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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kedasmom

  1. Skparks. Haven’t met any one with the same date. I’m 65, my son had the sleeve done 5 days after me. He keeps telling me not to compare us. I try not to. I am feeling better than him. He seems to be having hot flashes, so he gets alittle nauseous. How’s the eating going.? I’m having the most trouble with the vitamins. Hope all is well. Bonnie
  2. I’m down 32lbs since I started. Went to drs yesterday, she said I’m about 4lbs off from where they would have me, but being a revision and older and a woman I’m doing great. We tweaked my diet alittle and chatted about more exercise. My surgery date was 8-2-17. Hope everyone is doing well
  3. Congratulations on your loss. I think when you are sedated it takes longer to get our strength back after surgery,the older we get. My son had sleeve surgery a week after me, he's lost almost 50lbs. He's not feeling as well as me.
  4. Hope all are doing well, surgery was Aug 2. I'm doing well, I'm back from camp, driving school bus. I really need to start a routine of exercise. Walking to start, then add in some other activity. I keep saying another 10 lbs and body parts won't hurt so much, but I'm thinking it may be just an excuse not to start. I need a starting point.
  5. Will be a week tomorrow, my son had sleeve Monday. My dog had 2 puppies (that didn't go smoothly). I'm hoping by Friday I will be back at camp with alittle less activity.
  6. Just did band to sleeve 8/2, I'm 65. Hope this goes better than the band
  7. Don't know if I'd sue but it does seem like a rip off, all these years (2007) l felt I'd failed again. Now I will be 65 going through surgery again. Still have to jump through all the hoops. Weight 265, this will make life harder the older I get. So here I go again.
  8. kedasmom

    Bingo wings......Aaarrrggghhhhh!!!!! ????

    Having had mine removed was tremendous up-lift for me. Maybe if I was younger the arms might have bounced back. But hugh arms run in my family. Dr. took 2lbs off each arm. Now I go to spin classes, zumba, and I took up kayaking.
  9. kedasmom

    Bingo wings......Aaarrrggghhhhh!!!!! ????

    I have not been on here in a long time, but saw this thread and wanted to coment. I had Brachioplasty done 3 years ago. I'd do it again. I have long scars. And so when the surgon said you will have a scar, I waved my fat arm and said "you think I care about a scar" , and she replyed I would make a great patient. I went from a size 3x to a 1x just having those arms done. I didn't wait for my weight to be gone either. (Thats a work in process). But I feel so much better about myself. No amount of exercise would have ever made them go away.
  10. kedasmom

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Hi Doddie63, I'm just getting back to this thread, been feeling a little off for a couple of months:crying:. We had a little carbon monoxide stuff going on in our house. The lining in our chimney dropped (second time this has has happened) down so nothing was going up it. This house is going to kill me. I'm in need of ideas on fast things to eat. No work and little cooking. Need motivation on getting back on my bike. Bonnie
  11. kedasmom

    February 2007 bandsters!

    okay, what happened everyone one here. Was hoping to get a little boost. Hope everyone is doing good. Bonnie
  12. kedasmom

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Thanks for asking Zannie, When I went in for a check at the weight center, I talked to a doctor about my arms. He said It might give me a boost if I went ahead with this and gave me the name of a plastic surgeon. My arms did not change much with weight loss. To buy a top I would have to look at 2-3X Now it's XL -1X, I have even bought in the regular size department. She (Dr. Lalikos at UMASSMemorial, Hahnemann Campus. Worcester MA) said they took off almost 2lbs off each arm, her words were "dramatic". When I first saw her she started to talk about the scars it would leave. I held up my arm and waved the fat at her and said "with this you think I care about a scar". I have had people ask if I'm okay because it looks like I have drop alot of weight. Wouldn't think 4 lbs could do so much for me. I think of it as like a second hand car payment. They had financing, so for $6300 I went for it. My surgery was Feb 11, So far I couldn't be happier. It was day surgery, went home on drugs :frown:. I went back to work Feb.22nd, I drive school bus. Any other questions, feel free to ask. Bonnie
  13. kedasmom

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Hello everyone, I haven't been on for, I don't know, that's sad. This place always made me feel like trying harder. I'm down 36 to 40 lbs. I barf when I eat things I shouldn't or to much of something. But.....I know where I would be if i hadn't had it done. So I guess I would go through it again and again. I did just get a .02 fill a week ago. One month ago I had Brachioplasty Bilateral. Have hated my arms all my life. No amount of exercise was ever going to take it off. Hard way to lose 4lbs. But I am thrill to fit into shirts now. Hoping this will give me a push to get rid of a few more pounds. Best to all. Bonnie
  14. kedasmom

    I'm here to help...

