get down and play in the sand box with my grand children and not need a forklift to get me up. Slow going, but it is going. Bonnie
  15. Hello again, I went yesterday for my last exercise class with Janet Huehls. I ws the oly one there. I like that one on one. Anyway she gave me a print out and the next meeting it May 24th. This will be my last meeting until Sept. when I go back to driving. I'll be up near Hampton Beach and thats to much of a drive for an hour meeting. So let me know if you plan on attending. Bonnie
  16. Smyly and superali72, Hope the two of you are doing well. Just had my 3rd fill this week. I had a NP do it. She did a wonderful job. Was over in no time. She put in .3cc, said that they will put in .2cc or .3 from now on. I am feeling more restriction and have to make sure I chew everything really good. But I'm more hopeful that this one will do the trick and make the weight lose start happening again. Let me know how you are doing.. Bonnie
  17. Hello Everyone, I've just been reading posts, :typing: seems like we are all going through about the same thing. We are so excided to have this band done, then we have some weight lose, then come to a stand still. For some of us this can be a couple of months :think , thats me. I went for my 3rd fill yesterday. The NP did a wonderful job with that needle. I have 1.8cc now, she said they usually put in .2 or .3cc from now on. So to all of us in this postion, I hope we finally hit that "sweet spot" Bonnie
  18. kedasmom

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I have to take 1 Flintstones chewable and 2 Tums. Maybe taking a vitamin is good for me, I haven't been sick since surgery. Feb 12th, and I usually catch everything going around. I drive school bus. I'll be having my 3rd fill May 8th, I'm at 1.5cc now with little restriction. Hope the next one does the trick
  19. I think the next meeting is the 3rd Thursday in May, the 17th. Keep in touch and maybe we can meet up at that meeting. I drive school bus so once school ends I go to New Hampshire to work at a campground and only come home for dr. appointments.. The last meeting I attended, I only saw one women that had lapband surgery. Most of the talking was all about gastric bypass. When I had my surgery I had to stay over due to sleep apena. They were all very nice. I'm due to get another fill (3rd) May 8th. I have lost 18lbs. Wish it was more but. . .it is down. I had more restriction after surgery. But once the swelling goes down you have to be careful not to gain it back. They are good about moving your appointments up if you are not feeling any restriction. I had mine moved up twice now. Hoping this next one will do the trick. I have 1.5cc's right now. Chat soon Bonnie
  20. Exercise--Not till I was 6 weeks out of surgery, but walking was okay and lifting nothing heavier than a gallon milk jug.
  21. Margi, I go to the weight center at UMASS, in Worcester MA. They recommanded sugar-free Carnation Instant BreakfastYou mix it with milk. Because it has more vit. than alot of the other mixes do. It's pretty good for a protein shake. There are 3 flavors, but look for the blue box (sugarfree).
  22. Superali72, I was banded Feb 12th. I started this whole process in April 06. Here's my e-mail, kedasmom@yahoo.com If you would like to keep in touch. Maybe we'll see each other at one of the group meetings. I don't find many lapbanders at the meetings. So I haven't gone lately. Chat soon Bonnie
  23. superali72, I had Dr. Czerniah for my last fill (2nd one). He was doing fills and they wanted to move my date up, so they put me with him. Dr. Kelly did my surgery, Feb 12th. All has gone well. When did you have your surgery? Hope to chat again soon Bonnie
  24. kedasmom

    new and seeking advice re removal

    Marrakesh, First off you need to talk to your doctors, and tell them everything you wrote here. Then they will help you deside what steps to take next. Having the band removed is a big step backwards, since we all had this done because we couldn't get the weight off by ourselves we have to expect to be back in the same boat as before surgery. Right now I have no restriction, I've had 1 fill (1cc) I can eat whatever, as long as I, chew an chew. But I'm up and down on the scale and at this rate I'll never lose. So if anything I would talk to them about about unfilling your band and see how that goes. Talk to your Doctors.
  25. kedasmom

    Feb 2007 Bandsters: April Challenge

    I'm in too. I need this push terribly. My friend says I would sleep my life away if I could. She's right. Went to my first exercise class this morning.(this is part of the program for weight-loss surgery at U-Mass) We "talked" about doing it. Next week we "do it". Now I have a chart, but I guess I have to do more than look at it. After 7hrs. of driving I needed a nap, so I'll go out on my treadmill now. I'm having no problem getting it the water. Good Luck to all.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