    Hello Ladies, Had my granddaughters (8,4,&3)all weekend. I'm wiped. Thought I would be taking them sliding, but it rained last night so it is a little slushy. But we managed to get in swim classes. a dental fair. Some shopping and at least 6 showers.(baths) Also hours and hours of the wii bowling. Their PaPa is going to get the joy of this next weekend. But they ate what I ate, and didn't suffer for it. I get so much info from you girls. Thankyou. I think listening to you all makes me work alittle harder. You know "If they can do it i can too) Thank you again. Bonnie
  15. kedasmom

    I'm here to help...

    Hello Everyone, My week has been going pretty good at keeping my journal. Because of my foot, I still am not able to use my treadmill. But I do use my Wii Training. Works up a sweat and gets the heart rate up. I did have one night that really sucked. I could taste my sleep meds:scared2:. until they finally made me gag. Then I had heartburn, nothing would make it go away. Got up at 11:30pm drank a glass of milk and ate 1/2 bag of Heathbar crunch (left overs from covered pretzels). Then my mind reasoned that I would only eat the rest tomorrow, sooooooo I ate the rest. The heartburn was gone and I slept like I never ate it until the morning came and I had to face myself. Couldn't look at this site for days, knowing how well everyone is doing:hurt:Have been kicking myself since then. But I'm over it and WON'T have that in the house again.Thanks for listening or reading. Bonnie
  16. kedasmom

    Wii Fit

    I check my age in the wiisports today, I'm 4 years younger than I was the last time I did it, and 10 years younger than I am. I guess all that heart pumping and sweating must be doing something for me.:confused: I do like this thing. Have a great evening Ladies. Bonnie
  17. kedasmom

    Wii Fit

    I got mine at GAMESTOP and all the other games there as well. I'm still at a loss as how to use the mat for Dance Dance Revolution. It still just boo's at me. I was telling my gp doctor how I use it. He said he tried one in phys. ther. Said the skiing was hard. But he could see the work out benifits from it. Have a fun day Bonnie
  18. kedasmom

    I'm here to help...

    Hello Ladies, Thank goodness school vacation is over. Out to eat and a long scrapbook weekend didn't look good on my food journal. I was suppose to leave today for bike week with my brother, but he didn't have enough bikes to haul to make it worth his while:cursing:. Instead I saw my Dr. and nutritionist yesterday(in Worcester,MA), we worked on my food lists. He didn't give me a fill, he's not happy with pbing. I'm a 4cc with 2.7cc's in it. No carbs. (bread), which always makes me bp. Guess I'm a slow learner. So my journal looks alot better for these past 2 days. I'm still wearing the surgery shoe from my fall down the stairs. Drive bus barefoot. Have another appointment with my regular dr. Fri. Have a healthy day. Bonnie
  19. kedasmom

    I'm here to help...

    I'm writing it all down, don't want to, cause then I really know when I'm not getting the protein I need or the water. But I'm sure I jinks:willy_nilly: myself in the exercise department. Just came back from the hospital, fell down my spiral stairs, right foot, big toe and others. I swear I'll do anything to get out of exercise. And this is just the start of vacation week from work. Bonnie
  20. kedasmom

    I'm here to help...

    Hello Ladies, I'm looking for help getting back on track, I'm not even sure where to start. Banded Feb. 2007. Was happy, and losing. . slowly. I would do it again and again. But for the last year I have just maintained. DH broke his hip, I had to take over his jobs. Takeout, fast-food and what ever would go down easy. . Finally went back to Drs."I haven't seen you in 14mos!" he put in the smallest amount to see how I would do. I go see the nutrionist in 2 weeks and the Dr. right after my visit with her. I'm suppose to keep a food chart for 5 days. She will have a fit:scared2:. I eat to fast, swallow food whole, then pb. Bonnie
  21. kedasmom

    Wii Fit

    for some one who does nothing in the way of exercise, just the training part of the wiisports had me huffing and puffing. I bought the dance dance revolution, but I'm having trouble just getting anything right on that. I just get booed at. But I'm having fun with the rest Bonnie
  22. kedasmom

    Wii Fit

    I wanted the wiifit but I'm afraid it would be one more thing I buy and don't use. I do like the boxing and bowling games. Do love to dance so I'm going to check into the dance dance one. Thanks
  23. lessofme Your date is the same as mine. I'm down 38lbs. I have had 5 fills. I have skipped my last 2 fills. The last time the doctor said he would give me one if I wanted. But he hated to over fill, because he said when you take some out, it does not mean you will go back to where you were before. So I'm at 2.4 and plan on staying there awhile. Bonnie
  24. Hello everyone, and congrats to all of you. I have been reading what you all have been chating about but no time to reply. My DH fell and broke his hip, so my life has been centered around him. Hurrying to do his part time jobs (Trash route, paper route, annd some cleaning jobs) as well as drive school bus. So the walking I had been doing is down the toilet. I'm eating to fast so you know what that means, barfing, barfing, and some more barfing !!! Well he just yelled down to me that the timer on the oven has gone off. So much for a few minutes on the computor thank for being here when I have time. Bonnie
  25. I read in a magazine (don't ask which one) that they have a pill now that is used as a prep. Maybe that is the way to go for us. Ask you doctor.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
